Politics The Biden thread

I still don't like the guy, but I don't condone violence against him. He won't be around long in any event. He'll geeze out
with dementia or alzheimers and they'll smack him with the 25th.

He's in office because enough people despised Trump to vote his way. Which is pretty much how elections go anymore; you don't necessarily vote for who you like - you decide who's worse and vote against them no matter who the other person is.
Yeah it was boring AF.

I don’t even wish the guy bad or harm or anything, I have sort of some empathy and sympathy even for him. Because of his past, because he’s old and not in the greatest mental strength.

Have a feeling though the far more dangerous AOC and Omar will have their word onto his Presidency and that’s fairly predictable. It’s going to piss off many reasonable democrats as much as republicans.

Ah well, let’s hope this is only four years. Not even sure Biden will be able to give a speech on his legs a year from now.

For the moment, the leftist hard liners have been very dissapointed with Biden. They would have been important if Biden had needed them but he´s been handed the centrist vote on a silver platter.

I on the contrary think the democrats will recenter and I hope they will throw the squad in the trash.
I noticed none of the National Guard clapped - they looked about as bored, as he looked wooden
With the very real dislike of Biden by Trump movement, I don't really get why McConnell's alienating them by stabbing Trump in the back with "I'm pleased Trump is getting impeached 2.0."
He's like a turtle, able to stick his head out of the arse end of his shell and go in the reverse direction.
My GGMa watched some of the inauguration of President Biden today & her main question was he's an old man & with his limo carrying him all over Washington, DC what do they do if he has to pee while driving around. [A big concern from the older generation]. My best answer was piss in an empty Gatorade bottle & toss it out the window or stop at a fast food place & run back to the bathroom. Anyone know if the "Beast" has a hidden wc under one of the seat cushions like a Gulfstream? She really seems obsessed by this.
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Eh no, a standard term to protect hypocrites from being called out for their hypocrisy.
The amusing part of your opposition to what is actually quite unremarkable and uncontoversial a term which everyone save you seems to understand and use without reservation is that you're seemingly suggesting that if a murderer calls a killing a murder, then it's not a murder at all.
I'm not even sure if you're being serious or just trolling.
The feeling is mutual, so don't worry about it.
Right of way what? You're not dealing with a situation where an Antifa/BLM nutcase is driving at high speed to his death, and all you need to do from your side is to step aside and let him continue on his merry suicidal way.

This is not the situation at all. You're dealing with a situation where road rules are selectively enforced in a city, where a gang of crazy street racers are allowed to go beyond the speed limit, damage roads, traffic lights, buildings, injure pedestrians, crash into law-abiding drivers, and then get applauded and celebrated by the authorities for doing so and thus enticed to continue doing so.

You're dealing with selective justice that favors 1 side of the conflict, and is thus selectively enforced by entire media conglomerate, by politicians, and by authorities in general.

Do you want to know what happens when selective justice is consistently enforced nation-wide?
You get a civil war. And at that point none of your hypothetical pedal pushing and wheel twisting is going to save you.

Tell me this. What will you do, if a gang of thugs continues trashing your house, stealing your property, calling you names, and the authorities just do nothing to protect you from them? Eventually you'll snap and enact your own justice. Then get condemned for it, doxed for it, witch-hunted for it, by the same people who were subjecting you to selective justice, as a 2nd grade citizen that you are in their eyes.

The authorities are not protecting the interests of the people, and in some cases are actively working against those interests. People have no choice other than to voluntarily capitulate or to try and take things into their own hands. But it seems you want them to capitulate.
And it seems that you've got no real grasp of the situation at all. Since you've professed your hatred for America, I can't help but wonder how well-informed you could possibly be about a country you say you loathe.

You're inflating a conflict between members of the radical left and the radical right – the fringes of society – into what you think is a nationwide conflict. Maybe owing to your own collectivist background, you seem to think all Trump voters and all Biden voters are devout ideologues who hate the guts of each other. You're ignoring the vast majority standing apathically in the centre being wholeheartedly sick of this shyte.

Elections aren't won on the fringes. They're won in the centre. That's mathematics. If you're right-winger and you're acting in a way which abets the left's attempts to convince the centre that you're full of shyte, you'll go down. Don't come crying to me if you do because the alternative is there. And no, the alternative isn't to turn the other cheek. I've never written anything of the like.

