I never did the trackers cse since I had already picked up a support specialty. By default in Timor I ended up in a tracking team since each recce Patrol did a month long stint in the role as part of the IRF/QRF for both my tours. Every Patrol had a mix of Unit or Adv tracker qual'd guys who provided the on the job training for the rest who weren't, hard but rewarding work. Every day you would either be out practicing or deploying on live tracks as well as reviewing the age stands. Like you mention, very perishable skill, within a week or two of getting home my eyes had reverted and tuned out. I wish we had the dogs that Recce have now, that was the only thing missing from the teams at the time.
I find it funny even our Army managed to effectively copy and re name a lot of the recce or basic infantry drills or TTP's to make them sound new or special. I had an MP SSGT try to tell me about TSE (Tactical Site Exploitation) till I pointed out it was a new name on an old drill and the process was little different to battlefield clearance drills or the incident drill carried out by trackers and proven since Malaya.