Politics All Things Trump

Scale looks off to me, Trump is short, and his shoe size is smaller than everyone in the photo etc ;0)
As we knew...
Probably because they now know that the governor and secretary of state conspired to hide those 98.000 votes that were illegal. All of this was well known before that election took place and no wonder Trump said they cheated, because they did cheat in more ways than one.
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Ole jimmy carter had good things to say about this other brain dead geezer. It is in their DNA I suppose. Now I thought jimmy's brother was pretty cool, jump off the plane and pee under the wing on the tarmac. ha ha
How is this not corruption?

Oklahoma will use taxpayer money to buy Bibles. Why not...but the tender is done in such a way that only a Trump endorsed Bible fits the requirements as of now. 2900 other versions are worthless....Of all the Bibles that you can buy in the USA...only one..

Third attempt to whack Trump. In California this time. Sheriff says the "alleged" perp was arrested on weapons charges and left go on $5000 bond. THAT will teach those wannabe assassins!

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Third attempt to whack Trump. In California this time. Sheriff says the "alleged" perp was arrested on weapons charges and left go on $5000 bond. THAT will teach those wannabe assassins!

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It's Commiefornia, so I'm just surprised they didn't give him $5,000 :rolleyes:
Had an attempt been made against Kamala, whoever did it, their family, friends and pets would have been thrown in some god forsaken prison and the key thrown away.

But it's "Trumpito".
How is this not corruption?

Oklahoma will use taxpayer money to buy Bibles. Why not...but the tender is done in such a way that only a Trump endorsed Bible fits the requirements as of now. 2900 other versions are worthless....Of all the Bibles that you can buy in the USA...only one..

We've seen worse, for instance Bill and Hillary renting out the Lincoln Bedroom . At least selling bibles is something that should be happening more often. This is election time and the airwaves written or electronic are just full of garbage. It will not have an effect on election day. The only complaints will be from liberals, they didn't think of it first or they simply have never read a bible, and see no profit due to low ownership count.


a side note, Janet Reno did not pursue legal actions. Now there is a person who should have read a bible, maybe she would not have burned innocent women and children to death at WACO, nor would she have approved the use of Armor against American citizens, she should have read the constitution for that one.
Arguably the best way to watch the Kamal wreck

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Not Presidential material for sure. Just look at past Presidents that actually had major responsibilities, this clown kamala would let us all die before she could make an intelligent decision to chose between us and the party. This is of course why they have paid so much attention to buying votes and actually using our tax dollars to fly them in and across our borders directly to a RED state and city to stiffen up their lack in total dominance when it comes to ignorant people on the hook for cash. I hope one day our election laws are re written to hand down severe punishment when illegals are caught voting and when elected officials like we see today actually out there harvesting illegals. A hangman's noose would be nice. I hope an investigation is started to find out who gave the order to fly illegals from their home countries. It should not be hard to establish since it was commercial aircraft used. There will be a massive paper trail leading directly to the criminals who master minded this atrocity. It seems to have been totally white washed by liberal media, but we know they did it and would still be doing it had they not been caught red handed with photos of the planes landed and unloading, and what air line participated.

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