Politics All Things Trump

Zuackerberks defence of the billionaires....philanthropy and competing mega projects. They are better than govts at knowing what to resource.
These digital billionaires including Musk have simply streamed online activity so that it fills their back pocket. Non awarded a nobel prize despite pooling the worlds wealth into personal fortunes and they have this race going on to either send tourists into near space or monopolize transactions.
Probable expecting Hillary to return the favor "we gave you money for your election, we financed you, please give us some bread crumbs."
But Hillary joining the race in a last-minute-mode would pretty much question the relevancy of all the debate that took place so far. Wouldn't it?
She stole the nomination last time, she would do it again if she could but she can't. While Republicans truly do have enough diversity of political thought to be their own worst enemies, the Democrats do not. Attacking Tulsi Gabbard, a fellow leftist Democrat, with such an idiotic premise that she's a Russian asset was the final nail in her coffin. That plus she's lost twice now and is responsible for the Anti-Christ (in Democrat eyes) becoming President. I could never vote for Tulsi, but a more perfect description of The Beast has never been written.

This is what a political lynching looks like....

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why poor countries donated?

Again, it's not the countries that donated but folks from those countries. And even the poorest of countries usually have a very rich elite. It's probably safe to say those people wanted to get in with the Clintons. They do do charitable projects there, but why should an Ukrainian take the American detour if they wished to give money to a charitable cause?

Now, to be perfectly fair here – there is a thing called contact mediation. Governments and companies sometimes pay private individuals to establish contacts with people they themselves can't talk with. For instance, it's rumored that Israel often paid former German Foreign Secretary H.D. Genscher (who used to be on a first-name basis with every Arab dictator) to treat with their enemies for them. Former politicians and businesspeople obviously have marketable connections.

However, the difference is: Genscher was retired and not politically active anymore. So there was no conflict of interests. In Clinton's case, there is a clear and present conflict of interests.
She stole the nomination last time, she would do it again if she could but she can't. While Republicans truly do have enough diversity of political thought to be their own worst enemies, the Democrats do not. Attacking Tulsi Gabbard, a fellow leftist Democrat, with such an idiotic premise that she's a Russian asset was the final nail in her coffin. That plus she's lost twice now and is responsible for the Anti-Christ (in Democrat eyes) becoming President. I could never vote for Tulsi, but a more perfect description of The Beast has never been written.

I'll tell you, I would never vote for Tulsi, but I do respect her. And yes, she nailed Hillary perfectly with that description.
@riderboy & @Chazman

Both your posts are kind of interesting to me, since I addressed this phenomenon in the Brexit thread recently. Allow me to ask, why did you feel a need to emphasise that you didn't agree with Gabbard's policies? Genuine question. We already knew your views, and we already knew that you were unlikely to vote for her.
@riderboy & @Chazman

Both your posts are kind of interesting to me, since I addressed this phenomenon in the Brexit thread recently. Allow me to ask, why did you feel a need to emphasise that you didn't agree with Gabbard's policies? Genuine question. We already knew your views, and we already knew that you were unlikely to vote for her.

Just because I like and respect her, doesn't mean I agree with her policies, I don't. But I have to say, I love her balls in the way she stands up to Killary. I also believe her to be principled, which is more than I can say about most of the nut jobs she's campaigning against. But in the end, her policies aren't that different than most of the Dem field.
@riderboy & @Chazman

Both your posts are kind of interesting to me, since I addressed this phenomenon in the Brexit thread recently. Allow me to ask, why did you feel a need to emphasise that you didn't agree with Gabbard's policies? Genuine question. We already knew your views, and we already knew that you were unlikely to vote for her.
I respect Tulsi, I respect her service as I respect Pete Buttigeig and his service, but there seems to be a contest amongst the Democrats as to who can give away the most "free" S**t. Tulsi wants free college, reparations for slavery, re-instatement of Glass-Steagull, higher taxes, unlimited abortion on demand up to term, closing Nuclear Power plants, an assault weapons ban, on and on. Trump has been wildly successful doing the exact opposite economically. Our job, wage and unemployment numbers are phenomenal. The markets are up 44% since he took office, he's hammering the Chicoms on trade and he wants to bring our troops home. I see no 'danger to the Republic', no 'destruction of our Democracy' or any other vague clichéd warning of catastrophe at Trump's hands that his enemies are constantly warning us about. I don't see it. The current crop of Democrat candidates has all the political biodiversity of a cornfield. They are all the same. Tulsi, God love her, has the courage to speak up against a woman I consider the most evil and corrupt politician of my lifetime.
It's amazing to see what has become of the democrat party, almost overnight. They are no longer liberals or merely left of center. They have become radicalized lunatics. There is no position too extreme, in fact they are competing with each other to see who can go farther to the left. It's pure insanity.
I bet you any sum the vast majority of their higher-ups would pursue a different manifesto if they didn't have to answer to anyone – like most politicians they'd cling to the ideas they grew up with and that'd fill their coffers, that is, more Bill Clinton and less Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But they've seen how easily ACC disposed of her veteran predecessor, and that has scared them shitless.

