Politics The COVID-19 pandemic news and discussion.

Interesting posts guys :)
Just wondering though if any members have self isolated yet?

This is really up to where you live, boss.

Last I read, the UK has closed school, high school and universities, also bars, restaurants and cinemas. A wise and long overdue move IMO.

Wish I wouldn't "self isolate" especially during the beginning of a warming and sunny spring but running errands, going to any medical appointments and the pharmacy are the only things I can do anymore until further notice. No choice really, a fine of 135€ if I intend to be unruly and put myself or others at risk is a bit of a deterrent.
Interesting posts guys :)
Just wondering though if any members have self isolated yet?

I still go to work, as do my 3 salespeople. Other than that, I avoid staying too long in public spaces. You´re supposed to cover face and nose when in any public space here anyways, and it´s not that comfortable.
You´re supposed to cover face and nose when in any public space here anyways, and it´s not that comfortable.
Do you find masks easy and are they at or close to a normal price ?
Well in the present climate, the case of the Italian masks intercepted by the CZ and Poland confirm the EU is not a country, has no authority, and does not replace national executive power. If some people were worried, this should be a great relief. The EU is a free market, an attempt to harmonize legislation, but they have no black helicopters.

Times are tough. I have a feeling that if I would need intensive care in a Slovak hospital, and they would be overwhelmed, I probably would not be taken care of.
Your post requires a more detailed information.
The Poles stopped a shipment of 23,000 locally-produced face-masks that are more than extremely likely to be shipped to Italy as soon as possible, as a new law forbidding any unapproved shipment of a protective equimpent has come into effect JUST ONE DAY BEFORE (the 20th March).
The incident happened on the 21st March.

On the other hand, the Czechs stopped the shipment of the masks that were produced in China, while Czechia was just a transit country.

More about the Polish-Italian issue in Italian (as it may be easier to read than in Polish and google translate did the job well this time, translating Italian into English):
First reported case of a French medical staff dying of COVID-19.
Do you find masks easy and are they at or close to a normal price ?
I don't care about any masks, I do care about the toilet paper. That's where I found the local Romanian community very helpful, as they were better supplied than British supermarkets. They also had some overpriced sanitisers.
Can you see that shop described purely for shits and giggles as "POLSKI SKLEP" that means "Polish shop"?
It's actually run by Romanians and you can see the Romanian flag on the top. You can see how clever Romanians are. They took over the name, but they put the Romanian flag on the top, the Polish flag below and the British flag even further down the line. Very mean and talented people!!!

My utmost respect for their amazing skills!

Visiting it last week sorted out my problems immediately and I became a much happier person.
The staff is very friendly, they have a lot of products and they have better prices than at most of Polish shops.

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Do you find masks easy and are they at or close to a normal price ?

I had some out of date masks that I had bought in Japan. Better than nothing, but people make their own with textile now. My wife is finishing one for me, better because washable. Pharmacies don't have them, people bought a lot in january/february.

Slovakia has a factory that makes some. As well we have a company that is a big manufacturer of respirators.
Russia send military medic and desinfection teams to Italy. First Il-76 already departed Moscow today, it is a first group of Russian team of about 100 specialists with all needed equipment and supply.

Do you find masks easy and are they at or close to a normal price ?

About the 600 doctors having put a complaint against Edouard Philippe for his craziness.
The 600 doctors are as responsible as the politicians. From 2011 the Cours des Comptes said it was too expensive for the State to keep strategical stockpiles of masks (and that it was too a burden from a taxes on the professionals). So the State gave the responsabilities to each actor (public but also private clinics, practitioners, elder houses etc) that were too happy.... because it allowed to spare money
90% of those moaning for masks now should had have their own stockpiles. But it is easy to blame the State and forget his own scroungery. In particular, i am thinking about Clinics/houses for elder persons that are short of masks each year when flu hits the residents and personal.
What it does not say is that it has to be crafted by your local babushka.

In Soviet times every kids in schools made these things on Civil Defense lessons. Nuclear/chemical warfare is not a joke.
I even want to post some soviet civil defense poster with rules how to made and wear this mask, but they are too scary to be posted even on military forum. :)
In Soviet times every kids in schools made these things on Civil Defense lessons. Nuclear/chemical warfare is not a joke.
I even want to post some soviet civil defense poster with rules how to made and wear this mask, but they are too scary to be posted even on military forum. :)

I remember seeing a few Soviet-era Civil Defense posters about nuclear blasts and fallout.
The artistic style was very interesting.
Russia. Daily report.
367 total cases (61 new, 54 of them in Moscow), 1 dead.

Tomorrow Russia will stop flights to a number of countries, most signinficant are Turkey, Thailand and Belorussia.
In Soviet times every kids in schools made these things on Civil Defense lessons. Nuclear/chemical warfare is not a joke.
I even want to post some soviet civil defense poster with rules how to made and wear this mask, but they are too scary to be posted even on military forum. :)
Send me a PM then.

I remember seeing a few Soviet-era Civil Defense posters about nuclear blasts and fallout.
The artistic style was very interesting.
I enjoyed Soviet martial arts drawings, that is sambo, posted in Polish military magazines in the 80s. These were the times when I was learning Russian at school at the age of 12-14. Sadly, I have not practised my Russian since 1990. It was very easy to memorise and pronounce by a Polish guy due to the similarity. Just a couple of different letters plus a softer and more melodic pronounciation of the same words. Sometimes a different accent and an occasional different meaning of exactly the same words that was making me laugh.
Send me a PM then.

Civil Defense. Original soviet posters album (93 images)

Just a couple of different letters plus a softer and more melodic pronounciation of the same words. Sometimes a different accent and an occasional different meaning of exactly the same words that was making me laugh.

Ha, Polish and Czech also somewhat understandable for Russian, especially if you know some ukrainian (i do not learn it, but after 2014 crisis read/listen enough ukrainian news and videos to understand daily ukrainian). Polish Sklep you mentioned earlier in Russian means crypt/tomb. And even more funny different meaning of the same words with Czech and Russian.
Hard thing with Polish is latin alphabet combined with slavic language. My eyes bleeding when read this.
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