For heaven's sake, how many of the people who invaded the Capitol on the 6th had their property trashed by Antifa? Had lost their jobs for political reasons? Had ben doxxed? Had been disenfranchised?

Since you're so certain of their righteous wrath, it should be relatively easy for you to lecture me on the truth. Or maybe you'll let me lecture you: Those people were merely the right-wing equivalent of the knuckleheads that trashed cities like Portland earlier last year, few of whom had been members of allegedly "oppressed" minorities. Most of them were rich white students with no real grievances at all.

'cause that's what the average activist is regardless of their political leaning.
Good to know you took the moral high-ground and are willing to decide for the American public whether their election was stolen or not.
How about its their own internal problem, and if they think it was stolen, they have every right to think so, and they have every right for a full open transparent investigation with all the evidence they could ever desire?
How come you're so certain it was stolen then? Shouldn't you be more consistent and make room for the possibility that it wasn't stolen?
I stand by my "evil" statement. You don't give a S**t about the people or what they think or are concerned about.
In your dystopian world they should just shut up and turn the other cheek, because that's "more effective" to do so.
How old are you? Six? Seriously, maybe there's a language barrier at play here though I doubt it. I'm getting tired of your twisting of my words.

"Evil". Jesus Christ.

The funny part is, you're talking exactly like every woke dreamer or Antifa-freak I've ever had to contend with. You think that if you feel offended, it means you've truly been offended. You think if someone alleges a crime, a crime has actually happened whether there's evidence or not. You think your cause justifies the means.

You're the right-wing equivalent of a liberal snowflake.

Biden's already produced his first massive cock-up by returning to the Paris Accords and the WHO. I'm not saying the United States should've ever left, that's not the point.

However, the way Biden's handled the matter he's

1. further undermined the trustworthiness of the US as a contracting party, ironically with the alleged intention of restoring said trustworthiness; but after such a farcical string of yays and nays, others country's won't be as eager to enter years worth of negotiations if they can't be sure their agreements with America will survive a meager four years.

2. massively boosted an already nascent precedent that new governments can just undo everything the outgoing government has done. I get it, he'll say that he told people what he'd do if elected and hey presto, they elected him. But how many of them elected him to achieve this exact outcome? How many of them had voted for Trump in 2016?

And didn't he just give the Republicans a pretext to undo everything he'll do after 2024?

This is a prime example why I'm a massive advocate of official nationwide opinion polls on divisive matters. They don't even have to be binding referenda considering the hefty political price of ignoring them; just getting the people's opinion out there would already be a colossal improvement over the ambiguous status quo.

Actually, they could be held alongside regular elections.
China is a developing nation according to Paris. It is truly outdated by any perspective. World number 1 economy this year?
If you go to antifa.com it redirects to:



Looking at web.archive.org they were redirecting to Joe Biden's campaign page before inauguration.
And before that they were a page for recruiting antifa sympathizers ?
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China is a developing nation according to Paris. It is truly outdated by any perspective. World number 1 economy this year?

I think "developing" and "developed" are special terms referring to projected growth ability. So even if it becomes the number 1 economy, it doesn't necessarily mean it can be deemed as "developed" if its growth potential doesn't slow down.

Although I could be wrong. For some reason I had this impression from somewhere.
The amusing part of your opposition to what is actually quite unremarkable and uncontoversial a term which everyone save you seems to understand and use without reservation is that you're seemingly suggesting that if a murderer calls a killing a murder, then it's not a murder at all.The feeling is mutual, so don't worry about it.

It's uncontroversial on a western forum board. Although, to be honest, I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's really uncontroversial. More rather, some people have reservations about calling out the stupidity of this term, because they know they'll be ganged up for doing so.
My definition stands, as you actually haven't been able to refute it.

And it seems that you've got no real grasp of the situation at all. Since you've professed your hatred for America, I can't help but wonder how well-informed you could possibly be about a country you say you loathe.

Not sure how that relates.

You're inflating a conflict between members of the radical left and the radical right – the fringes of society – into what you think is a nationwide conflict.

It is a nationwide conflict. There are very few that sit on the fence in this. But a silent majority does indeed still exist.

Maybe owing to your own collectivist background, you seem to think all Trump voters and all Biden voters are devout ideologues who hate the guts of each other. You're ignoring the vast majority standing apathically in the centre being wholeheartedly sick of this shyte.

