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High prices, energy costs, lack of affordable housing are all effects of obsessive focus on climate change only exacerbated by migrants automatically being moved to the front of the queue for housing and free new stuff while taxpayers get refused at foodbanks because they earn €10 too much to qualify.

Young people feel the effects of environmental protection legislation every day and the effects of immigration occasionally to rarely. Emphasises the brain rot in major cities where highly educated high income young women vote into power parties who will make sure they can't get a house, get taxed to death, pay a premium for all costs of living and get sexually harassed (at minimum) by migrants on the streets.
I believe that can be true for some countries.

But here in Slovakia we have the same problem, and the migrants have nothing to do with it. Prices have skyrocketed, making housing unaffordable. One of the reasons are the lower interest rates, that get compensated by a higher buying price. You also have a cash crunch on the younger people. This is also due to the fact that people live older, and you inherit from your parents at 55 or even 60. Flats owned by older people are unavailable on the market, or reserved for use of family members.

Also factories have closed and many were in rural industrial districts. New jobs are in cities, and those who never had a flat there, or no family member there,, and whose possession is worthless because in a an economically depressed area have to storm out more cash.

The housing crunch is more the result of strong economic forces and transitions IMHO.
I believe that can be true for some countries.

But here in Slovakia we have the same problem, and the migrants have nothing to do with it. Prices have skyrocketed, making housing unaffordable. One of the reasons are the lower interest rates, that get compensated by a higher buying price. You also have a cash crunch on the younger people. This is also due to the fact that people live older, and you inherit from your parents at 55 or even 60. Flats owned by older people are unavailable on the market, or reserved for use of family members.

Also factories have closed and many were in rural industrial districts. New jobs are in cities, and those who never had a flat there, or no family member there,, and whose possession is worthless because in a an economically depressed area have to storm out more cash.

The housing crunch is more the result of strong economic forces and transitions IMHO.
Slovakia used to be richer than Poland before the adoption of the euro in SK. Since that, Poland has been more successful.
Wages are lower and prices are higher in SK.
I work with a Polish guy who is married to a Slovakian woman. Their family complain a lot about the cost of living.
Slovakia used to be richer than Poland before the adoption of the euro in SK. Since that, Poland has been more successful.
Wages are lower and prices are higher in SK.
I work with a Polish guy who is married to a Slovakian woman. Their family complain a lot about the cost of living.
The Euro is'nt the culprit. Economic stagnation and no business reforms have done the damage.
Quite funny how Paris is one of the few places not won over by LePen, and still rioting nevertheless.

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Quite funny how Paris is one of the few places not won over by LePen, and still rioting nevertheless.

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That's why it's rioting ;)

Where there are leftists, there are riots. Stunning and brave mostly peaceful protests.

Where there are conservatives, there is peace, especially in more rural places aka Nazi Land according to the MSM.
Another funny thing is how the media, altogether, came to the conclusion that "well, that's because Europeans are racists" to explain the results of the elections...
Is it real?
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The flag thing? Yes.

France being out of control? Meh... that's a rather common thing. Just like "islamists" and antifa going after flags (some flags more than others).

France being one step away from civil war? lmao Nah.

But with rumors about Macron talking about resignation, which I hope he isn't retarded enough to go through that idea, if that were to happen... I really doubt France would fare as well as Belgium back when they had no government.
The next presidential elections are in 2027... that's 3 years without "leader"...
Sure will be an interesting moment in History, but I am not sure I want to experience it.
Is it real?
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Tearing down the tricolor is very much real.

« Civil war » is a lame clickbait, look back some five years ago at the peak of the infamous yellow vest movement which wasn’t a civil war, though severe unrest close to insurrection.

We’re nowhere close to civil war, though the political situation is dire for Macron and the leftists have been crying their moms since Sunday evening.
High prices, energy costs, lack of affordable housing are all effects of obsessive focus on climate change only exacerbated by migrants automatically being moved to the front of the queue for housing and free new stuff while taxpayers get refused at foodbanks because they earn €10 too much to qualify.

