Politics German Politics & News

What the actual —
Oh no! It's designed to curb migration! Whatever will we do!
Run this again.
Legal experts say it may conflict with some of the basic principles of the German constitution, but I'll have to look it up.
The court will decide.
"Run this again"?
I think he meant "read this again". Sometimes, things like this happen. When I read my posts, I can see a lot of out of character things as well.
You probably also forgot his standard “Never go full retard, bro” line.

What the actual —
Oh no! It's designed to curb migration! Whatever will we do!

It better be. We are being plundered if we continue this path. Refugees even sent money home.

That was the reason to start that. We have a very benevolent system easy to abuse.

We housed all Syrians from Putlers friends war and now also Ukrainians. They are real refugees not all the Arabs hating us making war together with Putler and offloading refugees as a weapon on us.

We again have a fifth column over here propagating that task.

We have a fifth column for every self detrimental issue.

So to let the AfD not rise anymore the problem must be addressed. And swiftly people see only bla bla and no actions.

You can't sit that out.
Look at this statistics. Germany seems to still be the near easts living room. Still top refugee origin country:


Meanwhile the Gulf clowns in Dubai and elsewhere suck Putlers cock and give a S**t about Palis, Syrians and all their other brethren in religion and culture.

We have other problems at the moment sorry doors must be closed for good.

In the new east west world it will get harder anyway to move around.
It better be. We are being plundered if we continue this path. Refugees even sent money home.

That was the reason to start that. We have a very benevolent system easy to abuse.

We housed all Syrians from Putlers friends war and now also Ukrainians. They are real refugees not all the Arabs hating us making war together with Putler and offloading refugees as a weapon on us.

We again have a fifth column over here propagating that task.

We have a fifth column for every self detrimental issue.

So to let the AfD not rise anymore the problem must be addressed. And swiftly people see only bla bla and no actions.

You can't sit that out.
Some Ukrainians take the p1ss as well and they are part of the problem. Many of them require help, but still many enough don't. They move from Poland to Germany, as you give them more social handouts. As said before, 67% of them living in Poland work, while 30%+ of them living in Germany do. I don't think it's something normal. I don't think your welfare system is sustainable, as you need people who actually work due to the ageing population.
I don't think somebody who lives 10-20km from the Polish border is a genuine refugee.
I wonder if somebody finances these people, so AfD will get more votes during the future EU elections:
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I wonder if somebody finances these people, so AfD will get more votes during the future EU elections:
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They do the same in their countries of origin every time some "Hope & Change" moron topples the security apparatus keeping these psychopaths down.

They don't need russian funding for that, violent spreading is the core of their religion.
@Musashi & @Picanha

The fact that only a third of Ukrainian refugees in Germany work for a living is mainly through no fault of their own, though.

You both know I'm highly critical of "refugees welcome" style policies, but I just can't blame those people for using the system when that's what the system basically forces them to do. It's an irony of history (and a measure of the sheer incompetence of the Merkel and Scholz administrations) that Germany combines extremely immigration-friendly migration laws with extremely immigration-hostile labour laws.

A refugee cannot legally work in Germany without a permit (a compromise struck in the 1990's to protect Germans' jobs).

But he or she won't get a work permit until their application for asylum has been processed and decided upon, which may take more than a year. In addition, the application process for a work permit itself may easily take up another six months.

And in many cases whilst the refugee's asylum plea may be squashed, they still can't be deported for unrelated reasons (e.g. refusal of cooperation on part of their country of origin), in which case they won't get a work permit due to their status as an illegal immigrant.

Even if they do get a permit, most of them will not be able to actually contribute to society as the law blocks them from working in their previous trade or profession. Most jobs in Germany require a formal training under standards set by the chambers (of commerce, trade, medicine etc. pp.). If a foreigner wants to take up employment, they have to prove that whatever training they graduated from is equal to its German counterpart. It's a relatively easy process for migrants from within the European Union, but ridiculously difficult for anybody else.

In practice, this means that e.g. an Ukrainian nurse with twenty years of experience on the job will be treated by German law as a complete and utter layperson until she's jumped through all the bureaucratic hoops and proven her training is as good as a German nurse's. Until then, she won't be able to work as a nurse. That's easily another year spent waiting for a notice of recognition.

Of course our Ukrainian nurse could take up some form unskilled labour (such as a harvest hand), or she could seek to re-train and acquire a German professional degree – but why would she want to do that if she hopes she'll be able to return to Ukraine soon enough?

There'll be Ukrainians who fled to Germany on February 24 2022, who're still waiting for all their bloody paperwork to be done. So frankly, if we're talking about actual refugees who mean to return to their county of origin as soon as possible, I absolutely understand anyone who just tells themselves "are you kidding me with all that red tape, I'll just live off the dole then". I know I'd to the same.
I know about this problem. But the solution can't be to let in more and more while not addressing this issue.

You just inflate the resulting problems. And it will get hard to put people to work after years on the dole.

And I still critize the amalgamation of immigration and refugees.

Maybe many would just apply for work visas if possible? Instead of working our stupid asylum machinery?

There are new laws though allowing refugees to work after 9 and respectively 6 months.
Hopefully this gets through, removal of all Huawei components. Was totally idiotic to allow Ruzzias best friend to install that over here.

Seems the DDR is still pretty much alive...?
Can’t speak as I said before for Germany, but the French commentators do mention about a terrible campaign from the AfD, making bordering to downright stupid comments as « Not every SS were Nazis thugs » (I think that was the wording until our German peers confirm).

Yet they managed to do really well indeed in the former eastern Germany beside Berlin, naturally.

Olaf’s party took a big blow. Blaming it all on the Mannheim incident and the recent afghan stabbing an Ukrainian woman in Frankfurt is simplistic and silly, but something is happening when a far-right party leads the actual party in power even in a European election.

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