Yes. The vast majority is sick of the shyte, which testifies to the fact that it's a nation-wide conflict. A nation-wide problem.
You like contradicting yourself apparently.

"vast majority standing apathically"
"wholeheartedly sick of this shyte"

So are they apathetic or are they sick of the shyte? ?

Elections aren't won on the fringes. They're won in the centre. That's mathematics. If you're right-winger and you're acting in a way which abets the left's attempts to convince the centre that you're full of shyte, you'll go down. Don't come crying to me if you do because the alternative is there. And no, the alternative isn't to turn the other cheek. I've never written anything of the like.

For heaven's sake, how many of the people who invaded the Capitol on the 6th had their property trashed by Antifa? Had lost their jobs for political reasons? Had ben doxxed? Had been disenfranchised?

Seems that quite a lot of them.

Since you're so certain of their righteous wrath, it should be relatively easy for you to lecture me on the truth. Or maybe you'll let me lecture you: Those people were merely the right-wing equivalent of the knuckleheads that trashed cities like Portland earlier last year, few of whom had been members of allegedly "oppressed" minorities. Most of them were rich white students with no real grievances at all.

Does your explanation somehow prevent people from trashing stuff?

How come you're so certain it was stolen then? Shouldn't you be more consistent and make room for the possibility that it wasn't stolen?

Because I don't rely on CNN to tell me in 2016 that it was stolen, and that in 2020 it wasn't stolen, despite the fact that far more evidence, shady practices, and statistical improbabilities have came out in the 2020 election, while the country's entire propaganda umbrella did everything it could to dismiss any possibility of fraud, and did everything to fan the conviction that fraud happened in 2016.

I don't know if you have any integrity, but to me it seems like you have zero.

"Evil". Jesus Christ.

The funny part is, you're talking exactly like every woke dreamer or Antifa-freak I've ever had to contend with. You think that if you feel offended, it means you've truly been offended. You think if someone alleges a crime, a crime has actually happened whether there's evidence or not. You think your cause justifies the means.

You're the right-wing equivalent of a liberal snowflake.

I particularly find it funny that you're so scared of that word.
I've matured beyond the point of being terrified of using words which people may deem "inappropriate". Maybe you don't understand what that word implies, or maybe it makes you somehow uncomfortable. If you're scared of particular words, maybe you shouldn't be asking people if they're six years old.

Also. Calling me right-wing is rich. I'm about as right-wing as the 2020 election is convincingly clean.
Apparently you have a pretty surface-level understanding of what's happening in the US, and a surface-level understanding of what are my political inclinations.

Maybe I was quite unprofessional in my previous posts. But to summarize my position:
- election was shady.
- plenty of people don't believe it was clean, regardless of what Trump believes himself. Even if Trump wouldn't say a thing about the election, people would still be asking for answers, and they still wouldn't get them.
- MSM and courts showed complete disinterest in challenging the election, despite all of them funneling resources and the kitchen sink into challenging the 2016 election.
- everyone who is in control of the political discourse and information flow in the country does everything to silence dissidents and create an impression of the cleanest and best-est election in the history of the US.
- the most popular president to date who flipped traditionally republican states needs thousands of soldiers and fences to protect his democracy
- now apparently the radical nutjobs from Antifa are celebrating Biden as their "mascot"
- siding with the people who are collectively crafting propaganda and dismissing people's concerns is evil. I don't care how many times you're going to call upon Jesus Christ to cleanse your unholy spirit ?

And to my general understanding, minor election fraud may have actually been happening on a regular basis for many elections. And all such findings were sorted internally between the two parties as there was still some level of unity between Republicans and Democrats.
After Democrats weaponized the radical-left and the media to win the 2020 election, too many radical and dirty fingers got involved with election fraud, and it became hard to hide it. So the only way to hide or sideline the fraud, was to crank up the volume on the MSM loudspeakers to say it was the cleanest election ever. As you know, the more you repeat a lie, the sooner you will begin to believe it.

In any case. I am not interested in continuing this discussion, as to me it is apparent your main source of information is the MSM. You're putting a lot of trust in it. And therefore it would be nearly impossible for me to convince you that an alternative, less utopic side to the world exists.
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Biden's already produced his first massive cock-up by returning to the Paris Accords and the WHO. I'm not saying the United States should've ever left, that's not the point.

