That's what you get when the Navy/Govt are tight arse's and buy a civilian based design based on a coastal ferry, not good for something you intend to carry troops, vehicles and equipment across oceans . Even the Civilian design has had issues in its environment. On one of their first sailings they managed to loose a RHIB in weather and not even notice until someone called them who found it on a beach and not long later lost a guy to a mishap recovering or deploying RIHB'sOdd looking bit of gear. Sounds like a pile of puss, needing 85 million in rework after an initial price of 130 million...
It was built in modules and no one obviously talked to each other when they did so and they neglected to put s bends etc in the pipes running from the sewage tanks up to the embarked forces laundry. Believe me, you didn't want to be the guy tasked with doing the sections laundry on the initial sailing until they got it sorted. That being said with its civi design its accommodation and facilities for embarked forces are very nice, not surprising I guess when your only other experience of a 'troop ship' was the HMAS Tobruk in 99.
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