Politics The COVID-19 pandemic news and discussion.

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How the World Health Organisation placated China
"The main focus here is to discuss the World Health Organisation. It is not meant to reduce or take away the detrimental ramifications of inaction that took place around the globe among numerous governments.
The inaction and persistent delay by the United States for example, created a rolling effect that is increasingly creating panic and fear. The United States’ downplaying of the crisis led to disastrous consequences that warrants a discussion all on its own.
Dates Are Important
It was Wednesday March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus COVID-19, a pandemic.
December 31, 2019 was when the first “pneumonia of unknown case” was reported to the WHO China Office.
Thirteen days later, the first case of novel corona virus outside of China was confirmed.
It would be another 58 days, 118,000 known cases in 114 countries with over 4,291 lives lost, until the WHO declared coronavirus COVID-19 a pandemic."

Read the article:

and this:

via Financial Times.
" Taiwan has accused the World Health Organization of failing to communicate an early warning about transmission of the coronavirus between humans, slowing the global response to the pandemic.

Health officials in Taipei said they alerted the WHO at the end of December about the risk of human-to-human transmission of the new virus but said its concerns were not passed on to other countries. "

And this from Australia:
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ROMANIA - 22 03 2020 - First In Country Death connected to COVID-19 announced - 67 Year old man who was in the final stage of terminal cancer, confirmed to have the virus, I dont agree the death was caused by the virus itself seeing he was already dying of cancer but it makes a good headline.



A second patient who died was a 74-year-old man, hospitalised at Victor Babes Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Bucharest. He had been transferred from the University Hospital in Bucharest, with a pre-existing chronic condition. He was in the dialysis programme.

Sources quoted by Hotnews.ro said that the 74yo patient infected with coronavirus who died at Victor Babes Hospital on Sunday had come to the University Hospital by himself on Monday, March 16, as he had fever and was coughing. He was tested for coronavirus only four days after, meaning on Friday, March 20. After the test came out positive he was transferred in serious condition to Victor Babes Hospital, where he died today.

NEW UPDATE - 22:55 Sunday 22. 03. 2020

The third Romanian who died of Coronavirus is a 70yo man from Neamt county. He had pre-existing medical conditions, including diabetes and hypertension. The man died at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Iasi. The Strategic Communication Group said that the epidemiological inquiry in his case did showed that the man had not travel history and he was not registered as contact of an infected person.
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Well, if few month ago we saw such scene in some movie, we would find it ridiculous and unrealistic for sure.

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The Italians bring their madness to the next level and I don’t even think that’s a joke.
We still have to wait TEN more days for April Fool's Day.

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The Italians are upset that a plane coming from China to Italy on March 17th loaded with masks, had the masks unloaded and taken during the layover in the Czech republic. The Czech foreign affairs ministry published an apology... misunderstanding...

In Italian

The Italians are upset that a plane coming from China to Italy on March 17th loaded with masks, had the masks unloaded and taken during the layover in the Czech republic. The Czech foreign affairs ministry published an apology... misunderstanding...

In Italian

We sent our messages at the same time, so read my message above.

In regard to your post above, I can tell you something similar happened in Poland yesterday. The Italians bought a large batch of Polish-made face-masks and the shipment has been stopped on the border.

The thing is, a new regulation has been introduced in the meantime and exporting any protective equipment requires a local provincial governor's approval. The order was delayed rather than cancelled. It was enough to make the Italians go apesh.it and ask the Italian ambassador for help.

Apparently, the Italians cannot understand there is a country in Europe who has introduced the most severe safety regulations in Europe and has done it much earlier than anybody else in the EU.

If you don't stick to the quarantine, the fee is more or less €7500.
If you are infected and flee from a hospital, the punishment can be up to 8 years in prison.

The Polish government does not mess around and everybody should understand it.

Joseph Stalin said that it takes a lot of courage to be a coward in the Red Army. Likewise, I can say it takes a lot of courage not to stick to the safety regulations in Poland.

I don't really know if the Italians wanted the border guards to let the shipment go without any approval and be punished for doing so???
The guys would have been locked in prison instantly if they had not followed the new regulations. Apart from that, the state-run propagandistic TV would have posted a brief video of them have been locked. You know, the presidential elections are in a couple of weeks and the government wants people to see the ruling party "effectively" deals with the virus.

