Politics The Biden thread


Does this go here?
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The truly radical and offensive things that are going to happen are all the executive orders that Biden is going issue as soon as elected:

1. Hamstring/kill the US oil and gas industry, thus making us dependent again on foreign oil and raising fuel prices significantly.
2. Increasing illegal immigration significantly
3. College debt forgiveness/payoffs for loans that people run up voluntarily
4. Punitive taxes on gun ownership/ammo
5. "Assault weapons" ban and maybe even banning semi-auto pistols and rifles of many types
6. Crazy ass S**t I can't even imagine....
Didn't Biden walked back on that "cancelling student loans" thing?
And then walked back on his walk back?
And then again?

*I really doubt he will cancel it though... he will probably come up with a "plan" than does not cancel anything or really changes anything at all, but gives the impression that it does*

Didn't Biden walked back on that "cancelling student loans" thing?
And then walked back on his walk back?
And then again?

*I really doubt he will cancel it though... he will probably come up with a "plan" than does not cancel anything or really changes anything at all, but gives the impression that it does*

if its like the UK, there are billions in that account, which will either be repaid, or eventually written off, in 20-30 years time. If you cancel it now, you take the hit in this year. Its really not a good idea.
^---That, and I don't want to reward anything other than spartan living while they are in college and also don't see the need to ask others to pay for their choice of "major" in their studies. Sorry. Nope.... I also don't want to reward colleges and the loan industry in their constant circle of upwardly spiraling costs and "just get a loan to cover it" solutions.
The student-loan system is kind of messed up though.
it is, and I dont know the answer, for sure it looks unfair when their parents got it for 'free'.

But there is shirley a cost, and a benefit, and a loan system it trying to bring those 2 together.

All we see is how many kids think they need a degree, I have met some truly useless graduates.
Meanwhile ....

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Just like that . your Population just increased by 11 million fake voters
So it begins Fox has stories on the caravans forming up. Honduran border guards rolled over.
Merkel, Biden and its not like they are stupid people(caveat on Biden) they know where the votes are. It is purely the fault of the stupid voters.
Jericho on form as always ...

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Pentagon deploys hundreds of active-duty troops for inauguration security - POLITICO


The 750 active-duty personnel deployed this week include service members with expertise in handling chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological and explosive weapons, as well as explosive ordnance disposal and medical teams skilled in trauma response, said one defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive operations.

Look. Either I don't know something and we're actually being invaded by Martians.
Or I know something. And it's gonna be fun.
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Generally speaking, the coronation of a new president when surrounded by an occupying army is the definition of a coup.

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