Politics The Biden thread

Americans just can spell 'Piece' right
No you won't.
Eventually you'll be left with nothing as the debt pyramid implodes, and you'll be eating rats for breakfast if you're lucky.
Very nutritious, Rats. And family orientated.....Dont knock it if you havent tried it...
No you won't.
Eventually you'll be left with nothing as the debt pyramid implodes, and you'll be eating rats for breakfast if you're lucky.

The gold standard worked for a while then died . Then we replaced it with Keynesian economics and inflation killed it . Next came neoliberal capitalism which died in 2008 , only they decided to bail it and continue with the failed economics what don't work . I think you might be right about the rats .
The gold standard worked for a while then died . Then we replaced it with Keynesian economics and inflation killed it . Next came neoliberal capitalism which died in 2008 , only they decided to bail it and continue with the failed economics what don't work . I think you might be right about the rats .
The problem with fiat currency is that it is based entirely upon people's faith in the issuing organization. In our case, that line appears to be on a downward spiral. You bring up a good point about the gold standard. It worked until its real world constraints wouldn't allow the government to spend in perpetuity like a drunk in a Vegas casino/strip club. That's why they ditched it.

In my opinion, and a certainly non expert unprofessional opinion with much knowledge gap, I would like to see us go back to a tri-metal backed currency standard, namely gold, silver, and copper. Other metals and commodities could certainly be used instead with much the same results.

Given our current circumstances, does anyone have good BBQed rat recipes that they would care to share?
A gold (or other metal) standard's problem is that it doesn't work well for an expanding economy as it's hard to boost the supply of money. That's fine where your economy is largely static but in times of great growth its a massive loadstone around the economy.

Fiat currency certainly has it's problem (especially as you note where the government has all the restraint of a sailor back on shore after six months at sea) but it definitely helps promote a growing economy.
And is it any wonder why Biden n Co didn't want the Border wall finished .. Mind you Hunter will be raging .. he'll be using AF1 to get his gear next time lol

A gold (or other metal) standard's problem is that it doesn't work well for an expanding economy as it's hard to boost the supply of money. That's fine where your economy is largely static but in times of great growth its a massive loadstone around the economy.

Fiat currency certainly has it's problem (especially as you note where the government has all the restraint of a sailor back on shore after six months at sea) but it definitely helps promote a growing economy.

Fiat currency, without disciplined long-term focused apolitical management(the hard right), leads to pollution(the easy wrong).

Humans are very bad at delayed gratification.

Every kid should take the Stanford Marshmallow Test, if they fail, they can’t run for political office or influence fiscal/monetary policy.

I’m half joking,,,....half.
Old is Gold .... She has History as does the Obama Admin

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So... the Biden Administration will not dismantle the "kids cages" (built by Obama, but ignore that and blame Trump instead) but will rename them "overflow facility for unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the US-Mexico border".

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I aLmOsT gOt mUrDerEd anD tHeY alSo sToLE mY ShOeS!

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