Politics All Things Trump

Well, he was asked if they are threat to the US.

If he was asked "will the ISIS fighters pose a threat to West" without reference to US , I would understand the headline.
Nothing says that there wont be a threat to US.
There are also some us citizens there as well as canadians.
And USA is the primary target anyhow.
But in any case the way he doesnt give a S**t about what may happen to his allies speaks loud.
Definitively this guy is a moron.
-waiting the trump bandwagon to find excuses to their beloved leader maximo-
Nothing says that there wont be a threat to US.
There are also some us citizens there as well as canadians.
And USA is the primary target anyhow.
But in any case the way he doesnt give a S**t about what may happen to his allies speaks loud.
Definitively this guy is a moron.
-waiting the trump bandwagon to find excuses to their beloved leader maximo-

Note my video addition. I think you are correct.

Before I read the article I was going to write "I am not sure if I am reading youtube comment section or statements by POTUS. What a moron."
We defeated 100% of the ISIS Caliphate and no longer have any troops in the area under attack by Turkey, in Syria. We did our job perfectly! Now Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who have been fighting each other for 200 years....

Donald J. Trump


....We have one of three choices: Send in thousands of troops and win Militarily, hit Turkey very hard Financially and with Sanctions, or mediate a deal between Turkey and the Kurds!

This guy is serious ?
1- USA didn't defeated 100% of ISIS. First was not alone, there were european partners on the ground as well and it is the kurds that spilled blood on the ground to defeat ISIS. Plus ISIS is not defeated. The ideology is still acting and kicking, including in Syria and Irak

2- After setting the area on fire by an irresponsible move, betraying allies, showing disdain for other allies, he is proposing to do a mediation ?
Seriously ?

You can't make this thing up. Who would trust him from now on ?
Today it looks like a pivot to Saudi to counter Iran directly.
Who the Turks?
If it is what you think you missed a lot of infos.
Erdogan is a muslim brotherhood offset and wahabi and MB hate each others
Arabs and turks hate each others too
Well the US and the Europeans are letting down the Kurds who were instrumental in defeating ISIS...The US or the Europeans did little more than training, intelligence and provide weapons. Trump being a complete clystetfcuk in his communication is something we are accustomed to so his lunatic words are nothing new.

That being said, I also believe that comes a point where you cannot leave your troops stationed ad eternam, especially when they are not welcome by the official leadership of the country.

I am more suprised at the attitude of Russia...Russia and Syria have agreements and Russia commits to the defense of the integrity of Syria...Not very impressive if you leave a clown-sultan attack rhe north of your country.
This speaks to the reality of US politics and particularly the reality of how our MSM picks up and amplifies Democrat Party talking points. While Trump can certainly send out cringeworthy tweets, it's a strategy that so far has been successful and allows him to control the narrative and get his message out. Being a "nice guy" as a Republican has a losing track record as long as my arm.
Trump’s Tweets Are Far Less Crazy Than Today’s Democratic Party

A quick review of recent Republican presidents and presidential candidates easily refutes the idea that the mainstream media (or as Trump puts, the “Lamestream Media”) would cover Trump differently if he played nice. They would still call him Hitler like they did with George W. Bush. They would still call him a bigoted plutocrat like they did with Mitt Romney. And they would still call him a racist extremist like they did with John McCain.

It is funny to see a nation so prone to give lessons about betrayal and treachery to other countries trying to find a way to excuse a plain betrayal...because it may be "worth."

Let's be clear. There wont have been so much fuss if USA hadnt posed himself as the righteous knight of the free world for the past 80y.

On one hand, the kurds were also naively obtuse How many time were they already betrayed ? 5-6?

And close examples in the area are not what it is missing (Shia in 91)
It is funny to see a nation so prone to give lessons about betrayal and treachery to other countries trying to find a way to excuse a plain betrayal...because it may be "worth."

Let's be clear. There wont have been so much fuss if USA hadnt posed himself as the righteous knight of the free world for the past 80y.

On one hand, the kurds were also naively obtuse How many time were they already betrayed ? 5-6?

And close examples in the area are not what it is missing (Shia in 91)
Assuming you are French, then if the US had not been on their white knight, then you sir would be speaking either German or Russian, and driving a Trabant, if you were lucky enough to win the lottery.

And frankly so would I.

The mess in this region has been going on for centuries and probably will go on for centuries, what has changed, is that with any lunatic with a bit of area under control or even a complete nation, can make biological or dirty nukes etc, for a few £100 mil.

