Politics All Things Trump

Insightful posts both of you. More a reminder to something you know already but America’s biggest enemies are on your soil and fellow Americans; it’s true of other countries as well, as JungleJim’s signature on this forum points out from his President which I’m not particularly fond of: « The enemy is us, we are our own tormentors. »

That is certainly true. The Deep State Swamp along with their corrupt media allies is so furious that the American voter didn't choose what they wanted, that they are prepared to burn the whole nation down in their temper tantrum . There is no other threat on the planet which has the ability to damage the US more.

So, whenever Trump says something I might not have said, I really don't care. He mans the thin line between the American people and the villainous career politicians and well connected Globalists who were sure their gravy train was coming in with Hillary.
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I don't mean any disrespect to any members or their opinions and beliefs about Trump, but I want to share mine.

Beware Trump, he is compromised and unstable. He is a weak man, only interested in his own affairs and is being used by multiple entities that have no love for the United States.

There are legitimate concerns about the direction of the United States, but this "sad wreck of a man" is not the answer.
being used by multiple entities that have no love for the United States.

I used to think that as well, but if those entities exist, they're all kicking themselves over their bad investment right now. Trump's policies are way to erratic to be of anybody's use.
I used to think that as well, but if those entities exist, they're all kicking themselves over their bad investment right now. Trump's policies are way to erratic to be of anybody's use.
I think they are using him due to his incompetence.
I don't mean any disrespect to any members or their opinions and beliefs about Trump, but I want to share mine.

Beware Trump, he is compromised and unstable. He is a weak man, only interested in his own affairs and is being used by multiple entities that have no love for the United States.

There are legitimate concerns about the direction of the United States, but this "sad wreck of a man" is not the answer.

Compromised? How exactly and by whom. One might think a 3 year long investigation conducted by his mortal enemies with all the resources of the Federal government might have uncovered any such sinister compromise but none was found. Far from being weak, he has withstood an onslaught of opposition the likes of which I have never seen and seems to thrive on the combat. His list of accomplishments is extraordinary not the least of which is exposing the phenomenally blinding and visceral hatred from the left, you know, the loving. tolerant and inclusive liberals. I'm not sure how a man in his 70's who is already a billionaire, a man who has kept campaign promise after campaign promise unlike any other politician I have known can be viewed as interested in his own affairs.
I don't mean any disrespect to any members or their opinions and beliefs about Trump, but I want to share mine.

Beware Trump, he is compromised and unstable. He is a weak man, only interested in his own affairs and is being used by multiple entities that have no love for the United States.

There are legitimate concerns about the direction of the United States, but this "sad wreck of a man" is not the answer.

Well....the obvious question is, who would you like?

Gotta love how the comments on this article are extremely unhinged liberals folks...
Cue attacks on Barr as a Russian asset/Trump's puppet/Putin's puppet/sock puppet/Nazi/Racist/bigot//homophobe/deplorable incompetent in 3...2...1......
Well....the obvious question is, who would you like?
The second obvious question is; what specifically prompts such statements? If Trump is a danger to the Republic. If he is destroying democracy, how is he doing it? And for God's sake. Spare me the infantile "He's just an idiot/orange man bad" banalities. Specific legislation, specific executive orders, specific policies. Otherwise this is just a waste of bandwidth.
Cue attacks on Barr as a Russian asset/Trump's puppet/Putin's puppet/sock puppet/Nazi/Racist/bigot//homophobe/deplorable incompetent in 3...2...1......

Well yeah, it is obviously an over-reach by the President to undermine the justice system, violate the Constitution and it further shows how corrupt Trump is...
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The second obvious question is; what specifically prompts such statements? If Trump is a danger to the Republic. If he is destroying democracy, how is he doing it? And for God's sake. Spare me the infantile "He's just an idiot/orange man bad" banalities. Specific legislation, specific executive orders, specific policies. Otherwise this is just a waste of bandwidth.

Yup. I see Trump as literally saving the Republic. LITERALLY SAVING THE REPUBLIC. Or at the very least, staving off the Statist/Globalist barbarians at the gate for a few more years, so the next generation of patriots can man the walls.
Rut-Roh....I can hardly wait for a little daylight to hit this whole rotten mess. Grand Jury here we come!!! The bolded part is hysterical. Particularly coming from the Lois Lerner/McCabe/Comey/Brennan/Clapper Democrat fan club.

Justice Department’s review of Trump-Russia investigation shifts to criminal probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — Investigating the investigators, the Justice Department has shifted its scrutiny of the government’s Trump-Russia review to a criminal probe, a person familiar with the matter says. It’s raising Democrats’ concerns that President Donald Trump may be using federal muscle to go after his opponents.

It’s raising Democrats’ concerns that President Donald Trump may be using federal muscle to go after his opponents.

Literally what I said...

Well yeah, it is obviously an over-reach by the President to undermine the justice system, violate the Constitution and it further shows how corrupt Trump is...

Things are so predictable it is not funny anymore. Well, that's assuming it ever was funny to begin with...
It’s raising Democrats’ concerns that President Donald Trump may be using federal muscle to go after his opponents.

Like when Obama employed the IRS to harass conservative groups? Now, this is a whataboutism on my part, but still. The Dems don't have to be impartial; but the press should be.
Or the Steele dossier against Trump is being compared to the investigation against Biden.
Rut-Roh....I can hardly wait for a little daylight to hit this whole rotten mess. Grand Jury here we come!!! The bolded part is hysterical. Particularly coming from the Lois Lerner/McCabe/Comey/Brennan/Clapper Democrat fan club.

Justice Department’s review of Trump-Russia investigation shifts to criminal probe

I hope people get indicted, found guilty and imprisoned. Lots of them.
Or the Steele dossier against Trump is being compared to the investigation against Biden.

If one is comparing apples to oranges then I suppose it's legit. The investigation into Biden is just part of a larger investigation into Ukrainian corruption. Joe just got his manly teat in the ringer.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.


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Police Now Involved In Democrat Ethics Scandal As SECOND Democrat Hit With Ethics investigation. Police are now investigating leaked photos of Democratic rep Katie Hill following the publication of photos by two news outlets. The allegations against progressive democrat Katie Hill were announced recently by the house ethics committee and Hill has admitted to an inappropriate relationship. Following this questions emerged about payments Hill was making to her lover up until last month from her campaign. While Hill denies one of the allegations against her she has admitted to the other. Conservatives are making the case based on text messages that were leaked that Hill was pressuring her subordinates and staffers into things they did not want to do. Admittedly this scandal is very complicated and new details are constantly emerging. In a shocking turn however the house Ethics Committee has announced a SECOND Democrat will be facing an investigation into an affair and campaign finance violations. In the past we have seen Ocasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar face similar accusations and Omar even had to pay a fine for misusing campaign funds. For some reason many of these complaints are centered around the younger far left Democrats, which may be a result of arrogance or simple ignorance as they are new.

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