You obviously overlooked nor heard that she Basically Exposed That Roth to be a child groomer / Paedo .. Adocating for MINORS to be allowed on Grindr .. .
Oh no, I did heard that, and it's good she mentioned it.
My criticism is more about the way their time got managed and their intervention structured.
In itself, the failure from Roth to tackle the CP issue was worth the time of several committee members. The subject should have been covered by a long list of questions. But, at least to me, they spent too much time on expressing personal grievances.
Which, in all fairness, is understandable. They had the right to be pissed and the opportunity to express that anger was basically offered to them. I understand.
But! In these hearings time is extremely limited for each member, unless someone else yields their time to you (which they did a lot to Jim Jordan).
Time is a very very precious asset there and, in my opinion, Boebert and MTG didn't use theirs in a very efficient way.
That being said, they are not the only ones. On the Democratic sides there were a few who spent their time babbling like retards.
But Roth being an utter degenerate is... not really the point of the hearing.