Another point made recently, Southern Ireland is awash with hard drugs, and so called soft drugs, no naval resources to interdict drugs being dropped off the coast, drug shipments are going into Northern Ireland from the South then onto the U.K., as well as going from the Republic to the U.K. via ferries going to Wales.
Agitation already exists with regards the DUP and the creation of an UK and Irish Border post Brexit, they intimate if the Republic wants to enforce a border they will have to finance it, at this point in time putting a hard border into place such as existed from 1968 up until the so called Good Friday Agreement in 1998/99 is virtually impossible, before the ink was barely dry on paper, the Irish Defence Forces were taking down their border security posts having been assured by the politicos, well they will never be needed again.
The terrorists never fully went away did they, they mostly diversified into drug smuggling, diesel fuel washing, booze/cigarette smuggling etc.. etc..
a hard core group never gave up their weapons and have been responsible for a number of deaths.
If the S**t hits the fan now, Ireland will be hard pressed to get resources up and running fast, many trained men are leaving the force in droves as they see no point in staying. Others can only make ends meet by doing multiple rotations out to Lebanon as U.N. peacekeepers a few extra schillings in that, but, time away from family.