Politics All Things Trump

Here's Greg Gutfield monologue at Fox's The Five, the only guy that I am not tired of watching at Fox News, the guy is hilarious :)

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Gutfeld has a way of simplifying the bullshit. I watched him Mondy and hs said he was sick of this impeachment drama already because it was the same crappy song re-mixed but still the same crappy song. Now the "whistleblower" is to remain anonymous? So we have an anonymous second hand source who has political bias against the President and that's grounds for impeachment? Spare me the "Trump was blackmailing the Ukraine for personal political gain" because that did not happen. Except in the desperate and deluded minds of people who absolutely hate Trump. Birthers and 9/11 conspiracy nuts have nothing on this crowd. I have to say, right now, this is shaping up to be the Mother of All Political Blunders on the part of the Democrats.
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Hillary; Trump an "illegitimate President". This is so stupid it's almost physically painful.

Hillary Clinton Labels Trump an ‘Illegitimate President’

Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trump is an “illegitimate president” during a Wednesday appearance on ABC’s “The View.”
The former presidential candidate made the comment after host Joy Behar asked what she made of Trump leading “lock her up!” chants at campaign rallies.
“I do think that [Trump] knows that he’s an illegitimate president,” said Clinton to applause from the studio audience. “Because of that, he’s very insecure about it.”

The whole thing seems to be unravelling on the Dems. I hope the American voter can see through their scam.
We could look back to now and this is the winning of the election. Biden can take away some of Trumps votes whereas the other Dems can't
We could look back to now and this is the winning of the election. Biden can take away some of Trumps votes whereas the other Dems can't

Could be.

A segment of the US populace is simply incensed over this. Donations to the Trump 2020 campaign have skyrocketed. Trump is actually gaining in the polls. All while the completely corrupt media, literally makes up negative news about Trump 24/7. Is it possible that the Dems and their media pals can possibly be this effing stupid??? Am I missing something here? Their stupidity and dishonesty will take down their front runner, Biden, all while energizing and enraging Trump's base.
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Could be.

A segment of the US populace is simply incensed over this. Donations to the Trump 2020 campaign have skyrocketed. Trump is actually gaining in the polls. All while the completely corrupt media literally makes up negative news about Trump (and his voters) 24/7.. Is it possible that the Dems and their media pals can possibly be this effing stupid??? Am I missing something here? There stupidity and dishonesty will take down their front runner, Biden, all while energizing and enraging Trump's base.

The bolded part is the reason Trump voters are so angry. The "completely corrupt media" does the same thing to us. NRA members are "terrorists", anti-abortionists are Bible thumping simpletons and on it goes. Deplorables, racists, white Nationalists, sexists, bigots, irredeemables( Joe Biden), bitter clingers. People are sick of that S**t. And yet, the Dems keep pissing on half the voters in this country.
The bolded part is the reason Trump voters are so angry. The "completely corrupt media" does the same thing to us. NRA members are "terrorists", anti-abortionists are Bible thumping simpletons and on it goes. Deplorables, racists, white Nationalists, sexists, bigots, irredeemables( Joe Biden), bitter clingers. People are sick of that S**t. And yet, the Dems keep pissing on half the voters in this country.

I think it might be because the Dems, the corrupt media and the 10% of dip-S**t, radicalized citizenry talk to each other in a twisted, censored echo chamber, which makes them mistakenly believe that the majority agrees.
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Trump is throwing them bones. China for example today, telling them to investigate the Bidens. Shiff runs back panting, this is another investigation and impeachment.
Apparently CNN is refusing to run this ad.

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The half dozen or so people still watching CNN (excluding their airport feeds) won't care anyway. Shame, because it's exactly right.
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Trump is throwing them bones. China for example today, telling them to investigate the Bidens. Shiff runs back panting, this is another investigation and impeachment.
Yeah, I don't get that. How can the Dems, including all of Trump's future political opponents, call for investigation and investigation of Trump including the totally bogus Mueller investigation where they claimed Trump was a Russian spy. But Trump can't ask HIS political opponents to be investigated? Ahhh.... bullshit. Like Trump's opponents have been saying for three years, "if you've got nothing to hide, you shouldn't mind it one bit". If this is true, and Sperry is a credible guy IMO, it's probably why the Dems want the whistleblower to remain anonymous.

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The Washington Post gave Adam Schiff 4 Pinocchios for his lies today. Gotta hurt coming from his comrades in arms there. Biden's fundraising is down 70% according to Bill O'Reilly, if true he's in trouble. He's been steadily declining in the polls for weeks now. No surprise, he is a complete idiot. Trump is holding his own, raking in record cash and rising in the approval polls.

Trump approval climbs to highest level of 2019 amid impeachment inquiry

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