Sure, you were just sarcastic about reports on possible civilian casulties and destroyed civil infrustructure in result of Israeli airstrikes as if it can never happen. Sorry but it does happen all the time...
I do support Mardonius I admit that.
Alright can you provide statistics on how many rockets were actually fired from Syrian territory and how many Israeli civilians have died in result? Lets compare the figures...
Indeed there WERE reports on civilian casualties in result of SAF bombings during the active phase of civil war. This is HISTORY now. And btw those countries that were actively fueling civil war by supporting armed opposition groups share the responsibility for civilian loses as well.
These are called war crimes actually.
Luckily no casulties among civilians are reported this time despite the port being quite busy place even at night. THIS TIME. Unlike many previous cases...
First of all they dont fly with impunity all over Syria. They mainly launch stand off weapons from Lebanon airspace hitting targets in western provinces. As I said earlier this is quite costly strategy with dubioius effectiveness...
No they did not. Iraq War 2003 came from the fact US fabricated intel and lied to the UN about WMD in Iraq. There is massive evidence of that coming from multiple whistleblowers: Scott Ritter, Karen Kwiatkowski, Katharine Gun, Joseph Wilson and many others...
As to excuse to invade Afghanistan: "someone was hiding somewhere on the border with Pakistan" you know it all sounded like that Gulf of Tonkin S**t: "North Vietnamese torpedo boats were aproaching our destroyer so we opened fire on them, and you know what now because of that we gonna wage a full scale war against North Vietnam by carpet-bombing cities, burning villages with napalm, poisoning everything with herbicides etc" Such a weak ass excuse...
You tell me. When you gonna stop invading, bombing and toppling goverments all over Middle East?