Politics New Zealand launches world's first HIV positive sperm bank

Prep is a pre exposure treatment and it is a different case than the one we are discussing here. Especially because like any drug the way you take before exposure is important.
As such it is not and has never been a 100% safety net.
As for the idiots playing dumb with HIV like barebackers etc, what else to say that they are idiots.
AIDS is not fatal anymore but drugs are not without adverse effects, sometimes nasty
Survivable gun shot wounds are also not fatal......
I'm not getting into the good bad stupid debate.

Can anyone explain the target recipient market for this service?

sounds like setting up a shop selling insurance write offs, that have been repaired, to me.....
You, guys, sometimes... !!!

No viral detection means technically no risk of transmission. 0. zilch. nada. This is a consensus, worldwide fact known for years (datas from 2011)

A bit more facts and a less more bigotry would be nice.
There is no such thing as no risk, additionally just because the virus is undetectable doesn't mean it's cured and there could be viral mutation.

Bigotry? Over not wanting to increase my chances of getting a deadly communicable disease? Please.
Can't say that I have any problem with this.

There is no such thing as no risk, additionally just because the virus is undetectable doesn't mean it's cured and there could be viral mutation.

When you say things like "no such thing as no risk" you sound like a Greenpeace or anti-Wireless technophobe or chemophobe.
Let's not forget that, in the name of "reducing stigma" and "fighting bigotry", the State of California made it a misdeamenor to knowingly infect someone with HIV without their knowledge.

You know... "more facts less bigotry" mentality.

As for "AIDS is not fatal anymore" around 700k people, in 2018, would beg to differ.

Courtesy of WHO:

770 000 [570 000−1 100 000] people died of HIV-related illnesses worldwide in 2018. Expanded access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and a declining incidence of HIV infections have led to a steep fall globally in the number of adults and children dying from HIV-related causes. The estimated 770 000 [570 000−1 100 000] people dying from HIV globally in 2018 were 56% fewer than in 2004 (the peak) and 33% fewer than in 2010 in spite of a period of substantial population growth in many high burden countries.

Nevertheless, there is no room for complacency. Countries need to live up to their commitment to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 -- a target included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015. The immediate challenge is to reach the Fast-Track targets for 2020, as HIV-related deaths are still unacceptably high.

The 2020 targets include reducing the number of people dying from HIV-related causes to fewer than 500 000. Based on current estimates, this provides an opportunity to prevent almost 300 000 deaths per year.

The drop in HIV-related mortality is especially evident in the regions with the greatest burden of HIV infection, including the WHO African Region, home to over 61% of people dying from HIV-related causes in 2018. An estimated 470 000 [340 000−630 000] people died in the African Region from HIV-related causes in 2018, which indicates that mortality has dropped by almost 40% since 2010.

More facts less bigotry, right?

Nah, I guess WHO are just a bunch of bigots... the risk is so worth it! You know? Think of it as a brave act to fight bigotry!
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Can I self identify as a pregnant woman so people give me their seat?
Can I self identify as a pregnant woman so people give me their seat?

You can identify as a underage, disabled pregnant woman of color if you want.
To that you can also specify your gender and preferred pronouns.
So I cant teach my kid how to cross the road, incase he gets Motorphobia
It's more of an opportunity that didn't previously exist. As Morordor has pointed out, this is no longer something that has a risk attached to it. I'm aware that a number of countries have a shortage of sperm doners.
A bit more facts and a less more bigotry would be nice.
Salmonellae don't cause an outbreak of salmonellosis either unless the bacteria concentration reaches critical levels, yet still I wouldn't volunteer to eat a raw chicken wing, thank you very much. Don't be holier than the pope, for heaven's sake.
It's more of an opportunity that didn't previously exist. As Morordor has pointed out, this is no longer something that has a risk attached to it. I'm aware that a number of countries have a shortage of sperm doners.
Yes, it does.

For the child and the risk of getting an anti-viral resistant strain. Just like what happened with bacterial becoming more anti-biotic resistant.
Causes of death in 1700 children...

The following diseases, while affecting all ages, were common causes of death in childhood. Whooping cough, diphtheria, dysentery, tuberculosis, typhus, typhoid fever, rickets, chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox and plague under their period names, were all listed as causes of death in children.

Should we go back to this, so we can all be more authentic?
Salmonellae don't cause an outbreak of salmonellosis either unless the bacteria concentration reaches critical levels, yet still I wouldn't volunteer to eat a raw chicken wing, thank you very much. Don't be holier than the pope, for heaven's sake.
I can confirm, eating green chicken makes me very very ill.
It's more of an opportunity that didn't previously exist. As Morordor has pointed out, this is no longer something that has a risk attached to it. I'm aware that a number of countries have a shortage of sperm doners.
I work with a programmer who has about 50+ kids - he thinks he is a super human but in fact he is a bit of a *nob - sort of person who dresses up as Marylyn Manson at a weekend - greasy dirty ponytail boy
So some countries should have a shortage of sperm donors - fancy finding out your dad is someone like that
We spent a day arguing on and off with him about zero divide by zero and null values in sql tables
Yes, it does.

For the child and the risk of getting an anti-viral resistant strain. Just like what happened with bacterial becoming more anti-biotic resistant.

You are sounding like some kind of environmentalist for whom a 0.0000001% increase in risk is sufficient to demand the banning of a thing.
You are sounding like some kind of environmentalist for whom a 0.0000001% increase in risk is sufficient to demand the banning of a thing.
That would depend on the nature of the risk and the benefits of taking it, wouldn't it. For instance, hard-opposed pesticides are the very reason why hardly anyone on the face of the earth suffers hunger nowadays. There's a benefit outweighing the risk of not banning the thing (blissfully ignored by environmentalists).

What's the benefit of allowing HIV-positive men to donate sperm though, other than a hypothetical contribution to the vague goal of combating discrimination (which seems to be the go-to battle cry nowadays)? You cited a lack of donors, I believe; well, you don't need HIV-positive men to alleviate the situation. As a matter of fact, I should doubt that sperm bank is going to find many clients.

That is to say, apart from the kind of woman who believes that even their sexual functions ought to serve the intersectional agenda.
I knew of a number of lesbians back in my youinger days who used their gay friends sperm and a turkey baster to get pregnant. Just saying. Sometimes the need is there.

Either this will work or it won't. It won't take too long to find out one way or the other. Meanwhile where would we be as a society without experimenting.

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