Politics The Biden thread

The epitome of the expression "Too little, too late." Had these rules been struck down in a timely manner, we might have a different ball game now.
Looks like Biden's decision to stop the Pipeline and all the drilling operations are "upsetting" many Native American tribes.

And it does for reasons most Biden supporters and Trump haters are utterly oblivious and ignorant about.

Native lands and not federal public lands. Any action on these lands can only be take after tribal consultation. Which didn't happen since Joe went full EO (I think he currently is somewhere in between 40 and 50 now), which is, in effect, a direct attack on Tribes economy, sovereignty and right to self-determination.

But that, well, Democrats don't give a sh*t about, they only go visit the reservations for woke tourism. A bit like European going to African poor countries to "meet the locals" and "learn from their culture", packing tribal clothes to show their friends back home.
"Oh well, at least Trump is not in office anymore!"

Somehow makes me think of these people who won't vaccinate their kids because "vaccines cause autism".
Then their kids die of some disease. But eh! At least these kids didn't get autism!
Now that you guys had a fair share of evidence that the western MSM is pretty much the equivalent of an Orwellian loudspeaker, have you yet taken your sweet time to think about the possibility that the stories you've been reading for the past 20 years about Syria, Ukraine, Libya [insert other hot potatoes] could have also been manufactured or lied about, without the MSM ever blinking an eye?

The massive propaganda machine that has been for decades practicing its craft in the realm of foreign policy, has now come back home and showed you the skills they've learned in full glory.

I think everyone is aware of it now , that's why trust in governments is at an all time low and won't pick up anytime soon . The truth of the matter is it's a top down battle as apposed to a left right one . The rich screw the poor then the media sweep in and turn it into a left right issue . Everyone then begins to blame each other and the real culprits get away Scott free . It's a system you'd expect a psychopath or psychopaths to create which is pretty much what has happened and they ve had successive governments to legislate on their behalf which merely compounds the problem . I'll say one thing , should the left and the right ever unite as we are seeing with GameStop then it's over as far as the ruling elite are concerned . The pitchforks will come .
Never ever heard of him .. but he is evicting tenants even though there is a law that no tenants can be evicted during Chinavirus

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Which is/was the plan all along. Xiden is the rube to be disposed of to get the unelectable in.

Which I wouldn't view as an insurmountable problem. It might be cheap on my part as a foreigner, but I'm praying for a Harris takeover. She's not only hated by even many Dems but completely out of her depth. The unadulterated cr@pshow she'll likely kick off is bound to haunt the DNC for several election cycles.

The most vital question is whether America's populists manage to successfully stage their takeover of the RNC and maintain the pressure on the establishment.

EDIT: How did Napoleon say it? "Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake" I'm paraphrasing of course.
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The Obama Iran Nuclear Deal was a failure?

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