Politics All Things Trump

Just as a heads up, I went looking for those articles because I wanted to see what had changed his mind.

The first is here - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...32c7e4-03ae-11e9-b6a9-0aa5c2fcc9e4_story.html

I can't find the second. It's either been pulled or someone has photoshopped this one which starts off with "Trump can't do anything right" but then follows up with "even his coverups are incompetent".

Also, Max Boot wears a stupid hat.
Yeah,the second one is bogus. Max Boot complained that someone was telling a falsehood by photoshopping his column. I'm sure that Max, consummate journalist that he is, will immediately call out his newspaper the same way for this fake news headline from yesterday. Just how did Vladimir help Trump? I have yet to see any evidence of any "help" from Russia that made the slightest difference in the 2016 election, unless one counts the Russians Hillary hired to write the fake Steele dossier that triggered a 2 year investigation into nothing. Frankly, most people I know are tired of the bullshit and just want Congress and the Democrats to STFU, stop trying to convince us that Trump is the worst thing since Hitler, or he's a Russian spy or whatever crock of S**t lie they are trying to push and get to work on things that matter.

The Plum Line Opinion
Putin helped Trump in 2016. What is he planning for 2020?


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I appreciate what you're saying but I don't get that heavily into the Trump stuff, I have my own opinions on him but I tend to keep them to myself because I'm not American and to be honest, after modding at themess I still have flashbacks to logging in and seeing it all kicking off on the PDR board. I was just genuinely curious about why a journo would write such different columns in such a short space of time.
I appreciate what you're saying but I don't get that heavily into the Trump stuff, I have my own opinions on him but I tend to keep them to myself because I'm not American and to be honest, after modding at themess I still have flashbacks to logging in and seeing it all kicking off on the PDR board. I was just genuinely curious about why a journo would write such different columns in such a short space of time.
Not too far off the mark.
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You have to admire the strength of his Character ..

He has been constantly picked on , have had lies told about him ..Bulllied because he beat a More corrupt 2 faced dishonest candidate .

And he is still being spied upon by those the Whistlwblower nonsense is proof of that .

Whilst his haters make false allegations over a phonecall . Remember when Wiki was exposing the Double Standards of Hillary And the DNC . You had the mongs at CNN claim it was illegal to view those leaks whilst they are happy to promote falsehoods against a Honest elected President .
Sounds like he is MUCH MORE than a "whistleblower". Sounds more like an orchestrated operation, a la Fusion GPS/Russian Hoax operation. I'd be fine with lining up all these traitors in front of a firing squad.
OMG! And aliens under the bed?
I'd like to know if he has drained any of the swamp or reduced bureaucracy at level 12 there with forms.

All those disgusting brainless desk worms need some re-education. There is much to do.
Not too far off the mark.
Yeah. The veggie burger ad is how I feel about the news reporting today. As far as Trump. A lot of his personal behavior is hard to defend. But I give him huge points for taking a beating every day and still getting an unbelievable amount of good things done for this country. I've never seen a President engender this much resistance/hatred/psychosis from so many quarters, starting from when he won the Republican nomination. I think the left still underestimates his love and capacity for combat, and overestimates their own sense of righteous entitlement. And everything they laughed at him about? He's been dead right.
Yeah. The veggie burger ad is how I feel about the news reporting today. As far as Trump. A lot of his personal behavior is hard to defend. But I give him huge points for taking a beating every day and still getting an unbelievable amount of good things done for this country. I've never seen a President engender this much resistance/hatred/psychosis from so many quarters, starting from when he won the Republican nomination. I think the left still underestimates his love and capacity for combat, and overestimates their own sense of righteous entitlement. And everything they laughed at him about? He's been dead right.

He is the embodiment of John Wayne and Robert Mitchum ... Hard as Nails... and Tougher than most take him for ..

He is one tough cookie for the endless abuse he has had to endure ..
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I wonder if this US/Trump's decision in pulling out troops and abandoning the Kurds in Syria will likewise embolden China or North Korea to do something drastic in Asia or Southeast Asia, them realizing that US doesn't really care much of its allies.
The Kurds have gotten massive US support for almost 20 years. And... they have been good allies. But that doesn’t mean that they need to be an American protectorate for infinity. The US has enabled them to have autonomy, raise a large army equipped with US supplied weapons, and Turkey has been warned about not overstepping. What else is required? American sons and daughters to give up their lives for decades or centuries?
Turkey has been warned about not overstepping?! Don't make me laugh.

Op HAVEN (the creation of the safe zone in northern Iraq that became the KRG) was the first operational theatre I deployed to outside the UK. It was also my first experience of what later became known as 'ethnic cleanisng' and attempted genocide. Saddam is dead but this is exactly the same thing only this time we have abandoned the Kurds rather than the Marsh Arabs. I don't agree with their Marxist politics and I don't agree with the PKK's terrorism but I know ethnic cleansing when I see it and Erdogan's stated plans to settle 300,000 Sunni Muslim refugees in the Kurdish north east of Syria is exactly that. Trump is complicit in that just as Clinton was complicit in the Rwanda genocide.
And this is why we really should pursue an independent foreign policy and work with China. The alliance that America talks bout outside of NATO is only as valuable as the interests of the US. Sadly the US makes most out of China than us, so you can kinda see where this is heading in terms of the South China Sea conflict.
And this is why we really should pursue an independent foreign policy and work with China. The alliance that America talks bout outside of NATO is only as valuable as the interests of the US. Sadly the US makes most out of China than us, so you can kinda see where this is heading in terms of the South China Sea conflict.
This post is summing up exactly what i was assessing a few pages ago. Betraying any ally will leave scars to confidence. By doing so Trump and his administration has just lost a bunch of allies and allies confidences. Only the lap dogs will follow from now on. All the other ones will be more cautious if not even suspicious .....
This is throwing countries in the arms of Russia and China directly ...
One of the main sticking point against President Duterte is how he basically be friended China focused on that and opening up a relationship with Russia. It cost him some trust rating and has always been a negative image of him. This move practically showed the nation who are borderline Americans, that he was right all along.
How cute
with allies like that, who need ennemies

Well, he was asked if they are threat to the US.

If he was asked "will the ISIS fighters pose a threat to West" without reference to US , I would understand the headline.

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EDIT: I was wrong, 25:00.
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