Politics The 2020 American Presidential Election

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Apr 9, 2019
There's the "All things Trump" thread, the "Dem primary" ones too.

We are seven months to go to the Nov 2020 election. This is the "Megathread" about it.

Keep it civil, memes are still allowed, banter to a degree as well but most importantly share articles, polls and your thought about such an such candidate's. No trolling.

Let's get this started MI.Net!

I don't think we need a new thread, the result is expectable : it will be Trump again (Biden followers hate Sanders followers, Sanders followers hate Biden followers so none of them would have the full Dem voters support)

Except if the Idiot in Chief succeed to mismanage a major event (like the coronavirus outbreak - which he has begun to do given his last tweets-)
Or if the economy stumbles (because again of the Coronavirus Black Swan - which is a real possibility)
I don't think we need a new thread, the result is expectable : it will be Trump again (Biden followers hate Sanders followers, Sanders followers hate Biden followers so none of them would have the full Dem voters support)

Except if the Idiot in Chief succeed to mismanage a major event (like the coronavirus outbreak - which he has begun to do given his last tweets-)
Or if the economy stumbles (because again of the Coronavirus Black Swan - which is a real possibility)

I think Trump is doing a great job on that. He took quick, immediate, decisive action with stopping flights to China to which your media friends called him a "RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" . I can only imagine how many cases we'd have if he sat around picking his butthole for a year, like Obama/Biden did during the Swine Flu outbreak.
Biden may stand a chance if his dementia doesn't undo him before the election. He was convinced to use a teleprompter for his South Carolina speech and it was good. Since then, his impromptu speeches are a disaster.

Both Trump and Biden are probably their own greatest threats to winning.

Biden could of course derail any hope with his VP pick: Hillary would enrage just about everyone but that brings a lot of money and influence to his campaign. Warren, as a nod to the commie faction of the Dem party? Ha ha!
I think Trump is doing a great job on that. He took quick, immediate, decisive action with stopping flights to China to which your media friends called him a "RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" . I can only imagine how many cases we'd have if he sat around picking his butthole for a year, like Obama/Biden did during the Swine Flu outbreak.
Your praise to your dear leader is mindboggling. According your POTUS, the coronavirus is just a cold and even ill you should go work because it is good for you. This is against all advices of the CDC that knows better than a businessman failure that was voted into a president position.
Your praise to your dear leader is mindboggling. According your POTUS, the coronavirus is just a cold and even ill you should go work because it is good for you. This is against all advices of the CDC that knows better than a businessman failure that was voted into a president position.

Is that what your indoctrination center told you he said? You scare me sometimes.
Is that what your indoctrination center told you he said? You scare me sometimes.
You really denies the reality ?
It is all over the news and the original report was on fox. What scares me is your propension to excuse any S**t POTUS45 says (and there is a huge pile of crap everyday)
The 2020 elections won't have as much "pazaze" as the 2016.

Trump and his supporters were the deplorables, the sexist, racist, homophobic, etc... back then, and still are to this day.
But at the same time so are the Democrats.
-Kamala Harris, a/k/a "I'm a top tier candidate", had to drop out of the race because "Americans are not ready for a black woman to be president". In other words: racism.
-A few days ago Warren also had to drop out. One of the reasons, acknowledged by many (Warren, Sanders, Pelosi, etc...) being "sexism".

Interestingly enough, other candidates for the Democratic Primaries didn't try to find excuses. Clobuchard and Gillibrand didn't attribute their loss to "sexism"; Booker, Castro and Yang didn't attribute their loss to "racism"; and even Pete didn't attribute his loss to "homophobia".

Go figure...

There is no real point in talking about the Republican side. Trump is presenting himself and nobody is contesting him.

In the end, the Democrats are finding themselves in quite of a pickle. Sanders or Biden?

From a "character" point of view, Biden is probably the most awkward of the two. Without being partisan or anything, I believe we can all reasonably agree on the fact that his nickname "creepy Joe" is not that uncalled for. To that one could add his numerous gaffes and, let's say, concerning mistakes in term of recollection of events he described himself as being a witness of or an active participant.
It is fairly unsettling, to say the least.

