Polonia și-a schimbat strategia de apărare din cauza masacrului de la Bucea: ”Nu ne mai apărăm pe Vistula”
În loc de o retragere pe aliniamente mai avantajoase, armata poloneză va încerca să lupte pentru fiecare așezare.
Instead of a retreat to more advantageous alignments, the Polish army will try to fight for each settlement.
Russia's large-scale unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has changed the security situation in the world and in Europe.
Although not formally found in the strategic documents on security and defense, the direction in which Polish decision-makers are looking is clear - Warsaw has changed its operational plan for the country's defense in the event of an invasion from the east.
Now, the Polish army plans to maintain its defense positions on the border with Russia and Belarus, and not inside the country, as previously assumed. This was stated by the Polish Minister of Defense, Mariusz Blaszczak , in an interview with I.pl.
"We no longer defend the Vistula"
In order to implement the new Polish defense strategy, another Mechanized Division will be created to cover the area between two other divisions now defending Poland from the east, i.e. the 16th and 18th Divisions .
"We renounce the doctrine that has been in force for many years. At that time, it was assumed that the defense of Poland would start only on the Vistula line and that we would hand over the eastern part of the country without a fight," said the defense minister.
According to Blaszczak, the experience of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, especially the Bucea massacre, forced the Poles to abandon the old doctrine. The Polish authorities intend to prevent the recurrence of similar tragedies on their territory.
"We undertake a fight for every piece of Poland. Therefore, we must be strong and very strong especially in the east of our country, because here is the main line of our security and independence," the minister said.
The massacre in Bucea
In the first days of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops managed to capture the northern suburbs of Kiev, including the city of Bucea. After a month of heavy fighting, the occupiers had to retreat.
In the liberated territories, a picture of large-scale war crimes committed by the occupiers against the civilian population was revealed. At least 400 civilians were killed by the Russians. Numerous evidences of war crimes and even genocide by the Russian Army have been discovered: shooting, torture, rape and looting of the civilian population.
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