Young people feel the effects of environmental protection legislation every day and the effects of immigration occasionally to rarely. Emphasises the brain rot in major cities where highly educated high income young women vote into power parties who will make sure they can't get a house, get taxed to death, pay a premium for all costs of living and get sexually harassed (at minimum) by migrants on the streets.
These are valid issues becoming more important as the situation worsens.
Lack of disposable income, lack of a future in our society for young people is a big disservice to them.
Green taxes with no real hope of achieving anything, nor of achieving their targets (meaning probable fines or more taxes) adds a sort of hopelessness to EU. Lip service and gaslighting people about security (or being racists) while governments work hard to reduce our security is starting to run out of road.
Running out of road...our recent greenies refused to fix potholes and complained their replacements are allocating money for it.. They hate private cars. They are insane.

Slavic backwater Slovakia has become the safe, low emissions car maker for the EU though, its not like the old days with the robots they are allowed to give out subsidies to set up the factories which needed EU approval of course.
Scholz was asked by a journalist if he'd like to comment on his party's poor showing in the European elections. He answered with a two-letter word: Nö. Which is the kid's talk version of Nein i.e. 'no'. Then, he just left her hanging and pissed off.

I think I mentioned in the Russo-Ukrainian War thread how his own defence committee's chairwoman recently went on record calling him "autistic". Jesus Christ on a bike. That man is a piece of work.
Scholz was asked by a journalist if he'd like to comment on his party's poor showing in the European elections. He answered with a two-letter word: Nö. Which is the kid's talk version of Nein i.e. 'no'. Then, he just left her hanging and pissed off.

I think I mentioned in the Russo-Ukrainian War thread how his own defence committee's chairwoman recently went on record calling him "autistic". Jesus Christ on a bike. That man is a piece of work.
Old Olaf used to be the most popular German politician before the last general election.
In the meantime, Z-assets show their true colours:
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There may be more pressing issues than that...
Very sad. May he rest in peace.

Excuse me for asking so bluntly, but "stabbed in the chest"? Is that correct? The pictures I saw from Polish troops deployed along the border regularly show them with body armour.
Body armor can be penetrated by a knife, thats why "stab-proof" vest exist mainly used by ambulance crews, police in countries where gun crimes are low.
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If you are hinting at the lack of "migrants" one explanation is most migrants do not want to stay in Hungary, they are looking to head further west, apart from that its a scene at a spa/baths which can be seen in many former (Communist) East European countries.
Very nice, European nature restorations per capita (copied from another site)

So fair, so balanced.

If you don't know, these Einsteins took 1950 or some other year as a starting point to determine start year. Hence Finland that developed late and has highest forest and wetland percentages, pays most.

Meanwhile countries that were fast enough to turn their countries to agricultural land early, pay little. Logic

Annual costs of the EU restoration regulation per person:
Austria 7.08 e
Belgium 5.56 e
Bulgaria 10.76 e
Cyprus 7.93 e
Czech 3.79 e
Germany 2.25 e
Denmark 29.70 e
Estonia 27.67 e
Spain 30.19 e
Finland 167.36 e
France 30.27 e
Greece 3.27 e
Croatia 16.46 e
Hungary 13.90 e
Ireland 25.80 e
Italy 4.44 e
Lithuania 28.10 e
Luxembourg 6.81 e
Latvia 28.89 e
Malta 0.74 e
Netherlands 2.98 e
Poland 14.84 e
Portugal 14.23 e
Romania 0.00 e
Sweden 60.60 e
Slovenia 30.05 e
Slovakia 17.96 e
https://www.ecologic.eu/sites/defau...ald-22-Nature-Restoration-Law-and-Funding.pdf /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_Union_member_states_by_population (est. 2023)
BTW, if you open the pdf, take a look at the claimed benefits. Best investment in the world with 10x return.
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