Sure some of the issues have been fuelled or even caused by the west, but if it was all the west's fault, why isnt central/south america or africa such a hotbed of religion and tribal hatred, plus death to America (and really this means the west, US is just the team captain).

The cat is out of the bag in the ME. The west isnt going to roll in with the abrams to clean up.

Plan is:

Private contractors
Black aircraft and missile attacks on anything seen as getting out of hand
Electric power to replace our need of oil
Leave em to it.

Once they have a religious reformation, and see the value of other peoples kids it will settle down.
Probably not in my lifetime.
Assuming you are French, then if the US had not been on their white knight, then you sir would be speaking either German or Russian, and driving a Trabant, if you were lucky enough to win the lottery.

And frankly so would I.

The mess in this region has been going on for centuries and probably will go on for centuries, what has changed, is that with any lunatic with a bit of area under control or even a complete nation, can make biological or dirty nukes etc, for a few £100 mil.

Sure some of the issues have been fuelled or even caused by the west, but if it was all the west's fault, why isnt central/south america or africa such a hotbed of religion and tribal hatred, plus death to America (and really this means the west, US is just the team captain).

The cat is out of the bag in the ME. The west isnt going to roll in with the abrams to clean up.

Plan is:

Private contractors
Black aircraft and missile attacks on anything seen as getting out of hand
Electric power to replace our need of oil
Leave em to it.

Once they have a religious reformation, and see the value of other peoples kids it will settle down.
Probably not in my lifetime.
Your reaction is exactly what i was saying : wawa but nazi/commies
This is both getting old and ridiculous.
You dont see us throwing Yorktown every two days.
But this is beyond the point : the white horse is of US fact (and has contaminated the whole western world)
USA is a Nation and like every nation has what it feels to be national interests. If tey hadnt hypocritaly wrapped legitimate national interests with "war againsr evil, for freedom, for democracy" and such morale white knight positions, less people would throw stones.
Dont worry we are also doing the same.

Mind you the worst thing to do to people is giving them hopes through wrapped lies and then,betray them when removing these hopes.
That's the bipolar desorder of our democracies : wanting to come as good guys while defending national interests that dont take in consideration morality.

Betraying the kurds is a immoral move.
You see, if the russians or chinese had done the same thing , we will call them every name possible. The difference is that our democratic populations nurtured so deeply with a moral sense are reacting also badly while russians or chinese pops would have cared zilch. That' doesnt make them more evil or better than us, just that their actions and speeches are congruent while ours (and in instance US ones) are not.

PS : you are minimizing the clusterfuck Africa is right now.

PS2: concerning Potus45 dickish move, it is not even sure it is going in the good direction from national interests pov. It is antagonizing allies (Europe), decreasing confidence in future US promises, bolstering Russian and Iranian influence in the area, strenghtening a muslim brotherhood offset gov (Turkey), may lead to ethnic cleansing that will damage US image for years and will probably facilitate ISIS revival and futur terror acts. Well done for 3 tweets....
Your reaction is exactly what i was saying : wawa but nazi/commies
This is both getting old and ridiculous.
You dont see us throwing Yorktown every two days.
Yorktown? The battle, or the CV? I don't follow this point. If you don't like that US, Canada and UK freed France, then that's with you. Had it not happened either Germany would have held it, or Russia would have rolled all the way to the Channel, and perhaps further.

But this is beyond the point : the white horse is of US fact (and has contaminated the whole western world)
USA is a Nation and like every nation has what it feels to be national interests. If tey hadnt hypocritaly wrapped legitimate national interests with "war againsr evil, for freedom, for democracy" and such morale white knight positions, less people would throw stones.
Dont worry we are also doing the same.

Has the US stepped in, in the past - Yes. Have some of these been a success - yes. WW2, I would suggest Korea. Some bad, yes, Vietnam. Gulf war, I don't know, we needed the oil, simple as. Does the US have a binary approach, you are either good or bad, and you are treated accordingly. Personally I'm glad the UK has overall a good relationship with the US historically, and also at the moment.
I don't agree that the US is causing most of this, How did the US cause a civil war in Syria?

Mind you the worst thing to do to people is giving them hopes through wrapped lies and then,betray them when removing these hopes.
That's the bipolar desorder of our democracies : wanting to come as good guys while defending national interests that dont take in consideration morality.

Betraying the kurds is a immoral move.
At this point I agree, we cannot use them in Iraq, then when finally the bagdad gov gets its SH%T together the kurds have to still be in Iraq.
And I agree that the Kurds did much of the work, and lost troops in Syria.

