Politics All Things Trump

You forgot to mention he was an artist and an animal lover. And also a vegetarian.
Yeah. I don’t know how that played out but mayhaps they weren’t wearing any suicide vest. Hope the Muricans get as much infos from them as possible.
We got one after our November Bataclan attacks. He didn't trigered the suicide vest (depends sometimes he says that the thing didn't went up)
In any case, he is regarded as a coward and traitor by other inmates
We got one after our November Bataclan attacks. He didn't trigered the suicide vest (depends sometimes he says that the thing didn't went up)
In any case, he is regarded as a coward and traitor by other inmates

Salah Abdeslam?
Haha! There are about a dozen spoofs of the Washington Post's headline. Some of them are hilarious. I'll try to find a few and post.


Ivan Milat, noted outdoorsman and driver, dies at 74.
Jeffery Epstein, Financier and renowned feminist, dead at 68.
Osama bin Laden, aviation and caving enthusiast, dies at 54.
Charles Manson, devout family man and Beach Boys super fan, passes away at 83.
Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.
Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.
Saddam Hussein, successful politician, oil baron and noted tough boss, dead at 69.
Joseph Stalin, advocate of a strong working class and population control, dies at 74.
Nero, emperor who helped Christians bring light to Rome, dies at 30.
Jeffrey Dahmer, who pushed the boundaries of culinary innovation, died today at the age of 34.
Lizzie Borden, a female entrepreneur in the male dominated sport of axe wielding and striking has died at 66.
Al Capone, Italian-American philanthropist, soup kitchen manager, community leader, importer and supply chain expert, dies at 48.
Timothy McVeigh, innovator & enthusiast of lawn fertilizer products, dies at 33.
Count Dracula, innovator in hematology, dead at 590.
Pol Pot, champion of egalitarianism and defender of agricultural superiority, dies at 72.
Yasser Arafat, noted tablecloth enthusiast and freedom fighter, dies at 75.
Mussolini, community service volunteer renown for getting the trains to run on time, dies at 61.
Attila the Hun, world traveler and government administrator, dies at 47.
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Here's a good strategy for Trump's success with democrats/liberals


Drive them mad a little bit more....it might work :p
The New York Times: In Another Bipartisan Rebuke of Trump, House Votes for Sanctions Against Turkey.
Don't know if it's true or not, but if the Turks really did know where Bagdaddy was for quite some time before the raid that's a pisser.
See! He is uniting the country after all! :cool:

Would anyone really be surprised if the Turks knew much more about ISIS than they pretended to? They used them and Al-Nusra to fight the Kurds and when Syrian and Iraqi forces with US air support destroyed both the Turks rented some new jihadist mercenaries to take over and threw conventional forces into the mix after the previous useful idiots had failed. Has AB been found because the territory he was able to stay in had shrunken to a level that it was simpler to fish him out, or was he found because he was no longer of any use to the factions that supported him and they threw him to the wolves?

“We need to think extremely carefully before we employ the same tools against a democratic NATO ally that we would against the worst rogue states,” Mr. McConnell said in a speech.

So much hypocrisy in one sentence. Also "democratic" and "ally" are not words I would mention with regards to Turkey unless preceded by "un-" and "supposed".
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Sounds like Jamie Lee Curtis has seen a lot of action.

The Harvey Weinstein affair was again a reminder of how tough the close combat on the casting couch is for untalented actresses. So much ordnance going down range and targets being engaged in all holes directions. Full UV spectrum warfare ... Think of how Rambo is covered in blood and mud at the end of each movie, except it's semen and shame instead.

Luckily we have such morally superior cultured beings to show us peasants that everything we think, eat and do is repulsive notworthy;

Also on a technical level a nano-second of suffering wouldn't be registered consciously by the brain because death has already set in before the signals from the nerves reach the brain ... if they are even still connected at the point when you blow yourself up. The head supposedly having been severed from the body kind of rules that out. "Anyone who has experienced warfare" and has been wounded by an explosion knows that it hurts ... because to register pain means they weren't killed instantly like this guy was and/or survived.
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The Harvey Weinstein affair was again a reminder of how tough the close combat on the casting couch is for untalented actresses. So much ordnance going down range and targets being engaged in all holes directions. Full UV spectrum warfare ... Think of how Rambo is covered in blood and mud at the end of each movie, except it's semen and shame instead.

Luckily we have such morally superior cultured beings to show us peasants that everything we think, eat and do is repulsive notworthy;

Also on a technical level a nano-second of suffering wouldn't be registered consciously by the brain because death has already set in before the signals from the nerves reach the brain ... if they are even still connected at the point when you blow yourself up. The head supposedly having been severed from the body kind of rules that out. "Anyone who has experienced warfare" and has been wounded by an explosion knows that it hurts ... because to register pain means they weren't killed instantly like this guy was and/or survived.

I'm fairly certain that I suffered more reading her stupid post than Baghdadi did blowing himself up.

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