Politics The Biden thread

6th was barely even a riot, more of a photoshoot on steroids with stolen stands and broken windows.
How many cops need to have their heads smashed in with fire extinguishers for it to count as a "proper" riot? How many pipe bombs need placing, and what's the percentage of protesters required to be decked out with body armour and zip ties?

How many cops need to have their heads smashed in with fire extinguishers for it to count as a "proper" riot? How many pipe bombs need placing, and what's the percentage of protesters required to be decked out with body armour and zip ties?


If the past 8, or 9, months can be qualified as "peaceful protests", then January 6th was not a riot.
How many cops need to have their heads smashed in with fire extinguishers for it to count as a "proper" riot? How many pipe bombs need placing, and what's the percentage of protesters required to be decked out with body armour and zip ties?


How many times must Biden fart for it to be deemed an act of chemical warfare on US soil?

There were much worse riots around the world with the use of molotovs, firearms, chains, stabbing weapons, burning tires, and still the main response was riot police and special police units.
The response was never accidentally building a new military base and role-playing NK/Fascist styled repressions, while having no physical or visible evidence of an incoming attack.
If the past 8, or 9, months can be qualified as "peaceful protests", then January 6th was not a riot.
Only they can't be qualified as such.

We've been through this before, haven't we. Double standards don't justify double standards, especially if you want to retain the moral high ground. I'd love to see a conservative who cuts the whataboutism-silliness for once and admits his side has done fᴜcked-up. Which would carry the added bonus of putting the left on the spot in the public's eye.

Sadly, only Ben Shapiro has had the balls to notice that one cannot credibly condemn the Democrats for condoning the BLM riots if one oneself refuses to unequivocally condemn the events on the 6th. Doubly sadly, he's probably too smart to enter politics.
Only they can't be qualified as such.

We've been through this before, haven't we. Double standards don't justify double standards, especially if you want to retain the moral high ground. I'd love to see a conservative who cuts the whataboutism-silliness for once and admits his side has done fᴜcked-up. Which would carry the added bonus of putting the left on the spot in the public's eye.

Sadly, only Ben Shapiro has had the balls to notice that one cannot credibly condemn the Democrats for condoning the BLM riots if one oneself refuses to unequivocally condemn the events on the 6th. Doubly sadly, he's probably too smart to enter politics.

Whataboutism doesn't exist in a mature cool-headed discourse. It's just a weaponized term for justifying turning a blind eye on unfair treatment of events to benefit one of the involved parties, and then silencing an inconvenient discussion.

Humans are a social species that are wired to maintain collective social coherence on the basis of justice and fair treatment.

It doesn't matter how much you're going to beat, cry and scream about how "bad" and "horrifying" the events of the 6th were, you still won't change the general feeling that permeates the American nation that they have been sidelined and betrayed by their own media and authorities.
If you spend a year beating me on the head with a stick, don't attempt to morally equate your actions to mine when I will respond by doing the same to you in retaliation.

Pointing fingers and saying both sides are equally wrong here just doesn't work, by any stretch of the imagination. There is no fairness in doing that. And people won't respond positively to any attempts at doing so.
"Whataboutism" is a rather uncontroversial term first used in the first half of the 20th Century to describe the Soviet Union's dismissing of American criticism by pointing to lynch mobs running rampant in the United States at that time. A factual observation which but didn't invalidate the American criticism one bit.

The word is generally understood to denote the issue that one loses credibility by criticising others for their conduct if one's own conduct isn't impeccable. I'd like you think you took my meaning back there, so let's not waste our time here.

As for what I'd like to do … the answer is: nothing. I don't care about opinions as much as I do about the manner in which they're uttered. We've arrived at a point in Western culture where even worthwhile opinions usually don't get heard anymore because they're voiced in a self-defeating manner.

All I'd do is repeat a line from Stephen Fry's memorable defence of free speech with which I've been pestering obstinate lefties for years: The problem is people would rather appear righteous than be effective. Or more bluntly put: The problem is you're more interested in collecting metaphorical likes on your side of the aisle than you are in making a difference.

