Some screenshots from Star Citizen.
Staring at the sunset on the planet Hurston.
Another Hurston sunset as a howling gale whips up the dust around me. About to board a Valkyrie dropship.
A tranquil meet up in an alpine meadow on the planet Microtech. The ships are the luxury Origin model 600i.
Deep in the bowels of Kleischer Reform Facility. I might have been a bit naughty and been sentenced to some time here breaking rocks to "rehabilitate" me.
Another 600i picture, this time parked on the roof of one the skyscrapers at New Babbage, capital city of Microtech.
An Aegis Retaliator heavy torpedo bomber landed at another alpine meadow on Microtech (yes I like landing there). It's warm enough I can get away without wearing a spacesuit.
Flying a Drake Dragonfly hoverbike on (you guessed it) Microtech.
Bringing my MISC Prospector mining ship into land at a space refinery station.
About to board an Origin 890 luxury space mega yacht to clear out hostile intruders. My ship is the Anvil Valkyrie dropship. I have two mates on board to assist with this dangerous task.
Flying an Anvil Super-Hornet space fighter through the wreckage of a pirates ship in the middle of an asteroid field.