Wow, okay...
So the reasons for supporting Israel in this are just as retarded as I suspected. I just didn't believe anyone actually would take those reasons seriously. I thought there was more to it. Something that I was missing. But seems nope.
Israel was created entirely out of thin air in the centre of Arab lands. What did you expect would happen?
If you want to use smartass comparisons.... how about this. Let's create a Sharia State in the middle of Europe, give them nukes, give them Iron Domes, supply them with the latest and greatest technology at the expense of EU tax payer money.
In a way that's similar to what's happening today in Europe, you're right, Arabs in Europe are treated like kings. But imagine if beyond social securities, they would also receive access to nukes and high-tech military supplies/training. And then given full political cover to expand their political influence across the continent. You'd love that, wouldn't you?
This is exactly what Israel is in the middle east - an outsider, created out of thin air, with full military support of the US, zero accountability, zero compatibility with its neighbours, and with full intent to treat the native population from a position of hostile arrogance.
Honestly, the Israeli lobby in the US is so powerful, it actually even goes to some citizens' heads. No wonder nobody ever gave me answers about this. Because there's none.