Had the Republicans unequivocally condemned "their" riots, it would've been an embarassment for a Democrat Party refusing to condemn violence committed in their name and by their allies.
"Whataboutism" is a rather uncontroversial term first used in the first half of the 20th Century to describe the Soviet Union's dismissing of American criticism by pointing to lynch mobs running rampant in the United States at that time. A factual observation which but didn't invalidate the American criticism one bit.

So a weapon of the cold war basically.

The word is generally understood to denote the issue that one loses credibility by criticising others for their conduct if one's own conduct isn't impeccable. I'd like you think you took my meaning back there, so let's not waste our time here.

As for what I'd like to do … the answer is: nothing. I don't care about opinions as much as I do about the manner in which they're uttered. We've arrived at a point in Western culture where even worthwhile opinions usually don't get heard anymore because they're voiced in a self-defeating manner.

All I'd do is repeat a line from Stephen Fry's memorable defence of free speech with which I've been pestering obstinate lefties for years: The problem is people would rather appear righteous than be effective. Or more bluntly put: The problem is you're more interested in collecting metaphorical likes on your side of the aisle than you are in making a difference.

Thanks for contributing zero content to the discussion.

Had the Republicans unequivocally condemned "their" riots, it would've been an embarassment for a Democrat Party refusing to condemn violence committed in their name and by their allies.

Had the republicans unequivocally condemned "their" riots, they'd simply end up putting additional hurt on the side of the population that has already been humiliated for several years straight.

I don't know if you are naturally evil or are trying to be evil because you dislike some party in this standoff.
But all I can tell you, is that your position is pretty evil here.

I personally always hated the US, for a good portion of my life, because I despised their hypocrisy and constant foreign meddling, as self-appointed world police of self-assigned moral high-ground. And I would have never even imagined myself trying to defend any portion of the US population or even care if they'd just shoot each other for any imaginable or unimaginable reasons.
But it seems so that the situation got so out of hand, that even I'm outraged and feel sorry for the people there. (and am surprised that's even possible in my case)

The amount of collective effort to bully "wrong-thinkers" into submission, humiliate them, sideline them, and more so, dox them, snitch on them, and paint them as idiots/terrorists/cattle is frankly speaking, I thought was impossible and unimaginable in the 21st century. It's really some caveman S**t going on there, for as far as social maturity is concerned.
Had the Republicans unequivocally condemned "their" riots, it would've been an embarassment for a Democrat Party refusing to condemn violence committed in their name and by their allies.

Republicans did condemn "their" riots unequivocally though. Consistently. While Democrats were tip-toeing and beating around the bush, condoning, rationalizing and talking about "summers of love".

Unless it does not reach one's standards of "unequivocality", just like Trump condemning racism/kkk/white supremacy for years was still deemed "not unequivocal enough" by his detractors. (while Biden and Hillary were still eulogizing over Byrd).

The problem is: it sets precedents.

Based on the precedents set by the prior 8-9 months, one could expect the young woman who got shot will receive a lot of media coverage, attention, praises, her picture on Time Magazine and a folded flag from Nancy Pelosi. Just like the officer who shot her will have his named made public and face heavy public scrutiny.
Based on the precedents set by the prior 8-9 months, one could expect the young woman who got shot will receive a lot of media coverage, attention, praises, her picture on Time Magazine and a folded flag from Nancy Pelosi. Just like the officer who shot her will have his named made public and face heavy public scrutiny.

They already have an idea of a "perfect society", and they will stomp everyone who gets in the way of building that utopia.
So a weapon of the cold war basically.
Eh, no. A standard term found within the English dictionary.
Thanks for contributing zero content to the discussion.
What makes you say that? You didn't seem to understand the term, so I explained it. Then you asked me what my intentions were, so I elaborated on them.
Had the republicans unequivocally condemned "their" riots, they'd simply end up putting additional hurt on the side of the population that has already been humiliated for several years straight.

I don't know if you are naturally evil or are trying to be evil because you dislike some party in this standoff.
But all I can tell you, is that your position is pretty evil here.
"Evil" …? What sort of discussion are we having here? Jesus Christ.

What I'm suggestion for your consideration is this …

Imagine you're in your car headed towards an intersection, having the right of way. Another car's coming. You're able to anticipate the other motorist is going to ignore your right of way and crash right into your car.

What do you want to do?

Do you lay off the gas pedal for a second, avoid a collision and drive on merrily to your destination?

