Although if you want my honest opinion.
I really don't care about US gun policy. I don't live there. It's none of my business. If Americans are content with nutcases being able to legally purchase assault rifles and murder primary school children. While the cops do nothing then good for them.
The problem with people who have a one track agenda is that they cannot differentiate. Or adapt. Even as the world changes around them.
They end up being stubborn outliers. Who find themselves coming up against law enforcement. The US has a long history of it.
Oh, oh unless society is forcing those changes rather than the other way around.

The problem with people who have a one track agenda is that they cannot differentiate. Or adapt. Even as the world changes around them.
They end up being stubborn outliers. Who find themselves coming up against law enforcement. The US has a long history of it.
Oh, oh unless society is forcing those changes rather than the other way around.