Politics All Things Trump

They could have shot all ISIS members on sight instead of putting them in prisons, then problem solved...exterminate the rats, so they say...that's probably what the ISIS would do if they will catch you (west) anyhow.

The fight between Turkey and the Kurds on the other hand is another issue.
And the next big war happens, most will remember what happened to the Kurds.
And what is supposed to be the problem exactly?

At least the message is clear and straight forward. But yeah, it sure is a big change from all the usual conventional and formal messages that favor the form over the content.

I have read, and still am reading, official communicates, documents and other letters sent and shared by various administrations, and though the form of Trump's letter is unusual, going all mad and ad hominem about it is... questionable. Sure, there are people who don't like Trump for valid reasons, other don't like him "just because", but it is not as if anybody were asking your advice on how things are conducted either.
If it upsets you that much though, you can still send the WH your resume. Maybe you'll get a job a speech-writer, State Secretary for "whatever", communication expert, etc... Who knows, if Trump's team is that incompetent, you'll obviously end up shining.

The problem is (and we already had that discussion) that you adapt your language to the situation, whom you speak to and what you are speaking about. Such a street thug language in a diplomatic letter is counter productive. I know that you find "clear and straight forward" approach refreshing but it is not something that will always work. Ask yourself if your boss had talked to you that way or if you had talked to your employee that way, it would have achieved a positive effect.
There is a trend to find rough language a mark of strongness. It is not. YMMV

Though saying the Kurds are worse than ISIS is a huge f**k up, the US (and its allies in the region) have indeed worked, to some extent, alongside with shady groups. Trained them, delivered weapons and financial support, etc... things that predate Trump's presidency.
The big difference is, Trump decided to stop. And NOW people are getting upset? So... does that mean the US and its allies should keep on doing what they used to do? Delivering weapons to rebel groups and insurgents, only to realize way later that these groups are not the good guys we thought they were?

Making sense of that outrage turns out to be a bit complicated...

Maximum whataboutism achieved.....

There were never 1000 US, 500 French SF and artillerymen and 250 british SF and JTAC fighting alongside and providing CAS and artillery support to a shady group.
We send soldiers to fight alongside kurds against ISIS and now, Potus45 says that the people our soldiers fought side by side with are worst that the people our soldiers were send to fight against.

I am sure US operators that sweated their asses over there are happy to learn that.

You can turn it the way you want, it is so F***ed up that the universe should blow because of the paradox expressed.

But hey it comes from El Genius Generalisso so everything is acceptable in your eyes ....
But hey it comes from El Genius Generalisso so everything is acceptable in your eyes ....

If you could refrain from doing these idiotic statements... that'd be great. For the exact same statement could be made "everything Trump does is unacceptable", exept I will not for it would be: 1) petty, 2) childish, 3) not productive 4) and simply pointless... But it seems you enjoy doing that kind of thing so, have fun.

And it is not making "whataboutism", it is drawing parallels on a present situation being tackled in different ways and judged in different ways as well. That's what we do we we work in fields dealing with geopolitics and History.
No weapons got delivered to "good rebels" only to realize "oh no, these good rebels were not that good in the end"? John McCain didn't get his picture taken with Islamic militants? None of the people trained eventually turned coat and join "the bad side"? Don't be naive and stop cherry picking what I say, it is getting tedious.

As for "I am sure US operators that sweated their asses over there are happy to learn that.", I doubt you know any of such operators, be them French or Americans, nor have you had the opportunity to exchange on the subject recently or ever. I would therefore advice you to also refrain from talking for them.
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If you could refrain from doing these idiotic statements... that'd be great. For the exact same statement could be made "everything Trump does is unacceptable", exept I will not for it would be: 1) petty, 2) childish, 3) not productive 4) and simply pointless... But it seems you enjoy doing that kind of thing so, have fun.

And it is not making "whataboutism", it is drawing parallels on a present situation being tackled in different ways and judged in different ways as well. That's what we do we we work in fields dealing with geopolitics and History.
No weapons got delivered to "good rebels" only to realize "oh no, these good rebels were not that good in the end"? John McCain didn't get his picture taken with Islamic militants? None of the people trained eventually turned coat and join "the bad side"? Don't be naive and stop cherry picking what I say, it is getting tedious.

As for "I am sure US operators that sweated their asses over there are happy to learn that.", I doubt you know any of such operators, be them French or Americans, nor have you had the opportunity to exchange on the subject recently or ever. I would therefore advice you to also refrain from talking for them.
You are the one patronizing since 2 posts
"you don't know any operator"
"If it upsets you that much though, you can still send the WH your resume. Maybe you'll get a job a speech-writer, State Secretary for "whatever", communication expert, etc... Who knows, if Trump's team is that incompetent, you'll obviously end up shining."
Did I hit a nerve ?
It IS whataboutism because this was beyond the point discussed and another way to deflect the issue. You don't stand any criticism of el Generalisimo. While i don't care for internal US squabble, when it comes to external policy, i am, as much as you, entitled to give my opinion on this board. If you don't like it, shove it where the sun doesn't shine. See, you like rough language, let's see if you find it acceptable from me. Oh wait, i am not Orange Man so you'll run to the mod or put me on ignore.
Oh boy, the irony, how it hurts .......