Or do you carry on regardless and have your journey cut short by a massive car wreck? What good is being in the right to you if you can't continue to your metaphorical destination?
I personally always hated the US, for a good portion of my life, because I despised their hypocrisy and constant foreign meddling, as self-appointed world police of self-assigned moral high-ground. And I would have never even imagined myself trying to defend any portion of the US population or even care if they'd just shoot each other for any imaginable or unimaginable reasons.
But it seems so that the situation got so out of hand, that even I'm outraged and feel sorry for the people there. (and am surprised that's even possible in my case)
Just out of curiosity – you're a Russian living in Lithuania, right?
The amount of collective effort to bully "wrong-thinkers" into submission, humiliate them, sideline them, and more so, dox them, snitch on them, and paint them as idiots/terrorists/cattle is frankly speaking, I thought was impossible and unimaginable in the 21st century. It's really some caveman S**t going on there, for as far as social maturity is concerned.
I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not quite sure what makes you think I'd disagree. All I'm suggesting is not running one's head against the wall.

In case the metaphor above wasn't clear enough … I'm suggesting that the right – and America's right in particular – has been doing the left one favour after another, handing to them an endless stream of propaganda victories on a silver platter.

Don't be surprised by the outcome if you're doing exactly what they need you to do in order to win. So my suggesting that is "evil", huh? Well, good advice often stings.

And just to be clear, I consider this "good advice" not because I'm oh-so-terribly clever but because I know from personal experience the aforementioned Fry was right. What is it that you want? Do you want to feel good about yourself, or do you want to make a difference?

No, I don't think this election was "stolen". (I have given my reasons, there's no need to go over them again and again). I think this election was lost because Donald Trump and his supporters made the mistake of confirming all stereotypes about them in the eye of the public. Trump just delivered a speech saying he's done what he's come to do. Congratulations. And now what he's done is about to be undone. Such success!

I'm not claiming to be right, hence my choice of words: I think. But consider for second the possibility I could be right. Consider the possibility the Trump-camp might've won had they acted differently. Maybe I'm correct, maybe I'm not. But don't give me that "evil"-crap. That's the silliest thing I've read in years. This isn't a girl's boarding school, for Pete's sake.
As if they couldn't wait ...they want Biden to revert back to the same old . ...

Eh, no. A standard term found within the English dictionary.

Eh no, a standard term to protect hypocrites from being called out for their hypocrisy.

What I'm suggestion for your consideration is this …

Imagine you're in your car headed towards an intersection, having the right of way. Another car's coming. You're able to anticipate the other motorist is going to ignore your right of way and crash right into your car.

What do you want to do?

Do you lay off the gas pedal for a second, avoid a collision and drive on merrily to your destination?

Or do you carry on regardless and have your journey cut short by a massive car wreck? What good is being in the right to you if you can't continue to your metaphorical destination?Just out of curiosity – you're a Russian living in Lithuania, right?I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not quite sure what makes you think I'd disagree. All I'm suggesting is not running one's head against the wall.

It's quite difficult to understand how this hypothetical car scenario is related to a nation-wide crisis the US is currently facing.
I'm not even sure if you're being serious or just trolling.

Right of way what? You're not dealing with a situation where an Antifa/BLM nutcase is driving at high speed to his death, and all you need to do from your side is to step aside and let him continue on his merry suicidal way.

This is not the situation at all. You're dealing with a situation where road rules are selectively enforced in a city, where a gang of crazy street racers are allowed to go beyond the speed limit, damage roads, traffic lights, buildings, injure pedestrians, crash into law-abiding drivers, and then get applauded and celebrated by the authorities for doing so and thus enticed to continue doing so.

You're dealing with selective justice that favors 1 side of the conflict, and is thus selectively enforced by entire media conglomerate, by politicians, and by authorities in general.

Do you want to know what happens when selective justice is consistently enforced nation-wide?
You get a civil war. And at that point none of your hypothetical pedal pushing and wheel twisting is going to save you.

Tell me this. What will you do, if a gang of thugs continues trashing your house, stealing your property, calling you names, and the authorities just do nothing to protect you from them? Eventually you'll snap and enact your own justice. Then get condemned for it, doxed for it, witch-hunted for it, by the same people who were subjecting you to selective justice, as a 2nd grade citizen that you are in their eyes.

