Politics British-teen-killed-crash-outside-American-spy-base-UK-hit-diplomats-wife


Banned User
MI.Net Member
Apr 12, 2019
They could have waived immunity and had her interviewed by police :mad:
Could have but didn't

She needs naming and shaming - apparently 42 years old

If her husband is a 'diplomat' then he has immunity but I cannot see how it extends to her

Can you imagine if this was a Brit in America pulling this sort of crap

and you can cut out the national security rubbish as well - she needs to be in jail
BCNTM: pretty much a double standard, I don’t know if you remember it but quite some years ago a Murican tank killed two young girls in South Korea. It was obviously just an « accident » but still. Had a Korean tank hit and killed two young American girls I cannot imagine the crap the Asian country would be taking for decades to come.
Could have but didn't

She needs naming and shaming - apparently 42 years old

If her husband is a 'diplomat' then he has immunity but I cannot see how it extends to her

Can you imagine if this was a Brit in America pulling this sort of crap

and you can cut out the national security rubbish as well - she needs to be in jail

You have to wonder why these diplomats need immunity in the first place . 200 years ago maybe but the last time I checked it was the 21 st century ffs . Probably another layer of rules and regulations that needed modernizing years ago but as we all know will never happen .
If someone wants justice in this kind of diplomatic incidents, it is hard, almost impossible. This is from my country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teo_Peter
Peter was killed in a traffic accident at 04:30 on 4 December 2004 when 31-year-old U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Christopher Van Goethem serving as a Marine Security Guard at the U.S. embassy in Bucharest,[3] while driving his Ford Expedition, collided with a taxi carrying Peter. Van Goethem did not obey a traffic signal to stop, which resulted in the collision. Peter was buried on 7 December in Mănăştur Cemetery, in his native Cluj-Napoca.[4]
Although Van Goethem had admitted to drinking about three and a half beers over the course of the evening, tests of his blood returned negative for both alcohol and drugs,[5] and he left for Germany[6] before charges could be filed in Romania. The Romanian government requested the American government lift his diplomatic immunity,[7] which it has refused to do. The Marine was later cleared by a court martial of both manslaughter and adultery while convicted for obstruction of justice and making false statements.[5]
Peter's death and Van Goethem's court martial were very controversial and led to protests from Romanians[8] in the United States.
In 2005, the U.S. Embassy announced the establishment of a memorial commemorating the life and work of Teo Peter.[9] The memorial is an annual professional visit program awarded to a distinguished Romanian cultural figure whose work addresses young people or helps to advance the careers of new artists and performers.
at least some news outlet has named the driver

Anne Sacoolas

wonder how long before a US news outlet publishes her name?
With respect I know exactly what it says - but it does not make it morally right

I agree. I never stated that it was right.

If that was your son how would you feel?

I have three adult sons, ages 43, 39 & 32. I would be sorrowful. But just for a season. The Bible says;

Psalm 30:5
...Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.

Romans 12:19 New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

I'd miss him but the Bible says;

1 Peter 5:7 New King James Version (NKJV)
7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

And because my sons are all Christians I know I will see him again in Heaven.

The Bible teaches us that we should love one another;

John 13:34 King James Version (KJV)
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

And I'd love them and forgive them even though something that person or person did killed my son. The word of God,the Bible, is truly in my heart and I have no hatred for any person for any reason.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
I hope someone is able to give solace to the victims family in such a manner, BD.

As to my opinion of the suspect? I detest people like this using diplomatic immunity. I really don't like it when it's some rich Sheikh's kids that do such things when in the USA, so I need to be consistent on the issue when it comes to one of ours doing something criminal in an Ally's country.

Too bad she was not in the military. She'd be in the stockade right now, I think.
I hope someone is able to give solace to the victims family in such a manner, BD.

As to my opinion of the suspect? I detest people like this using diplomatic immunity. I really don't like it when it's some rich Sheikh's kids that do such things when in the USA, so I need to be consistent on the issue when it comes to one of ours doing something criminal in an Ally's country.

Too bad she was not in the military. She'd be in the stockade right now, I think.
There was nothing stopping the driver from refusing diplomatic protection, she was free to waive that right and to make amends:mad:
It's probably worth noting that we don't know the circumstances of her leaving the UK - she and her family could have been ordered home by the State Department rather than choosing to leave themselves.

The unfortunate thing is that RAF Croughton is a communications station so it's pretty easy to jump to the conclusion that "diplomat" is a polite euphemism for someone in the intelligence community and that's why they got the family home so quick.
BCNTM: pretty much a double standard, I don’t know if you remember it but quite some years ago a Murican tank killed two young girls in South Korea. It was obviously just an « accident » but still. Had a Korean tank hit and killed two young American girls I cannot imagine the crap the Asian country would be taking for decades to come.
We can multiply the examples. (Cavalese cable car disaster anyone)
And i am not even talking about close calls that are not reported in the news. Like traffic accidents between Embassies personnal or US military deployed abroad (some stories from the Balkans are mindboggling)

Concerning Diplomatic immunity it is however not limited to US personal though
We had enough examples of ME and African despots protected here.
I understand diplomatic immunity in state to state relationships but when it comes to civil misdemeanor, it should be a no no
Sorry, no deal here. Just one of those things. I've seen us do similar and get people out of places PDQ.
okay for people with 'diplomatic immunity' but this sinks to a new low
I'm Not talking about people who have diplomatic immunity.

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