Politics All Things Trump

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Well, fair enough. Good point.
Having said that, with @surfpunk I sometimes get the impression he's not actually reading the comments to which he replies.

Call me jaded, then. :D Plus, why should she be willing to face the music? She works for someone who's in constant denial of the truth himself. The very least Joe Biden should do is renounce his candidacy for another term.

In my humble opinion, what we see here is the nervousness of someone who knows they're responsible for a major cock-up.
oh, I read them, I just don't really feel like explaining things further, in most cases.... I mean I read comments from you guys complaining about certain issues that you are having in Europe, but then when it comes down to actually voting for candidates or parties that might actually DO something about those issues, instead I read you complaining about that party or candidate being an idiot (or whatever) or in some way just not acceptable to you.
I don't think you guys hear what you are saying your own selves. Whether its immigration, or the EU, I read the same thing over and over again. Its like you all are those frogs in the boiling pot of water, but you don't agree that its about to boil, and you dont like the person or party that might start the process of removing you from the pot.
We have a similar problem here in the US, where conservative christian types, just wont vote, if the candidate doesn't quite tick all the boxes for them, doesn't quite have all their views aligned just so.... They maybe think they are taking some kind of stand or something but all they are doing is letting the left win, letting the left continue to shape the culture of the country.
I can think of a couple of candidates, or parties, that if you 'peans had put into power 10 years ago or so, that would have solved a LOT of the problems that you are dealing with today.... but you continue to vote yourself into the situation you complain about.
You might now, have an EU that is more responsive to the member states, and more respectful of the democratic process, and less becoming its own hegemonic entity, that it seems to be evolving into, and there would be people still alive today that weren't killed or raped, or robbed, or all of the above, by immigrants, and you wouldn't have sections of your country and your cities turned into the third world, and you wouldn't have the evil marxist woke system spreading its wings over you.
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At least the British Army could blame the mud ...

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Bongino is a former SS agent...

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Bongino is a former SS agent...

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Makes me wonder Chazman, have they been operating this way for the past 3 years and 5 months? And been able to hide their moronic position appointments? (Just watch some of Senate or Congressional hearings for people put forth by this reprobate administration.) Or has the ineptitude of the circus employees finally come to fruition?
A fish rots from the head down...
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Wrong guess.

Guess again.

Pro tip: Not everyone who disagrees with you is a leftist.
No, it's not okay in any way, shape or form.

And that's exactly what I wrote. The entire system seems rotten.

Jesus, America's society is truly screwed, isn't it. Polarisation runs so deep you're obviously unable to even conceive of the possibility that there's more out there than just black and white.
As an aside here, you do pen some interesting and generally well written posts, probably one of my favorites to read on this forum, even if I don't always agree with you. 🫂🍕
Makes me wonder Chazman, have they been operating this way for the past 3 years and 5 months? And been able to hide their moronic position appointments? (Just watch some of Senate or Congressional hearings for people put forth by this reprobate.) Or has the ineptitude of the circus employees final come to fruition?
A fish rots from the head down...
So many questions and the USSS is absolutely not forthcoming with any answers. In today's closed meeting with senators, they answered 4 quick questions and walked out. Either they are incompetent beyond the realm of conceivable understanding, or something more ominous is happening.
Trump says Taiwan should pay for America's protection: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/17/tru...y-the-us-for-defense-shares-of-tsmc-fall.html

The stocks of Nvidia, TSMC and other tech giants fall: https://qz.com/nvidia-tsmc-chip-stocks-trump-taiwan-export-rules-1851596195

He does realise that America goes broke if it's cut-off from Taiwan's tech industry, right? Without Taiwan, there's no Google, no Apple, no Microsoft …That man doesn't understand foreign politics, it's as simple as that.

Domestic security, taxes and what have you, yeah, he might be good in those fields.

But he doesn't understand foreign policies. It won't be a "splendid isolation" for America.

If Ukraine falls, China will be emboldened to invade Taiwan, and then Beijing will have America's economy taken by its throat. And don't give me that "China wouldn't dare to invade whilst Trump is in charge". Of course they would. He's just said that he doesn't think it's worthwhile to help defend Taiwan. They would especially be emboldened if Trump hands Ukraine over to Russia on a silver platter.
We don't say the word "failure", it may trigger the individual and be seen as a micro-aggression.

We use the word "alternative success" instead.
There'll be participation trophies for all involved.
Trump says Taiwan should pay for America's protection: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/17/tru...y-the-us-for-defense-shares-of-tsmc-fall.html

The stocks of Nvidia, TSMC and other tech giants fall: https://qz.com/nvidia-tsmc-chip-stocks-trump-taiwan-export-rules-1851596195

He does realise that America goes broke if it's cut-off from Taiwan's tech industry, right? Without Taiwan, there's no Google, no Apple, no Microsoft …That man doesn't understand foreign politics, it's as simple as that.