Posted by me yesterday:
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@Ivan le Fou
Could you find something about it in English? I have found it in Polish and the only other version is in French:
Google translate does the job, so it confirms the Polish article.

Regarding what exactly?
The thing about our stocks of masks? The government's responses?

And Italy stopped, since last night, all non-essential parts of its industry.

So much for France's "look, people should go to work, after all Italy's industry is still working at 90%! See? It's not so bad!".
Regarding what exactly?
The thing about our stocks of masks? The government's responses?

And Italy stopped, since last night, all non-essential parts of its industry.

So much for France's "look, people should go to work, after all Italy's industry is still working at 90%! See? It's not so bad!".
About the 600 doctors having put a complaint against Edouard Philippe for his craziness.
About the 600 doctors having put a complaint against Edouard Philippe for his craziness.

I can't find anything, in english, about it.

It is being reported by a number of French media though. I have followed the thing from a distance, only knowing the outline of this project; last time I checked Fabrice Di Vizio was asking those in favor to "brainstorm" what could the government be sued for exactly.

So far, at least as far as i can tell, is they are planing to sue the Prime Minister and the former Health Minister for lying regarding the risks of the health crisis, lying about the seriousness of the health crisis, lying about the state of preparedness of the country, abstaining from taking the appropriate measures to minimize the risks, etc...

If this goes through, Buzin and Phillipe could be sentenced to 2 years in prison and 30k€ fine (that's pretty light, all things considered).
If this goes through, Buzin and Phillipe could be sentenced to 2 years in prison and 30k€ fine (that's pretty light, all things considered).
The fine is a joke, but the prison sentence would damage their careers. It would be bad enough for them, as they would struggle with getting any good job in the future.
That's the French justice system we are talking about... It is unlikely they will go to prison.

And, incidentally, it can, to some extent, "somehow" reminds of the infected blood scandal in which were also sued the Prime Minister and the Health Minister (as well as the Social Affair Minister). All three were charged with manslaughter but all were acquitted except for the Health Minister. And though the Health Minister was found guilty he received no sentence.

Fabius, the PM, then went to with his political life; being nominated as Foreign Affairs Minister under François Hollande and then President of the Constitutional Council.
Edmond Hervé, the Health Minister, also continued his political career as a deputy, senator and a mayor.

On another subject, Italy is asking for help.
Not from the EU, but from countries like China, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, India and Egypt.

Which somehow echoes what Serbia recently declared regarding the EU response: don't expect the EU to help you.
That's the French justice system we are talking about... It is unlikely they will go to prison.

And, incidentally, it can, to some extent, "somehow" reminds of the infected blood scandal in which were also sued the Prime Minister and the Health Minister (as well as the Social Affair Minister). All three were charged with manslaughter but all were acquitted except for the Health Minister. And though the Health Minister was found guilty he received no sentence.

Fabius, the PM, then went to with his political life; being nominated as Foreign Affairs Minister under François Hollande and then President of the Constitutional Council.
Edmond Hervé, the Health Minister, also continued his political career as a deputy, senator and a mayor.
I remember having read about some high-profile Vichy officials, who actively participated in shipping the French Jews to concentration camps, but they enjoyed a high-life after the WW2. The police top dogs asked the Germans to postpone the anti-Jewish operation, as the original term was the Bastille Day.

The Germans kindly accepted their proposal...

Very few high-profile collaborators were punished for that after the war.

Anyway, this topic is about the #ChinaVirus, so I don't want to talk about it anymore.
On another subject, Italy is asking for help.
Not from the EU, but from countries like China, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, India and Egypt.

Which somehow echoes what Serbia recently declared regarding the EU response: don't expect the EU to help you.
The Best Korea is missing here. Furthemore, the virus has a low presence in most African countries. However, it may be down to the fact that a little number of people was tested.
On another subject, Italy is asking for help.
Not from the EU, but from countries like China, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, India and Egypt.

Which somehow echoes what Serbia recently declared regarding the EU response: don't expect the EU to help you.

Well in the present climate, the case of the Italian masks intercepted by the CZ and Poland confirm the EU is not a country, has no authority, and does not replace national executive power. If some people were worried, this should be a great relief. The EU is a free market, an attempt to harmonize legislation, but they have no black helicopters.

Times are tough. I have a feeling that if I would need intensive care in a Slovak hospital, and they would be overwhelmed, I probably would not be taken care of.

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