Politics The Biden thread

Many years ago back when USA fully embraced the LGBT-parades and toppling of "racist" monuments I already knew there's no turning back from transforming into a constitutionalized version of cuckoo-land.
Once a nation starts toppling monuments you know S**t already hit the fan
it is, and I dont know the answer, for sure it looks unfair when their parents got it for 'free'.

But there is shirley a cost, and a benefit, and a loan system it trying to bring those 2 together.

All we see is how many kids think they need a degree, I have met some truly useless graduates.

Extremely complicated subject, but I have three thoughts:

1. Which parents got it for free? I certainly am in the "parents" age range and I never got my college "for free". We had fees, room and board costs, book costs and whatnot; just like the young ones now. However, the basic fees, room and board have certainly gotten more expensive and I've seen studies showing these costs have gone up way quicker than average inflation costs. Personally, I think the universities and their aligned service industries are "socking it to" the students. On the other hand, students and their parents are demanding much more amenities than back in our day. The dorms, student unions, services available are simply much more plush than they were 20 or 30 years ago.

2. I agree completely that a loan system is perfectly adequate to help those fund their education if they need the assistance. However, there certainly has been a rise in the marketing of loans to the students and their parents. As universities push the fees and costs up, the simple interest old-school loans like GSLs have gotten replaced by much more expensive loans. Should lenders and the taxpayers fund "nicer experiences" for the little cherubs, or just the basics?

3. "The University Experience" has gotten marketed as the one true solution for everyone. Perhaps not everyone needs a degree. Perhaps college really isn't the one solution for all who graduate from high school. And with the plethora of crap degrees and crap agendas being pushed by the intelligentsia these days, perhaps their universities need to lose some of our support/taxes/sympathy.

Secretary Pompeo on Twitter: "Woke-ism, multiculturalism, all the -isms — they're not who America is. They distort our glorious founding and what this country is all about. Our enemies stoke these divisions because they know they make us weaker. https://t.co/Mu97xCgxfS" / Twitter

Such a Mugabe thing to say.
Indeed, but isn't Mugabe the model they intend to follow? He was a leftist decolonising warrior against toxic whiteness, afterall. You know all those white values we need to get rid of, such as punctuality, meritocracy, work ethic... you name it, Mugabe managed to expunge them almost wholesale from Rhode.. I mean Zimbabwe.

Democratic Congressman Cohen says, on the record: "white male in the National Guard must prove they are not planning on committing murder":
@Telmar says nothing.
Uncorroborated, unproven, unsubstantiated claims Trump said dead soldiers were suckers and losers:
@Telmar goes nuts because "I believe that's something he would say".

He did' nt say that in what I saw in the vid. He said "plan something". I think the first tweeter guy made it up.

Still is pretty stupid, even massively stupid. Then again there are lots of people who say and think stupid things and life is too short to lose time on them, especially when they are rather irrelevant.

That is why I take it as a compliment that you spend so much time engaging with me.
About a military coup, anything is possible but even though the results are not clearly marked, it does seem (at least in Georgia) that Biden did a good score with the military. It matches the survey done in August where Trump underperformed compared to Republicans in popularity with the armed forces.

President-elect Joe Biden’s narrow victory in Georgia last month was driven in part by shifts toward the Democratic ticket in a collection of nine counties with strong ties to the military.

Meanwhile The kiddie sniffer appoints a ...

He should appeal to lgbt community to come up with a more pleasant word to replace jab.
Weird.... but these lyrics just popped into my head:

You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
Meanwhile The kiddie sniffer appoints a ...

I hear the camera adds about 10#s......& a penis.
I hear the camera adds about 10#s......& a penis.
she will be the key to ensuring that trans people are treated fairly in healthcare. just because you were born a man doesnt mean you cant get a gyno exam, and even if you used to be genetically female it is still your right to get a prostate exam
she will be the key to ensuring that trans people are treated fairly in healthcare. just because you were born a man doesnt mean you cant get a gyno exam, and even if you used to be genetically female it is still your right to get a prostate exam
I got confused half way through reading this
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Generally speaking, the coronation of a new president when surrounded by an occupying army is the definition of a coup.
Got a lot of flags stuck in the lawn..................
and as the sun sets on the land of the free there remains one question

Which guardsman gets to 'dance' with Mrs Biden at the ball :rolleyes:

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