Sanders, on the other hand, appears as very energetic and more coherent compared to Biden. And that is despite his recent heart attack! You've got to give it to him, he is a kicker.
Now, the biggest issue may be his sympathy for communist dictators... Not that it seems to bother his base. The deaths caused by the Castro regime, the Maoist China and the Communist USSR appear to be necessary, or at least acceptable, casualties in order to achieve their great ideological dream.

In term of base, only Bernie can claim to have a real one. A base that dates back to 2016 and grew in number since then. The "Bernie-bros" want their revenge.
Biden on the other hand, not so much. His base grew considerably mostly thanks to the other candidates dropping and telling their own base to support him.
So, if Bernie wins the primaries, will Biden's supporters vote for Bernie in 2020? Can the same question be asked if Biden wins?
As far as we can tell a fair amount of Democrats are still undecided, apart from the never-Trumpers that is. The past few months have seen a lot of Democrats switching sides, be them regular folks or elected representatives, and joining the Republicans. Which can be partly explained by the partisan vindictiveness of the Democratic Party.
I haven't seen any polls on the matter, but I assume (maybe I'm wrong though) there are more people who left the Democratic Party to join the Republicans, than the other way around. As far as I could tell, the Reps were more likely to welcome people in, while the Dems were mostly trying to keep their base intact. One way or another, the numbers may not be that relevant to have a significant impact on the voter base, but the phenomenon is nonetheless interesting and, most of all, telling.

There is no reason for Bernie to drop out or for anything to force him to drop out of the race. Well, in fact there are two reasons: he either loses the primaries, or he dies.
Biden, on the other hand, is not so lucky. And that is because he is likely to get investigated for his dealing with Ukraine (Romney got assured the investigations would be neutral and non-partisan, thus putting him at ease and giving his approval).

Policy wise?
Bernie is running a fairly "radical"-left campaign, with real ideas and an agenda. While Biden is mostly running against Trump and making sure people remember he was Obama's VP. In fact I am not sure what his program is, or if he has one, apart from the two things mentioned previously.
So yeah, we end up with Bernie and his policies that are hardly practical to begin with and very unlikely to be popular and supported by a significant number of Americans. Bernie is still considered, rightfully so I suppose, as a socialist. If not a communist. America has never been very hot for that kind of ideology...

We will see how things go. One thing is certain, the debates to come will be entertaining to watch.
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You really denies the reality ?
It is all over the news and the original report was on fox. What scares me is your propension to excuse any S**t POTUS45 says (and there is a huge pile of crap everyday)

I don't deny reality, I'm just saying you're wrong. He never said that. I get you don't like him, but no need to make things up.
Your praise to your dear leader is mindboggling. According your POTUS, the coronavirus is just a cold and even ill you should go work because it is good for you. This is against all advices of the CDC that knows better than a businessman failure that was voted into a president position.
I had to reply to this. So, Trump thinks it’s a cold? Is that why he’s formed a multi-billion dollar task force headed by the best infectious disease and public health Doctors in the world? And taken the extreme steps to halt travel, possibly close our borders and declared a public health emergency?? For a cold? Dude, THINK!!! You hate Trump, everyone gets it. But like all who are blinded by ideological stupid, you’ve lost all semblance of sanity in matters of Trump.
Asymptomatics will go to work if they don't know they had it. That's obviously the point without warping into Trump declares all should go to work with full blown Coronvirus symptoms.

They made a dig deal about Trumps age and questioned his health and here they are next election running with proven prone to heart attacks and the other cerebral strokes.
Incidentally, the behavior from people like mordoror, whose level of self-awareness is dramatically low, is another reason why more people will vote for Trump again.

Bullying and insulting people into compliance never really worked...
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Within the next few weeks, we may find that pretty much everyone who is out in public as a part of their daily regimen is, indeed, "positive" for this virus. At that point, it will be pointless to test and pointless to try and quarantine everyone who is showing signs.
Probably true. We aren't geared up to repeat China or S Korean measures and they have been out of control. Despite having the advantage of isolation by oceans its too porous.

Though I worry most about the old age homes.
Gents, this thread is for anything to do with the 2020 election, posts on the carnovirus or anything else can be posted elsewhere.
It's really funny that during this " pandemic " it shows how easily people led and that the same behaviours happen in politics . Create a moral panic " the socialist is coming and he's going to take all your money " , apply to relevant media sources and bobs your uncle people vote accordingly . The 2020 election will be at least interesting as well as predictable .
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