New details have emerged about the perpetrator of the Magdeburg attack. According to consistent media reports, he is Taleb A., a man from Saudi Arabia born in 1974. According to 'WDR' and 'NDR', he
had renounced Islam at the end of the 1990s and was marked for death for apostasy. Because of this, he fled to Germany.
He is considered a "prominent figure within the Saudi exile community".
On social media, he'd frequently warned against the "Islamisation of Germany" and lamented: "Germany wants to Islamise Europe" and accused German police of being "the real drivers of Islamism".
According to 'Die Welt', he had frequently threatened to exact "revenge" and announced a "moment of revenge" on his X profile at 7.07 pm. "Germany will have to pay the price", he wrote in a now deleted post. Despite his threats of "revenge", he was not known to the authorities.