Del. Dan Helmer, who represents parts of Prince William County, has introduced a bill to ban indoor gun ranges in buildings where more than 50 people work, a move that would likely affect the indoor gun range at National Rifle Association headquarters in Fairfax.
"Yes, this plan would affect the NRA, we also think it will save lives,” Helmer, D-40th, said about the bill in an email Tuesday.
Helmer, a West Point grad and U.S. Army veteran elected in 2019, said his bill,
HB567, is aimed at keeping Virginia workplaces safe in the wake of numerous workplace mass shootings throughout the country, including a mass shooting at a Virginia Beach municipal building in May 2019 that killed 12.
“This bill would make sure that we don't have people bringing large quantities of firearms and ammunition into office buildings,” said Helmer aide Noah Bardash. “This bill would likely impact the NRA's indoor range.”
NRA spokesperson Catherine Mortensen said the organization opposes the measure because it would eliminate jobs and “destroy small businesses in Virginia without reducing crime.”
“In addition to generating about $18 million each year in revenues, the state’s ranges are the epicenter for vital safety training. This is where our law enforcement community comes to train alongside families and individuals seeking skills for home and self-defense,” Mortensen said.