Politics The Biden thread

Can Trump be impeached twice? No double jeopardy?

Or do they just keep going until they can find someone who thinks he is guilty?
Oh, so you agree then? You see, systematically silencing one side of a debate is infact a form of editorialising and heavily weighing in on the debate.

Pence, Melania, Gingrich, Stefanik... are still there.

And go on a square and drink liquor without the bottle wrapped in paper, take a leak, mumble incoherently while pointing fingers at people and see what happens.

But the question is not if I agree to ban Trump or not, but some of you are ready to dictate to private business owners what they should do: that is one of the roads to socialism. And no-one is entitiled to have a social media account. That´s outrageous.

The Parler issue is totally different. The big tech companies could be sued for millions as they are preventing a competitor to twitter to benefit from their decisions. But it´s a business issue.
Can Trump be impeached twice? No double jeopardy?

Yes, he, technically, can.
Technically someone can be impeached 24/7/365 as long as that person is in office.

There is just the need to have a crime committed.

Which is:
Or do they just keep going until they can find someone who thinks he is guilty?
what they have been doing since 2016. The day Trump got sworn in, democrat senators and house representatives had already launched calls for Trump to be impeached.
At that time it was being of the "Russian collusion" and other things revealed by a "dossier" that had been created by 4chan (not the Steele dossier, which is another and different dossier) and such.

They don't need him to actually be guilty of anything. They will just throw things at him until something eventually sticks.

It's trully hillarious though, in a kind of terrifying way, is how strong the echoes are with the Gulag Archipelago:

An indictment is presented. And here, incidentally, is how it's presented:
"Sign it."
"It's not true."
"But I'm not guilty of anything!"
It turns out that you are being indicted under the provisions of Articles 58-10. Part 2, and 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Republic.
"But what do these sections say? Let me read the Code!"
"I don't have it."
"Well, get it from your department head!"
"He doesn't have it either. Sign!"
"But I want to see it."
"You are not supposed to see it. It isn't written for you but for us. You don't need it. I'll tell you what it says: these sections spell out exactly what you are guilty of. And anyway, at this point your signature doesn't mean that you agree with the indictment but that you've read it, that it's been presented to you."

"Show me the man I'll show you the crime" Berya used to say.

You know, "rule of law" and such. Mhm?
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Shut up France!

Do remember though these are privately owned outlets, they are free to have who they want. Twitter is kind of an enormous bar where everyone can have a drink and engage in a conservation. As in any bar, the owner can throw out the people he thinks are rowdy.
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On a funny side note regarding "Trump's speech incited violence".

Remember when Bernie claimed Trump was elected by Russia, was Putin's candidate and went on and on and on on it?
Remember when that got constantly repeated by the MSM? And believed by many? Including some members of this very forum?
Remember when, one day, one dude got so convinced it was, indeed, true that he decided to go out with his gun and shot congressmen during a baseball game?
That's inciting violence.

We've had AOC, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters calling for it all summer long.
And the Media complacently carried their voice, condoned them, amplified them and sanctified them.

Thing is, people who stormed the Capitol were not affected by the speech. The speech had no casual effect. They were not at the speech, they were not attending, they weren't even hearing and/or listening to the speech!

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But the question is not if I agree to ban Trump or not, but some of you are ready to dictate to private business owners what they should do: that is one of the roads to socialism. And no-one is entitiled to have a social media account. That´s outrageous

Well I would say in a time of national lockdowns and people's inability to go about their free business the internet has taken a greater roll within our lives . In a time of what is/could be national emergency re COVID why would we leave what could be many people's primary source of communication to a private company ?
Does anyone remember if there were there any protests of such a scale when Bush Jr beat Gore?
You seem to have no memory just reflexes like arachnid. Well then I feel sorry about you. I prefer to remain human being.

Actually there were massive protests during Bush inauguration, but it didnt stop him from invading Afghanistan and Iraq unfortunately...

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The bottom line is they can protest as long as they want, the US foreign policy is getting back on its tracks. The Venezuela is most likely to be the first...
Does anyone remember if there were there any protests of such a scale when Bush Jr beat Gore?

I think I remember there was some "troubles", some outrage and such.

But as BFC, you can't really compare the two. One of the main reason why being: there was virtually no social media.
And as we have seen these past years, social media tend to act as an accelerant for a fire.
And as we have seen these past years, social media tend to act as an accelerant for a fire.

And I feel the problem is that social media has been treated like the town square rather than as it should of been treated, like just another newspaper or magazine or tv channel.
Once upon a time if you submitted an expletive filled rant or video etc the message stopped at the editors. People had to learn how to put their message across in a civil way or they were just ignored.
Where as social media is the town square without the threat of being pelted with rotten vegetables by the mob, and without having to reveal your identity.
Does anyone remember if there were there any protests of such a scale when Bush Jr beat Gore?
Don’t think so... but a mere 4 years ago....


Some claims are investigated, some aren't.

Depends on what is more expedient and opportunistic I suppose.
interesting how many Democrats still think Putin somehow pulled a fast one even to this day, deep down in their dark little hearts. Hijacked. And my favorite “THERE IS NO QUESTION!!!” LOL!!

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