Politics The 2020 American Presidential Election

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Sidney Powell was suspended from Twitter earlier today, for linking this story.

If you post this on FB, it will get deleted and they'll send a warning about posting pornography.
Absolutely correct. Perhaps he'll even set up his own TV network to compete with FOX, though I think he should establish himself as a kind of anti-Dorsey/Zuckerberg/Google/Patreon and pull off a kind of free speech open discourse social-media network. He has the resources and there are plenty of people working and consuming in that sphere who would flock to that type of project, if he actually went for it.
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Absolutely correct. Perhaps he'll even set up his own TV network to compete with FOX, though I think he should establish himself as a kind of anti-Dorsey/Zuckerberg/Google/Patreon and pull off a kind of free speech open discourse social-media network. He has the resources and there are plenty of people working and consuming in that sphere who would flock to that type of project, if he actually went for it.

Think the news channel is a shoe in . He can sit there and critique both the Dems and GOP all day long which fits in with his anti establishment narrative and of course they ll be plenty of material on which he can use to discredit both parties . Put it this way , I don't see him writing his memoirs like Obama anytime soon .
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She tore them all a new ring piece ,

Well one of the women on that vid got to visit that ring from up close.

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Sidney apparently went "over board" with the qanon conspiracy theories.

Thing is, she never was part of the "Trump Strike Force" or "Trump legal team" to begin with.

Her statement on the matter:

And a fairly good analysis by lawyers:
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In other news:

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Lots of speculation regarding the Sidney Powell press release. In the end, both her and separately, Lin Wood are representing "We The People". And things could get messy in those cases which may turn to criminal cases, affecting Dems and Republicans. There is also the matter of her not for profit corp being used to finance these actions.
Sorry mate, but not a peep out of you the entire 4 years plus that the Democrats and the press fan roughshod over basic Civil liberties and the rule of law. But now? OUTRAGE!!!!!! When in fact the GOP has every legal right to contest the election. Unlike the highly illegal falsification of FISA warrants, a Special Counsel appointment that met NONE of the legal requirements spelled out in the Statute, an impeachment process that denied basic Civil liberties and rules of due process for the President and now your panties are all wadded up? Good Lord man, I think I was pretty gentle here.
Amen brother. An epidemic of lies being told to the people for years, lies about no mass surveillance, lies about surveillance of Trump, lies about Russia hacking the election with 500 euro's of Google ads. The mass acceptance of the lies, knowingly accepting a lie because it was convenient, that's the embodiment of corruption. And finally after the years of those lies, there is the flaming lies of "mostly peaceful protests" and righteous killing of white and black folk alike.
Tough and dangerous times in US pal.
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Looks like the transition period has begun. The dolchstoß legend is here to stay, though.
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