Politics Anti-Semitism, Israel and the wider world

@Ivan & Jake, I have to slightly disagree here. Right-wing extremism does make its presence felt in the West; that much seems certain to me. The only question I have is this: Is it a cause, or is it a symptom?

And the answer appears to be rather obvious. 'Same rules apply to all' is the linchpin of human coexistence. Heck, even higher animals will complain to their handlers when they're not allowed to do what the other animals are.

Well, our elites have been telling people of colour, for example, that they ought to be proud of their colour of skin. In doing so, they've rendered taking pride in one's skin colour socially acceptable once more; 'same rules apply to all'. The list is virtually endless.

Their refusal to acknowledge their reinvigoration of tribalism in society might seem astonishing, but in truth it's inevitable. The left needs a right-wing threat to justify its plans to reconstruct society.

And that's the pet peeve I have with right-wing populism á la Donald Trump. Every reckless comment by a right-wing populist acts like a vitamin pill for the regressive left.
@Ivan & Jake, I have to slightly disagree here. Right-wing extremism does make its presence felt in the West; that much seems certain to me. The only question I have is this: Is it a cause, or is it a symptom?

And the answer appears to be rather obvious. 'Same rules apply to all' is the linchpin of human coexistence. Heck, even higher animals will complain to their handlers when they're not allowed to do what the other animals are.

Well, our elites have been telling people of colour, for example, that they ought to be proud of their colour of skin. In doing so, they've rendered taking pride in one's skin colour socially acceptable once more; 'same rules apply to all'. The list is virtually endless.

Their refusal to acknowledge their reinvigoration of tribalism in society might seem astonishing, but in truth it's inevitable. The left needs a right-wing threat to justify its plans to reconstruct society.

And that's the pet peeve I have with right-wing populism á la Donald Trump. Every reckless comment by a right-wing populist acts like a vitamin pill for the regressive left.

Just like any reckless comment or action by the regressive/woke left acts like a vitamin pill for the right.

Trump comments do trigger reactions from the left, just like the comments and hugely broad statements made by the Obama administration and the various identity-politics group triggered the right.
Though some of these comments and statements are not aimed at a political group, but rather at people in general (white people, males, etc...) even if it means throwing "your people" under the bus for not following the group mentality.
Decent post here Herr Muck but I’ll never be convinced that the far-right will ever be as much a threat as political Islam.
It's a complex issue
You have far right parts that (at least until recently) were in agreement with islamists in regard to the jews, so basically ideological buddies
You have far right (and right) groups that defend the right of muslim to carry their religious symbol because they see it as a wedge against the Republic and in order to topple down the despised 1905 law about secularism (in France)
On the other hand you have far right groups that cannot stand beardies
And you have far right lite, flying under the radars but with the purpose to use democracy as a way to detroy democracy from withinh (much like political islam)
A bunch of nice guys, all of them, far right, far left, islamists, jewish extremists ....
I am all for a massive drop of all that trash above the Mariana trench. Without chute and safety raft .....
Israeli embassies on alert, air defenses adjusted in face of Iran threat

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have warned in recent days of the increased threat posed by the Iran.

Israel’s Air Force has adjusted its air defenses, and several Israeli embassies around the world have raised their alert level in light of increased tensions from Iran.

According to reports in Hebrew-language media, a series of adjustments were made to IAF air defense systems in light of the fear that Iran might try to carry out an attack using cruise missiles or suicide drones, similar to the October attack against Saudi Arabia.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have warned in recent days of the increased threat posed by the Islamic Republic, which they say is getting bolder and more willing to respond to Israeli attacks on Iranian and Iranian-backed militias and infrastructure.

“Iran wants to develop precision-guided missiles that can hit any target in Israel within five to 10 meters: It’s doing it,” Netanyahu said Monday evening during an event at the Jewish Agency. “Iran wants to use Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen as bases to attack Israel with statistical missiles and precision-guided missiles. That is a great, great danger.”

At the event, United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin added that the US is planning more sanctions to place on Iran in its “maximum pressure campaign.”

While Iran has several rockets which could reach Israeli territory, including the Khoramshahr 2 with a range of up to 2,000 kilometers, it is unclear if they transferred such missiles to Yemen.

The extreme right today occupies a marketing position that is very strong. I do not think the islamist threat explains it all.

Values and culture have been shattered in 40 years...and speaking from a formerly communist country, that happened to be very socially conservative (much to the mistake of western european leftists who think it was cool and permissive), the social environment has been totally obliterated.

It takes time to adapt, and there seems to be no understanding from leaders that there is just so much a society can take in change at once. And as politicians can´t do much promises on the economy since it mostly open, they tend to go to societal issues with the agility of an elephant in a porcelain shop...

People don´t speak your language anymore? an enrichment. People are dressed in middle eastern clothes? Rejoice! Men and women is just a concept? of course! You can rent women to have your kid? No problem who the fcuk are you to impose anything!

