Politics All Things Trump

I hear at Trump's prompting, the Justice Dept will finally begin to investigate lynchings.
Has too much sense of humor to believe Hillary wrote it...........
Once again, the reality is more amazing than fiction.....'contributions' occurred while Hillary was Secretary of State. Oddly enough, the Ukraine was a hotbed of anti-Trump activity during the 2016 campaign.

Ukraine Donated the Most Cash of Any Country to the Clinton Foundation


Well, 2016 ain't "1999-2014", but you do have a point.

On a related note, I think the headline…
Ukraine Donated the Most Cash
…is a bit misleading in that those donations apparently came from individuals or organizations residing in those nations, not the nations themselves. It'd be interesting to know who these people were.

Am I right in assuming the threshold of fifty grand is legally relevant? I reckon that donations below that don't have to be disclosed?
America’s top diplomat in Ukraine delivered a forceful blow to President Trump’s account of his “perfect” dealings with that nation, telling lawmakers Tuesday that the White House had threatened to withdraw much-needed military aid unless Kyiv announced investigations for Trump’s political benefit.
The explosive, closed-door testimony from acting ambassador William B. Taylor Jr. undermined Trump’s insistence that he never pressured Ukrainian officials in a potentially improper “quid pro quo.” It also offered House investigators an expansive road map to what Taylor called a “highly irregular” channel of shadow diplomacy toward Ukraine that lies at the heart of the impeachment inquiry.

More smoke means there was a fire somewhere .......
Well, 2016 ain't "1999-2014", but you do have a point.

On a related note, I think the headline…

…is a bit misleading in that those donations apparently came from individuals or organizations residing in those nations, not the nations themselves. It'd be interesting to know who these people were.

Am I right in assuming the threshold of fifty grand is legally relevant? I reckon that donations below that don't have to be disclosed?
I think that is correct. $50k. Ukraine also seems to have been the place to be for getting well connected kids good jobs.

Clinton’s State Department: A RICO Enterprise

Mrs. Clinton appears to have converted the office of secretary of state into a racketeering enterprise. This would be a violation of the RICO law — the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1971 (codified in the U.S. penal code at sections 1961 et seq.).
Hillary and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, operated the Clinton Foundation. Ostensibly a charity, the foundation was a de facto fraud scheme to monetize Hillary’s power as secretary of state (among other aspects of the Clintons’ political influence). The scheme involved (a) the exchange of political favors, access, and influence for millions of dollars in donations; (b) the circumvention of campaign-finance laws that prohibit political donations by foreign sources; (c) a vehicle for Mrs. Clinton to shield her State Department e-mail communications from public and congressional scrutiny while she and her husband exploited the fundraising potential of her position; and (d) a means for Clinton insiders to receive private-sector compensation and explore lucrative employment opportunities while drawing taxpayer-funded government salaries.

While the foundation did perform some charitable work, this camouflaged the fact that contributions were substantially diverted to pay lavish salaries and underwrite luxury travel for Clinton insiders. Contributions skyrocketed to $126 million in 2009, the year Mrs. Clinton arrived at Foggy Bottom. Breathtaking sums were “donated” by high-rollers and foreign governments that had crucial business before the State Department. Along with those staggering donations came a spike in speaking opportunities and fees for Bill Clinton. Of course, disproportionate payments and gifts to a spouse are common ways of bribing public officials — which is why, for example, high-ranking government officeholders must reveal their spouses’ income and other asset information on their financial-disclosure forms.

I'd actually pay to watch her try. Her own party would tear her apart this time.

Not necessarily.

The Dems objective, be them those running for the presidency or any of the others, is to get rid of Trump. Apart from going full identity politics, free healthcare for illegals and reparation etc... that's the one thing uniting them.
They're all raging against Clinton, though. In their eyes, she's the one to blame for Trump's presidency to begin with. I can't imagine she'd be able to win a primary nowadays.
They're all raging against Clinton, though. In their eyes, she's the one to blame for Trump's presidency to begin with. I can't imagine she'd be able to win a primary nowadays.
Depends if she has enough inner support. After all twisting and streching primary results was already done and could be done again
How would that work though?

She would simply bypass the primaries?

She could. But the primaries haven't even started yet. Even if they did, she could merely have the delegates vote for her at the Democratic Convention. Would anyone oppose here? Who knows!
But Hillary joining the race in a last-minute-mode would pretty much question the relevancy of all the debate that took place so far. Wouldn't it?
But Hillary joining the race in a last-minute-mode would pretty much question the relevancy of all the debate that took place so far. Wouldn't it?

The chaos would be entertaining! Watching the corrupt media try to spin it positively would be the greatest show on Earth! Would any of the front runners have the balls to oppose her? Not unless they want to die of a heart attack or a suicide shot to the back of the head. Even Bernie decided to take a house by the beach rather than make a fuss.

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