It's a worldwide trend, really; parties like Britain's Labour also spring to mind. It's easily conceivable 75% of Labour's MPs hate the guts of Jeremy Corbyn, considering how badly they tried to prevent his election as party leader. But they do fear him and his minions, and now they'll do his bidding no matter how badly they betray their previously championed convictions.

Mind you, that's an even more damning verdicht: They're not "offenders by conviction", so to speak. They're just cowards, kowtowing to a vocal minority.
This is what a political lynching looks like....

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Democrats don't care as long as it can lead to Trump being impeached.

Investigating: perfectly fine.
Carrying that kind of political action: despicable and unethical. This is a kangaroo court.

But they don't care. The amount of lies told by the Dems and Libs for the past two years is sickening.
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That being said, the rules being followed by the Dems have been put in place in 2015... by the Reps.
Impeachment is a different thing entirely, particularly when there are too many questions about who and what the "whistleblower" is, his contacts with Adam Schiff prior to the complaint being filed, how much contact Ambassador Taylor and others had with Schiff's office prior to their testimony, why Taylor kept so many meticulously detailed notes about his conversations with Guiliani and many many more. There needs to be a vote of the full House to approve a formal impeachment inquiry, and both sides need to have subpoena power, the ability to call and cross examine witnesses, and have the whole thing done IN PUBLIC. Schiff is holding his closed door meetings in the SCIF room, reserved for the most secure Congressional briefings in the capitol basement. Frightening stuff actually, I don't ever remember the Republicans doing anything remotely similar to this. First page of 8 that Trump's attorney, Pat Cippolone wrote to the 'impeachment inquiry'.

For example, you have denied the President the right to cross-examine witnesses, to call witnesses, to receive transcripts of testimony, to have access to evidence, to have counsel present, and many other basic rights guaranteed to all Americans. You have conducted your proceedings in secret. You have violated civil liberties and the separation of powers by threatening Executive Branch officials, claiming that you will seek to punish those who exercise fundamental constitutional rights and prerogatives. All of this violates the Constitution, the rule of law, and eve1ypastprecedent. Never before in our history has the House of Representatives-under the control of either political party-taken the American people down the dangerous path you seem determined to pursue.
Put simply, you seek to overturn the results of the 2016 election and deprive the American people of the President they have freely chosen. Many Democrats now apparently view impeachment not only as a means to undo the democratic results of the last election, but as a strategy to influence the next election, which is barely more than a year away. As one member of Congress explained, he is "concerned that if we don't impeach the President, he will get reelected." 1 Your highly partisan and unconstitutional effort threatens grave and lasting damage to our democratic institutions, to our system of free elections, and to the American people.
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Just because I like and respect her, doesn't mean I agree with her policies, I don't. But I have to say, I love her balls in the way she stands up to Killary. I also believe her to be principled, which is more than I can say about most of the nut jobs she's campaigning against. But in the end, her policies aren't that different than most of the Dem field.

I respect Tulsi, I respect her service as I respect Pete Buttigeig and his service, but there seems to be a contest amongst the Democrats as to who can give away the most "free" S**t. Tulsi wants free college, reparations for slavery, re-instatement of Glass-Steagull, higher taxes, unlimited abortion on demand up to term, closing Nuclear Power plants, an assault weapons ban, on and on. Trump has been wildly successful doing the exact opposite economically. Our job, wage and unemployment numbers are phenomenal. The markets are up 44% since he took office, he's hammering the Chicoms on trade and he wants to bring our troops home. I see no 'danger to the Republic', no 'destruction of our Democracy' or any other vague clichéd warning of catastrophe at Trump's hands that his enemies are constantly warning us about. I don't see it. The current crop of Democrat candidates has all the political biodiversity of a cornfield. They are all the same. Tulsi, God love her, has the courage to speak up against a woman I consider the most evil and corrupt politician of my lifetime.

Insightful posts both of you. More a reminder to something you know already but America’s biggest enemies are on your soil and fellow Americans; it’s true of other countries as well, as JungleJim’s signature on this forum points out from his President which I’m not particularly fond of: « The enemy is us, we are our own tormentors. »

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