The extreme right occupies the space of conservatism that is promising...I am just posting this picture of a billboard here...it made me sad then angry to think someone financed such a campaign to celebrate the 80 years of the Slovak state, a nazi puppet state that led 70000 Jews to the death camps (almost all Jews in the country)...

The LSNS party (a real nazi party to the difference of the RN in France) has more than 11% in the polls. Mostly young people...who find corruption, high cost of living, loss of traditions, and uncontrolled immigration the result of the voluntary destruction of all political beacons in society...They blame Jews and Soros who finances it all. Although I am not fond of Soros who plays a very sick progressive card with his money, he is somewhat sympathetic to me when I compare him to people who are Holocaust deniers and who relate positevely to a nazi puppet state.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Foreign Ministry has been plunged into a devastating new antisemitism scandal for the hiring of a radical Islamist who defends the annual Iranian regime-sponsored rally al-Quds Day calling for the obliteration of Israel.

Andreas Görgen,the director of the Foreign Ministry’s department for culture and communication, welcomed the Islamist Nurhan Soykan on Monday on his Twitter feed, writing that Soykan will be on “our team Religion and Foreign Policy” at the Foreign Ministry.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Foreign Ministry has been plunged into a devastating new antisemitism scandal for the hiring of a radical Islamist who defends the annual Iranian regime-sponsored rally al-Quds Day calling for the obliteration of Israel.
Andreas Görgen,the director of the Foreign Ministry’s department for culture and communication, welcomed the Islamist Nurhan Soykan on Monday on his Twitter feed, writing that Soykan will be on “our team Religion and Foreign Policy” at the Foreign Ministry.

Soykan represents the German Council of Muslims that serves as an umbrella organization for a spectrum of Sunni and Shi’ite associations and mosques, including radical antisemitic entities. Soykan is a zealous supporter of head coverings for women. She was born in Turkey and moved to Germany as a young child.

Neo-Nazis, Iranian regime supporters, BDS activists, Hezbollah members, radical leftists and members of the Palestinian terrorist entity Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) participated in the al-Quds rally in Berlin that Soykan defended.
A spokesperson for Merkel's office defended German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas's decision to hire Soykan. "We have nothing to add to the answer that you received from the Federal Foreign Office on this subject," a spokesperson told the Post.

German Foreign Ministry hires Islamist who defends Israel’s destruction
For antisemites in France, police are seen as ‘dirty Jews’

But Tihlah, a 29-year-old Muslim with a history of petty crime, was not after Jews. According to his own confession after the crime and a letter he had written before it, he decided to target police officers. Tihlah rammed his cars into two of them in the suburb of Combes, wounding one seriously.

French police officers and activists against anti-Semitism said the attack was the latest example of an emerging trend in France in which anti-Semites have come to see the police and other security services as extensions of “Jewish power” — a theme often discussed in the conspiracy theories that inspire and justify such attacks.

Claims of police brutality, inspired by protests in the United States in the wake of the death of George Floyd, have “only poured oil on that fire,” said Sammy Ghozlan, a former police commissioner from Paris and the founder of the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Antisemitism, or BNVCA.

“The antisemitic equation between cops and Jews is a new development borne out of conspiracy theories, and it’s already inciting violence and bloodshed,” Ghozlan said. “It’s dangerous not only to Jews, but also for the rule of law in France.”
I have said in the past and I will reiterate it again and again if neccessary. Both Israel and the US are gravely mistaken in viewing Europe's big five as allies (the big five being Germany, France, Italy, UK and Spain), sorry if that offends people on this board, but let me explain:

Time and time again these aforementioned Nations make it known to the world, that if push came to shove they'd not stand as part of a western phalanx but as spineless sycophants and appeasers of islamic powers that seek the destruction of Israel.

Germany, France and Britain did nothing less than aid in the islamist power grab in Iran during the 1979 revolution, to this very day there has been zero acknowledgment of this despicable political decision, on the contrary, elements of the political establishment in these countries more oft than not celebrate having plunged the world into the chaos we find ourselves in today (in particular the Greens and the SPD and the Left in Germany).

Let me remind you that the Supreme Leader of Iran maintains an officially sactioned office of representation in London(!) of all places. We regularly hear British politicians kissing Mullah and Arab ass in public and PUH-LEASE don't get me started on the EU and their masturbation to Palestine flags...

France and Germany are two countries where Iran's assassins have been roaming around killing anti-regime dissidents with impunity for the regime itself (Google Mykonos attack, Fereydoun Farrokhzad) Bakhtiar, the last Iranian Prime Minister of the Shah was assassinated in France and what did the French do towards the regime in Iran? S**t all...

To this day France pursues a policy of undermining the US sanctions-regime and appeasing islamist a$$holes who make it unmistakably clear that they intend to bring down western civilization, sorry mes amis, but the surrender stereotype doesn't come from nowhere... at least this time you have the Germans beside you in that behaviour.