However, the way Biden's handled the matter he's

1. further undermined the trustworthiness of the US as a contracting party, ironically with the alleged intention of restoring said trustworthiness; but after such a farcical string of yays and nays, others country's won't be as eager to enter years worth of negotiations if they can't be sure their agreements with America will survive a meager four years.

2. massively boosted an already nascent precedent that new governments can just undo everything the outgoing government has done. I get it, he'll say that he told people what he'd do if elected and hey presto, they elected him. But how many of them elected him to achieve this exact outcome? How many of them had voted for Trump in 2016?

And didn't he just give the Republicans a pretext to undo everything he'll do after 2024?

This is a prime example why I'm a massive advocate of official nationwide opinion polls on divisive matters. They don't even have to be binding referenda considering the hefty political price of ignoring them; just getting the people's opinion out there would already be a colossal improvement over the ambiguous status quo.

Actually, they could be held alongside regular elections.

As I said, it sets precedents.

Setting precedents, in itself, isn't a bad thing. But setting precedents for "petty" partisan reasons is a bad thing.
And the Trump administration is rife with bad precedents sets by the Democrats and the Media (Kavanaugh, the taxes returns, the Ukraine impeachment, the peddling of false narrative, witch hunting for political reasons, normalizing unrest, etc...).
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Let's get this straight.

1. It appears to me that the general inclination in the US is to give the president 2 terms, as any transition of the administration implies potential shake-ups, and people by large always prefer stability over shocks.

2. For whatever reason the public decides it is necessary to limit the president's time in office to just 1 term (because he's a "Nazi"), and replace him with a guy who barely walks on his own feet, barely speaks, has clear signs of dementia. Thus, electing a leader with a very questionable life-span, and very questionable ability to think clearly or even remember things (since dementia is accompanied by severe memory problems, especially if it progresses quickly or if drugs are involved [I've already seen this happen to my grandmother before she died, her last 2 years of dementia were horrifying for relatives to deal with])

3. The media and the tech giants unequivocally embrace the idea of inaugurating a walking corpse as the best thing that has happened to the US in recent decades.

I don't know, maybe I'm insane and these things are normal. But to me it appears as though these 3 points indicate a nation-wide insanity.
This guy is clearly physically unfit for office. So the 2 potential consequences that come out of him taking office are:
A) He F***s up the country beyond recognition.
B) He won't actually be in control, and all decisions will be made by people that actually weren't elected.
Both options seem like a dead end.
How much would Trump need to F*** up, and be hated by the whole country, for the country to choose 2 dead ends as an alternative to his legacy?

Either the country is collectively crazy, and there is no middle objective majority. Or the election was a sham.
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Let's get this straight.

1. It appears to me that the general inclination in the US is to give the president 2 terms, as any transition of the administration implies potential shake-ups, and people by large always prefer stability over shocks.

2. For whatever reason the public decides it is necessary to limit the president's time in office to just 1 term (because he's a "Nazi"), and replace him with a guy who barely walks on his own feet, barely speaks, has clear signs of dementia. Thus, electing a leader with a very questionable life-span, and very questionable ability to think clearly or even remember things (since dementia is accompanied by severe memory problems, especially if it progresses quickly or if drugs are involved [I've already seen this happen to my grandmother before she died, her last 2 years of dementia were horrifying for relatives to deal with])

3. The media and the tech giants unequivocally embrace the idea of inaugurating a walking corpse as the best thing that has happened to the US in recent decades.

I don't know, maybe I'm insane and these things are normal. But to me it appears as though these 3 points indicate a nation-wide insanity.
This guy is clearly physically unfit for office. So the 2 potential consequences that come out of him taking office are:
A) He F***s up the country beyond recognition.
B) He won't actually be in control, and all decisions will be made by people that actually weren't elected.
Both options seem like a dead end.
How much would Trump need to F*** up, and be hated by the whole country, for the country to choose 2 dead ends as an alternative to his legacy?

Either the country is collectively crazy, and there is no middle objective majority. Or the election was a sham.
Reagan was generally regarded as 'acting' the role. But to be fair he did it pretty well, destroyed the USSR etc, with Maggie.

As others have said, I'd be amazed if he makes it 2 years.

but that is scary, if he is being literally remote controlled.
So... if we had to follow the (retarded) precedents set by the Dems and MSM during the Trump administration, should we point out that Biden has been president for 9 hours and 400.000 Americans have died during that period of time?

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