To my fellow M.I. members, for your consideration, EXHIBIT A: CHAZ-CHOP, what Minneapolis and any other U.S. city will become once the Police departments are defunded/phased out. (all in Democrat Party-run cities, mind you.) But I digress.
Oh yeah, this setup is so much better for the community, especially for the black community...NOT!
*You would think the NAACP and National Black Caucus would be up in arms over this. But you have to get votes to stay in power, so what better way to do that, than by causing confusion, lawlessness, and stoking racism too. As we have seen these groups have no real solution for the Black community to move forward, other than blaming the "system" and white man for all the woes.
P.S. I am not a Republican if that is what you think. I have some harsh words for them too! Like their ineptitude during this insurrection! Their constant kowtowing to ideas and laws that their constituents oppose, their 'get along' approach to stay in office. Their lack of support to President Trump when he makes a wise decision. etc. I have not followed the US news for awhile and certainly not the past year other than online, so some of them may have stood up during a press conference and called a Spade, a SPADE.
1. Has the GOP stood up to statues being torn down across the country?
2. Have they stood up to defunding of the police? Reform the police? Well, what does that mean, give specifics! Put people to task!
3. Is the GOP standing up to this erroneous SHLOCK of lie about 'systemic racism" in the USA?
(hell, if that were even true then people would not be pouring across the U.S. Southern Border as though they were going Black Friday shopping at the mall!)
While I do not deny some police departments may need some reform and that some officers are bad. Has anyone here ever noticed that none of these incidents with the police seem to involve African immigrants? There is a reason for this, but I will save that discussion for another thread.
Meanwhile, Seattle's Chief of Police and Mayor sit on their A$$ while this travesty of a dumpster fire plays out for the whole world to see.