As for "I am sure US operators that sweated their asses over there are happy to learn that.", I doubt you know any of such operators, be them French or Americans, nor have you had the opportunity to exchange on the subject recently or ever. I would therefore advice you to also refrain from talking for them.

Well, well well
Maybe i don't know any of them personaly
Wait, they are talking

Suck it up, honey
I'll call you later .....:)
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Stupidly taken over by a bunch of press organs while it is all coming from a tweet that distorded the facts and words of Trump
Stupidly taken over by a bunch of press organs while it is all coming from a tweet that distorded the facts and words of Trump
Not sure about
Stupidly taken over by a bunch of press organs while it is all coming from a tweet that distorded the facts and words of Trump
Not sure about the mozzarella bit, but the WH posted the Ancient Rome bit on its Twatter:
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They could have shot all ISIS members on sight instead of putting them in prisons, then problem solved...exterminate the rats, so they say...that's probably what the ISIS would do if they will catch you (west) anyhow.

The Kurds would never have gotten support from most western countries if they had done that. Many western politicians view IS members as estranged children with behavioural issues. Just need to show them some humanity and they'll get it. The world of politics is full of mentally disturbed people, though really the fault is with the deluded people that vote them into office.
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Not sure about

Not sure about the mozzarella bit, but the WH posted the Ancient Rome bit on its Twatter:
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I have seen it here in a few medias before they retract it.
For once, you can't fault Trump. What he is saying is more or less (even if stretched from an historical pov) correct
I have seen it here in a few medias before they retract it.
For once, you can't fault Trump. What he is saying is more or less (even if stretched from an historical pov) correct
I'm on the beach now.
Let me watch Biggus Dickus for fun.
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Well, well well
Maybe i don't know any of them personaly
Wait, they are talking

Suck it up, honey
I'll call you later .....:)

And these two points are unrelated with one another, and even with the point being discussed.

Quoting myself:
Though saying the Kurds are worse than ISIS is a huge f**k up, the US (and its allies in the region) have indeed worked, to some extent, alongside with shady groups.

Am I saying the Kurds are shaddy? No.
Have I questioned the involvement of SOF and JSOC operating in Syria? No.
Have I questioned the worth of the Kurds and the Peshmergas? No, and contrary to you I do have contacts with a few and met with these people. So... yeah, suck it up and, may I add, choke on it. Your opinion is just that, an opinion.

As for you being put on ignore and reported to the mods: act like a dick: be treated as one; insult, harass and bully others: deal with the consequences. You got what you deserved. Be sour, it amuses me.
And these two points are unrelated with one another, and even with the point being discussed.

No more or less unrelated that your points about shaddy groups in your previous posts. You want to side kick issues, i can too. However, US SOF reporting that they are not happy the way their kurdish allies are treated is not to be taken lightly

Am I saying the Kurds are shaddy? No.
Have I questioned the involvement of SOF and JSOC operating in Syria? No.
Have I questioned the worth of the Kurds and the Peshmergas?

And those points were not even put on the table. Points being that you have put supporting by funding/sending weapons shaddy groups (which was idiotic move by all of us) and direct support (CAS, artillery) and troops (US, french and British) fighting alongside the kurds on the same level. If you think it is of the same magnitude, you should talk a bit more with your supposed friends in the supposed SF you supposedly know to see what they supposedly think about this.

act like a dick: be treated as one; insult, harass and bully others: deal with the consequences.
A duck not recognizing his how quacks.
Indeed it's amusing and all your speech about rough talking is amusing too. You see, it is exactly the point i wanted to make. Rough speech is not acceptable in all situations...
Your entertainment value increases ....carry on

Let no one say the world's not become a more peaceful place. A hundred years ago, such a letter would've sparked a war between two countries. And two hundred years ago, the head of poor sob sent to convey this message would've ended on a pike.

Trump and his great deals… he's probably not realized yet this ain't a TV show anymore. ?

Let no one say the world's not become a more peaceful place. A hundred years ago, such a letter would've sparked a war between two countries. And two hundred years ago, the head of poor sob sent to convey this message would've ended on a pike.

Trump and his great deals… he's probably not realized yet this ain't a TV show anymore. ?
Com on, "I will call ya later, alligator" would have been a better ending.
I was waiting for a more educational post on the Rome...Caesar and deep-state Rome. How that ended?
I was waiting for a more educational post on the Rome...Caesar and deep-state Rome. How that ended?

How Caesar ended or The Rome?
But... but Trump!

That being said, here is the nuance:

Speaking to reporters, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu confirmed suspension of the offensive until Kurdish militants withdraw from the area.

"We are suspending the operation, not halting it," he said. "We will halt the operation only after (Kurdish militants) completely withdraw from the region."

Cavusoglu also rejected calling the agreement as a "ceasefire".

"This is not a ceasefire. A ceasefire is reached between the two legitimate parties," he said.

The SDF was not represented at the talks between Washington and Ankara, and have not yet commented on the developments, but let's hope they will accept it.

*can't wait to see how the Dems will spin that one though...*
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