Today's attack hit the multiculturalist trifecta.
The attacked children were Syrian refugees, the good Samaritan who tried to intervene was Turkish-born.
Though there may be an issue there, there is also one when it comes to the release of individual with serious mental illnesses.
His record was lengthy, I assume he was medicated, and yet recently released.
My father being a psychiatrist I grew up to be familiar with these institutions and the people in them. Even to a kid, an individual who is "mentally unwell" is noticeable in a pretty obvious.
It gets even worse.
The perpetrator had been sent to psychiatry three different times, only to be released because of "insufficient" grounds to keep him.
Last November, with his request for asylum about to be denied, he declared in writing his intention to leave and get his papers from the Afghan embassy. And the authorities were like: "That's jolly nice of you." They never checked to see if this dangerous individual would leave.
In late December, a local court (which had not even been informed of that individual's migration status) found sufficient reason to appoint a legal guardian for him. That social worker, having failed to make contact with their charge, just went on vacation and only returned yesterday.
And that's why Germany's going down the drain, by the way.
It's not post-materialist leftist brain farts nor even mass immigration.
It's the abject lethargy of our authorities, a couldn't-care-less-attitude which runs like a thread through all aspects of public affairs. Parents torment their children to death under the eyes of the youth welfare service. Huge sums of tax money are wasted in full knowledge of their being wasted. Overworked judges pass suspended sentences to reduce the number of appeals they have to deal with.
It's just failure, failure, failure whereever you look.