Domestic security, taxes and what have you, yeah, he might be good in those fields.

But he doesn't understand foreign policies. It won't be a "splendid isolation" for America.

If Ukraine falls, China will be emboldened to invade Taiwan, and then Beijing will have America's economy taken by its throat. And don't give me that "China wouldn't dare to invade whilst Trump is in charge". Of course they would. He's just said that he doesn't think it's worthwhile to help defend Taiwan. They would especially be emboldened if Trump hands Ukraine over to Russia on a silver platter.There'll be participation trophies for all involved.
Seems to me, if you were a semiconductor manufacturer, you'd get more serious about moving production to the US with comments like that. Just saying....

Please remind me if I'm wrong, were any wars started while Trump was President?
Seems to me, if you were a semiconductor manufacturer, you'd get more serious about moving production to the US with comments like that. Just saying....
You think Trump tries to goad them into shifting their production to the US? Well, why did they leave the US in the first place?

It seems to me that if that policy is to be carried out, Americans have to either work for a lot less or pay a lot more for their technical appliances.

By the way, there's a third option which you didn't consider: China seizes the opportunity, gives Taiwan assurances (i.e. one country, two systems) and Taiwan agrees to be annexed without a shot fired. And then what?
Please remind me if I'm wrong, were any wars started while Trump was President?
Wikipedia lists 21 armed conflicts beginning in the 2016-2020 period.
You think Trump tries to goad them into shifting their production to the US? Well, why did they leave the US in the first place?

It seems to me that if that policy is to be carried out, Americans have to either work for a lot less or pay a lot more for their technical appliances.

By the way, there's a third option which you didn't consider: China seizes the opportunity, gives Taiwan assurances (i.e. one country, two systems) and Taiwan agrees to be annexed without a shot fired. And then what?
Wikipedia lists 21 armed conflicts beginning in the 2016-2020 period.
The manufacturers left for money.

New facilities are being built in the US, I believe 2 in Arizona. High end chips create high end jobs.

The US has already stated that the CCP will never get those facilities, they will be destroyed first. BTW, the CCP depends on those as well as US and Euro facilities for their high end chips too. They'll still be able to make their talking margarita mixers with their low end chips though. ;)

Those conflicts were inconsequential third world skirmishes.
The manufacturers left for money.

New facilities are being built in the US, I believe 2 in Arizona. High end chips create high end jobs.
Yeah, a few hundred jobs each, I believe, and after fat subsidies were promised.

The manufacturers left because labour cost in the US is too high to their liking. With suppliers, Taiwan's semi-conductor industry complex employs about 500,000 people. Moving even a fraction of those jobs back to the US would be cost-prohibitive, with the associated costs for building new factories and the like. It won't happen.
The US has already stated that the CCP will never get those facilities, they will be destroyed first.
If the US were to indicate that it would just destroy Taiwan's industry without helping to defend Taiwan, destroying the country's base of existence, what should stop Taipei from shifting away from the US and seeking to reunite with China?
Those conflicts were inconsequential third world skirmishes.
Israel is inconsequential to the US? West Africa is inconsequential? Why did Trump deploy special forces then?
Yeah, a few hundred jobs each, I believe, and after fat subsidies were promised.

The manufacturers left because labour cost in the US is too high to their liking. With suppliers, Taiwan's semi-conductor industry complex employs about 500,000 people. Moving even a fraction of those jobs back to the US would be cost-prohibitive, with the associated costs for building new factories and the like. It won't happen.
If the US were to indicate that it would just destroy Taiwan's industry without helping to defend Taiwan, destroying the country's base of existence, what should stop Taipei from shifting away from the US and seeking to reunite with China?
Israel is inconsequential to the US? West Africa is inconsequential? Why did Trump deploy special forces then?

Labor costs have increased in both Taiwan and the CCP. We're at the point where labor costs between North America and developed Asian countries are no longer a factor or at least not worth the other costs of business beyond labor. One way or another, that manufacturing is coming back to the US.

The US has indicated strongly that it would defend Taiwan, but in no possible scenario will the CCP be allowed to capture those semiconductor plants.

West Africa has been in turmoil forever, plus that's more of a French area of responsibility. USSF were sent there under the auspices of Global War On Terror long before Trump.
Jokes aside, anyone who's ever worked for a government agency shouldn't even be remotely surprised that someone considered that roof to be too dangerous a work environment. That's precisely the kind of nonsense I'd expect from a government agency.

The worst part is … anyone who's ever worked for a government agency will also be able to attest to the fact that for every nine public servants groaning and moaning about that kind of nannying, there's a tenth who genuinely needs to be baby-gated like that.

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