Everything about this putler cock holster is fake -
"X-ray of an impostor: Călin Georgescu. Waves of denials after the charlatan invented a false biography. He was not part of the Club of Rome, he was not a director at the UN, Malița did not recommend him, and his aunt did not work for Nicolae Iorga!"
Despite his efforts to remain as hidden as possible, away from the public eye, Călin Georgescu has been brought to the surface in recent days by journalistic investigations and the reactions of the descendants of personalities to whom he has abusively linked his name. The image of a total impostor is recreated, who has effectively fabricated a biography for himself. The finalist of the presidential elections was not in the Club of Rome, he did not work at the UN, he was not validated by diplomat Mircea Malița, and his aunt did not work for historian Nicolae Iorga!
"You see, he invented his biography," an informed source told the Ziaristii.com journalist about Călin Georgescu, a week ago, during a discussion about the strange detail in his CV that he is (or would have been) part of the Club of Rome.
It is known that only top personalities, who have little say at the international level, enter that exclusive society. However, in the case of Georgescu – an illustrious unknown who has never held positions, money or contributed to anything significant – there was no question of meeting this condition.
“From Romania, only two people are or have been part of the Club of Rome: Mircea Malița and Mugur Isărescu,” the well-informed interlocutor answered the journalist.
Meanwhile, denials began to flow.
Călin Georgescu was not in the Club of Rome, he did not work at the UN, he was not recommended by Mircea Malița, and his aunt did not work for Nicolae Iorga. All are inventions, fantasies, and the description given to him by former president Traian Băsescu
("a charlatan") seems to be true.
A pattern of action can be observed: Călin Georgescu joins associations that contain the names of famous institutions in their titles, then claims to have worked for the original organizations, not their clones.
Following the clarifications below, it is easy to recognize a pattern that Călin Georgescu used repeatedly. He joined various private associations that used the names of international organizations in their titles. Then he claimed to have worked for the famous organizations, not for their clones.
Below are four occasions when the presidential candidate blatantly lied about his or his family's history.
1. He was part of the Romanian Friends of the Club of Rome Association, a sort of fan club for the Club of Rome. The association was founded in the 1990s in Bucharest, but it was not officially recognized nor was it under the tutelage of the famous organization whose name it used. Georgescu was the general secretary of this association for a short time, then he was kicked out.
So, not
the Club of Rome, but
the Association of Friends of the Club of Rome in Romania! Here you can check the members of the real Club of Rome. Călin Georgescu is not among them.
2. He was for a year the Secretary General of
the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute (UNGSII) , a private foundation established in 2014 in a village in Switzerland and which has no connection to the UN (United Nations), apart from the fact that it uses its name. The verification was done by the publication
Adevărul.ro . Călin Georgescu claims in his CV that he was a UN official (“executive director” of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute – Geneva and Vaduz).
That he intentionally lies is evidenced by the numerous videos in which he recounts what he did as a UN official. This can be seen, including in the famous video where he says that he went, as head of a UN delegation, and talked with
"non-human entities", with some who were clearly not of our species.
3. Maria Scarlat Malița, granddaughter of communist diplomat and freemason Mircea Malița, vehemently disputes the use of her grandfather's name by Călin Georgescu. Maria Malița emphasizes that Mircea Malița never supported extremist delirium.
Maria Scarlat Malița: "Did Mircea Malița's book, «Homo Fraudens» (Rao Publishing House, 2012), anticipate the diversion of his ideas, of his name into the discordant, nationalist discourse, with troubled, conspiratorial ideas? Mircea Malița, a mathematician with a Cartesian spirit, a man of projects, was a pioneer in science, artificial intelligence, an analyst of the global world, a theorist of negotiations and openness. Mircea Malița wrote over 50 books, studies, essays on cultures, civilization and reason. For him, Europe existed when for others it was just a continent. As a career diplomat and professor of diplomacy, he was the first Romanian to oppose the USSR at the United Nations, a moment that marked Romania's separation from the Eastern bloc. The fraudulent use of the work and career of academician Mircea Malița for the purpose of expressing the opposite, that is, mysticism, extreme nationalism and a turn towards the East, has created confusion. His name and work have been abruptly transformed into an image tool, leading to mystifications of his biography, eras and ideas.
4. Nicolae Iorga's nephew, Andrei Pippidi, a historian at Oxford, emphasizes in a statement for the Romaniacurata.ro website that "there is no connection between Nicolae Iorga and Călin Georgescu."
The presidential candidate claims that his aunt, Maria Georgescu, was the famous historian's secretary, but he has not provided any evidence to support this claim. His lie was dispelled by Nicolae Iorga's nephew.
Andrei Pippidi, a doctor of history, also dispels this imposture:
"As the editor of my grandfather's diary and correspondence, and a child who grew up in an environment of Nicolae Iorga's admirers, I must say very clearly that a secretary of my grandfather named Maria Georgescu never existed. The names of these secretaries and assistants are precisely known."
Andrei Pippidi recalls that his grandfather was assassinated by the very legionnaires that Călin Georgescu admires and glorifies.
În ciuda strădaniei sale de a rămâne cât mai ascuns, departe de ochii publicului, Călin Georgescu e scos la suprafață, în ultimele zile, de investigațiile jurnaliștilor și de reacțiile urmașilor unor personalități de care și-a legat în mod abuziv numele. Se recreează imaginea unui impostor...