The authorities are not protecting the interests of the people, and in some cases are actively working against those interests. People have no choice other than to voluntarily capitulate or to try and take things into their own hands. But it seems you want them to capitulate.

In case the metaphor above wasn't clear enough … I'm suggesting that the right – and America's right in particular – has been doing the left one favour after another, handing to them an endless stream of propaganda victories on a silver platter.

Don't be surprised by the outcome if you're doing exactly what they need you to do in order to win. So my suggesting that is "evil", huh? Well, good advice often stings.

And just to be clear, I consider this "good advice" not because I'm oh-so-terribly clever but because I know from personal experience the aforementioned Fry was right. What is it that you want? Do you want to feel good about yourself, or do you want to make a difference?

You're forgetting that you're not dealing with a nation of robots. You're dealing with a nation of human beings.
You can't expect people to continue eating S**t, and then continue turning the other cheek because it's "effective" to do so.
How many times would you allow me to slap you on the face, without punching me for it? 100 times? 200 times? 1000 times? Do you like getting slapped on the face? Maybe you do. But most people don't.

No, I don't think this election was "stolen".

Good to know you took the moral high-ground and are willing to decide for the American public whether their election was stolen or not.
How about its their own internal problem, and if they think it was stolen, they have every right to think so, and they have every right for a full open transparent investigation with all the evidence they could ever desire?

I'm not claiming to be right, hence my choice of words: I think. But consider for second the possibility I could be right. Consider the possibility the Trump-camp might've won had they acted differently. Maybe I'm correct, maybe I'm not. But don't give me that "evil"-crap. That's the silliest thing I've read in years. This isn't a girl's boarding school, for Pete's sake.

I stand by my "evil" statement. You don't give a S**t about the people or what they think or are concerned about.
In your dystopian world they should just shut up and turn the other cheek, because that's "more effective" to do so.
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Mumbles Biden stringing together an endless series of liberal wish-isms..... Could only listen to about a couple minutes of it before I'd had enough. I've gotten a service call at work to set up a conference room PC to play some web feeds for the next few hours so that the person in the room can see the guest singers. ?
Yeah it was boring AF.

I don’t even wish the guy bad or harm or anything, I have sort of some empathy and sympathy even for him. Because of his past, because he’s old and not in the greatest mental strength.

Have a feeling though the far more dangerous AOC and Omar will have their word onto his Presidency and that’s fairly predictable. It’s going to piss off many reasonable democrats as much as republicans.

Ah well, let’s hope this is only four years. Not even sure Biden will be able to give a speech on his legs a year from now.
Yup, 5 days of gurgling wokism.
And then 4 years of wokism hopefully without too much gurgling.

I wish Joe all the best, but wether he manages to go through these 4 years that probably be a one time administration.

And if the Reps behave as viciously as the Dems have for the past few years, that term won't be kind on Biden. Though, he probably won't have to deal with any kind of Media (no matter the kind) backlash, so there is that he does not have to worry about.

I only wish he stopped playing the Beau Biden card so much...
He was still making gaffs during the candidate process. No normal democratic party would select such a candidate, sure one like that could exist in some marxist state, the old degenerating leader. He definitely got a face lift to address that somewhat, something that never gets mentioned. jogs onto the stage to cover his sagging energy and age up. Did whatever he possibly could to hide his age.
However he still won this bloody election. Their polling must be exceptionally good on what to have him say to his crowds of six or seven and to hide out in the basement and instead let the lib press and china virus destroy Trump.

Trumps farewell speech included wishing..." the next admin has luck. A very important word".
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Mumbles Biden stringing together an endless series of liberal wish-isms..... Could only listen to about a couple minutes of it before I'd had enough. I've gotten a service call at work to set up a conference room PC to play some web feeds for the next few hours so that the person in the room can see the guest singers. ?

I noticed how they shut down the comment sections on all the live broadcast feeds on Youtube ...
Have a feeling though the far more dangerous AOC and Omar will have their word onto his Presidency and that’s fairly predictable. It’s going to piss off many reasonable democrats as much as republicans.

Disagree . They ll fall straight into line behind Nancy pelosi and the party faithful . More attack dogs to keep hardcore conservatives at bay than anything else . Progressive they are not .

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