You see, if the russians or chinese had done the same thing , we will call them every name possible. The difference is that our democratic populations nurtured so deeply with a moral sense are reacting also badly while russians or chinese pops would have cared zilch. That' doesnt make them more evil or better than us, just that their actions and speeches are congruent while ours (and in instance US ones) are not.
No I think if the Chinese did it, and I lived in China, and criticized the actions, I would be wearing an orange suit and being real nice to my guard, and the party.

PS : you are minimizing the clusterfuck Africa is right now.
Perhaps,. but probably Africa is tomorrows clusterfuck, and there is less hardware in Africa. Lets leave Africa for another day.

PS2: concerning Potus45 dickish move, it is not even sure it is going in the good direction from national interests pov. It is antagonizing allies (Europe), decreasing confidence in future US promises, bolstering Russian and Iranian influence in the area, strenghtening a muslim brotherhood offset gov (Turkey), may lead to ethnic cleansing that will damage US image for years and will probably facilitate ISIS revival and futur terror acts. Well done for 3 tweets....
I don't in any way defend Mr Trump - he has obviously never heard the mantra - don't write anything you wouldn't want your mother to read.
I never said US caused all world misery.
US has a very limited role in the onser of Syrian clusterfuck on the contrary to KSA, EAU, Turkey.
However if you want go by that, US unwarranted intervention in Iral in 2003 is what bolstered AQ and ISIS in Irak which by ricochet reached also Syria.
And if USA wasnt at the onset of the Syrian crisis, the fact that it provided a bunch of military hardware to rebel factions didnt helped.
Some factions that turned hardcore islamists like al Nosra.

As for Africa it is not tomorrow, it is now. ISIS, AQ and offsets or affiliates (Shebabs,Boko Haram) are killing tenth of malian, chadian, nigerian, niger, burkinabese, egyptian soldiers everyweek, threatening the stability of arc from the Sinai to the Atlantic shores.
That it is not plastered over the news doesnt mean it does not happen
I never said US caused all world misery.
US has a very limited role in the onser of Syrian clusterfuck on the contrary to KSA, EAU, Turkey.
However if you want go by that, US unwarranted intervention in Iral in 2003 is what bolstered AQ and ISIS in Irak which by ricochet reached also Syria.
And if USA wasnt at the onset of the Syrian crisis, the fact that it provided a bunch of military hardware to rebel factions didnt helped.
Some factions that turned hardcore islamists like al Nosra.

As for Africa it is not tomorrow, it is now. ISIS, AQ and offsets or affiliates (Shebabs,Boko Haram) are killing tenth of malian, chadian, nigerian, niger, burkinabese, egyptian soldiers everyweek, threatening the stability of arc from the Sinai to the Atlantic shores.
That it is not plastered over the news doesnt mean it does not happen
Glad we agree that Evil uncle sam wasn't the cause of Syria. ;)

Africa, I think that's why US and Europe are in Mali etc, trying to keep a lid on it, but I again say its not the same, not the same history of arms orders etc lying around. I'm not saying they cant get stuff, just not the same amount as was in the ME.
I'm sure ISIS etc are trying to get into Africa, with Chinese colonisation, plus European history of empires, I would say they should have few problems recruiting. so yes its probably the next go around.
The mistake from the very beginning for the West was positioning troops there.

I suppose we did it because Assad "gasses his people" and other ludicrous fake events.

When I hear Trump talking about the Kurds not helping the US in Normandy...my face turns red from repetitive and uncontrollable facepalms. One thing however none knows is how much warning the Kurds got from the US that they have to find some new friends...the Russians notably. And noone knows what the Russians reaction would be.

As Mordoror said, the Kurds should have seen it coming...the islamists have lost their battles for the moment and everybody wants things to go back to normal and to have a normal Syria, a dictatorship, threatening Israel every second week...but at least it's the Syria everyone knows.
I read this on another site regarding this topic and seemed right over the target, so I thought I'd share.

As "friends" and "allies" Kurds are that likeable and occasionally useful "acquaintance" that always stiffs you with the tabs/checks, expects you to bail them out of trouble, sleep on your couch, and are always wanting to get you involved in their latest "Great Idea!"...yet always want to do it "their way" on your dime. Then get offended or ignore you when you expect to have some input/control. You first met their type all the way back in grade school, they run their mouths, pick fights with the playground bully...then run behind you screaming for protection. Eventually, you get tired of fighting their fights for them. Or being used to further their own interests.
What have the Kurds done for us? We travel all the way around the world, expend blood and treasure to fight the people slaughtering them...and that makes us "owe" them, rather than the reverse? Does saving them make us eternally responsible for them?

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