Politics The Biden thread

The amusing part of your opposition to what is actually quite unremarkable and uncontoversial a term which everyone save you seems to understand and use without reservation is that you're seemingly suggesting that if a murderer calls a killing a murder, then it's not a murder at all.The feeling is mutual, so don't worry about it.
And it seems that you've got no real grasp of the situation at all. Since you've professed your hatred for America, I can't help but wonder how well-informed you could possibly be about a country you say you loathe.

You're inflating a conflict between members of the radical left and the radical right – the fringes of society – into what you think is a nationwide conflict. Maybe owing to your own collectivist background, you seem to think all Trump voters and all Biden voters are devout ideologues who hate the guts of each other. You're ignoring the vast majority standing apathically in the centre being wholeheartedly sick of this shyte.

Elections aren't won on the fringes. They're won in the centre. That's mathematics. If you're right-winger and you're acting in a way which abets the left's attempts to convince the centre that you're full of shyte, you'll go down. Don't come crying to me if you do because the alternative is there. And no, the alternative isn't to turn the other cheek. I've never written anything of the like.

For heaven's sake, how many of the people who invaded the Capitol on the 6th had their property trashed by Antifa? Had lost their jobs for political reasons? Had ben doxxed? Had been disenfranchised?

Since you're so certain of their righteous wrath, it should be relatively easy for you to lecture me on the truth. Or maybe you'll let me lecture you: Those people were merely the right-wing equivalent of the knuckleheads that trashed cities like Portland earlier last year, few of whom had been members of allegedly "oppressed" minorities. Most of them were rich white students with no real grievances at all.

'cause that's what the average activist is regardless of their political leaning.How come you're so certain it was stolen then? Shouldn't you be more consistent and make room for the possibility that it wasn't stolen?How old are you? Six? Seriously, maybe there's a language barrier at play here though I doubt it. I'm getting tired of your twisting of my words.

"Evil". Jesus Christ.

The funny part is, you're talking exactly like every woke dreamer or Antifa-freak I've ever had to contend with. You think that if you feel offended, it means you've truly been offended. You think if someone alleges a crime, a crime has actually happened whether there's evidence or not. You think your cause justifies the means.

You're the right-wing equivalent of a liberal snowflake.
I have to chime in here. you characterize this a fight between "extreme" left, and "extreme" right, and nothing could be further from the truth. it is absolutely not, not sure how you came to that conclusion given what is going on here. personally, I am nowhere near far right, and dont even consider myself to be on the "right" as such, yet the actions of the other side are aimed squarely at people like me...
Its easy to understand nicememes point here, and I feel the same way, it is that rioting, looting, attacking people in the guise of a protest is wrong, no matter who does it. the problem is that the left has been doing it for the last 4 years, and at a high level for the last several months without a bit of legal accountability. there is an utter absolute double standard here, and they are playing for keeps. this is not the extreme left, this is the mainstream democratic party demonizing the other side, without cause.
if the right had responded in kind, to every single incident since the left started their provocations 4 years ago, we probably would be in open warfare at this point.
where we are at today is 100% on the left, on the democrats. the responsibility is theirs. you dont solve a problem by distorting and lying, it only serves to distort the situation even more.
...just have to add, that if your side decides to throw all the tenets of western civilization out the window, because the 'other' side is bad, and your side is correct, and therefore the ends justify the means, what happens later when it turns out you were wrong, that your side wasnt correct? yep, it means that your side was evil. its pretty simple.
as muck knows very well, the bad guys in history certainly didnt come to power wanting to do, or be, evil, they came to power because they were going to transform society into a better place, or at least thats what they wanted to do.
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Lets see how many Dems call out Antifa ???

When they never once did during the last 4 years

If Antifs begin posing a threat to the Dems, they'll simply rebrand them to Anarchists.
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my mood right now

With the very real dislike of Biden by Trump movement, I don't really get why McConnell's alienating them by stabbing Trump in the back with "I'm pleased Trump is getting impeached 2.0."
He's like a turtle, able to stick his head out of the arse end of his shell and go in the reverse direction.
"Pagan only lack hope, Heretics belongs to a deeper hell"
Back in Nov I was predicting a civil war in D and a civil war in R. Looks like I am 50% correct so far.
When would something happen? Four years is along stretch after an unprecedented descent 10 year growth spurt in the US. Covid small business damage plus a share market dependent on this newly invented theme of endless stimulus and housing supported by record low interest rates.
Will take a mega shipload of luck to avoid a recession.

And Biden must have spent all his luck just making it to be president. He is what over half of the US voted for. he represents this notion that there is still nothing wrong with the US. Lets hold hands together and destroy 50,000 efficient Keystone jobs and more in fracking on day one.
Trump was elected on the opposite that US needed to create real efficient growth instead of virtue signalling and dependence on foreign borrowing/printing money.
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It's official he's killed off the Keystone pipeline .. and stopped finishing of the building of the border wall .. Border security they don't care

Yet they will have treble at his Inauguration .. ironic as chuff

Looks like he has put some Chav in the Oval Office as well (Y)

I wonder if he's going to put up the photo of Hunter with the small yellow dot:rolleyes:
Bernie or AOC on the other end of his ear piece.

New secretary of state nominee restated Iran's biggest exporter of terror and China's committed Uyghur genocide. They probably picture Biden with a little yellow dot.
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Note how they have shut down the comment section ... So much for transparency or the willingness to allow other peoples opinions .
At some point, something will happen somewhere.
Aye. My gut tells me I am 100% correct. Hunter's laptop is still a hot item on the shopping list, but this time it's a different group of people looking for . ;)
Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Like the joke I posted on the first page. Let's pray for Mr President's well-being.

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