Italy and Spain basically try to fly under the radar when it comes to the world leader in state-sponsored anti semitism, recently there was a scandalous revelation that the current deputy prime minister of Spain was essentially bank-rolled by the Iranian regime:

I could continue ad nauseam, but I'm sure you get the picture, as an Iranian living in Germany it vexes me to no end that I'm surrounded by such hipocrisy on all sides.
Remember that the world has errupted into protest over the death of one man at the hand of a police officers while there is complete radio silence about the murder of over a thousand people by regime goons in Iran just last December ...

Oh, but woe betide thee if an Israeli soldier wounds some Palestinian militant... you'll never witness the end of the media circus.

So yeah, if you can't blame Jews no news.

To this day France pursues a policy of undermining the US sanctions-regime and appeasing islamist a$$holes who make it unmistakably clear that they intend to bring down western civilization, sorry mes amis, but the surrender stereotype doesn't come from nowhere... at least this time you have the Germans beside you in that behaviour.


Interesting you mention that as yesterday a French soldier was killed in Mali while serving against the islamic state.

That fact only discredits almost everything you wrote...
Not really.

France does practice and active "appeasement" policy on its metropolitan soil.

The fact France is engaged in Mali, in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc... does not prevent the rest.

France is friendly with Palestine and China, but isn't doing much regarding the Uighurs, and Palestine reiterated its support to China, thus throwing the Uighurs under the bus. Just like 35 other Muslim countries.
Interesting you mention that as yesterday a French soldier was killed in Mali while serving against the islamic state.

That fact only discredits almost everything you wrote...

So France defending its interests by combatting islamists in one particular region basically undoes its decades of enabling and coddling Islamists and subverting all efforts at bringing down the most prolific and proficient regime in the mid-east?

Explain to me Telmar, why are France's Jews leaving the country in historically unprecedented numbers since WW2? Am I being particularly unkind or uncharitable here?

Germany has troops in Mali, our feckless Presidents, with Steinmeier being the most recent (an a-grade D!ckhead, btw) take it upon themselves to congratulate the Islamic Revolution each year, a historic event that hast cost the lives of millions of innocent people.

It took decades of US pressure till Germany finally relented and outlawed Hizbollah wholesale last year, until then they were acting unimpeded, smuggling drugs and weapons and gathering intel on Iranian expats.....

oh, forgive me, Germany has sent troops to Mali, I guess it is ok then...
Not really.

France does practice and active "appeasement" policy on its metropolitan soil.

The fact France is engaged in Mali, in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc... does not prevent the rest.

France is friendly with Palestine and China, but isn't doing much regarding the Uighurs, and Palestine reiterated its support to China, thus throwing the Uighurs under the bus. Just like 35 other Muslim countries.

First as popular as the word appeasemt is, there are domestic affairs and international ones.

Domestic issues should be handled by police and the justice system. That things are way out of control because of wokism, separtist tendencies of large groups created by recent immigration from muslim countries, with a tendency for strong development of antisemitism is evident. How it will end is not clear, but the path is wrong at this point. I do hope we can find a way to break this trend.

Now on an international level, France is active on fighting islamists, but this is where Serj was being silly: there are probably a billion Muslims in the world, if only ten percent develop islamist tendencies, that' s almost twice the entire population of France. That means that it is clear that we won' t open a fight with anyone for just about anything but target those who are directly threatening us. That explains why Iran is a long way off our charts. And going back thirty years makes no sense. Actions should be determined by the future and the present.

I don' t know what you expect from France against China' s actions against the Ouighours. Are we to do something against all the bad things that happen in the world? Do you plan to enlist? One thing clear: at the brink of WWII the most populated places on earth apart from China were the western world and the colonies. Policing the entire world was complicated, but the number of people to police or to fight was less and that made it easier to keep our influence present everywhere. Today is a world where we are a small group of people. And if you take a look at the Israelis, they pick fights with those who attack them, not with every antisemitic goon that opens his mouth. One of the reasons of the warming of relations with a trash of a country like the RSA.
Word, Telmar. That at least is a well thought out post and having a bit of perspective instead of mindlessly berating countries in a wanna be long, smart post full of memes like reference and stereotypes.

I’d actually appreciate that Serj actually enlist and go fight the big boys with a rifle on his shoulder instead of posting about this nonsense in the afternoon of a summer day.
So France defending its interests by combatting islamists in one particular region basically undoes its decades of enabling and coddling Islamists and subverting all efforts at bringing down the most prolific and proficient regime in the mid-east?


I don' t want to go too far OT, there are threads regarding this where I posted my opinion.

Explain to me Telmar, why are France's Jews leaving the country in historically unprecedented numbers since WW2? Am I being particularly unkind or uncharitable here?

Well certainly not because of Iran. As a matter of fact, it is precisely in Iran that the largest jewish community in the Middle East lives, and in much safer conditions than in muslim countries that we call allies. And sometimes even in safer conditions that a french city suburb with a large immigration-based population.

So basically, is Iran a threat to France? No. is the islamic state a threat? Yes. Hence our response.
I don' t know what you expect from France against China' s actions against the Ouighours. Are we to do something against all the bad things that happen in the world?

And why not?
Why France shouldn't do something?
France is great when it comes to chastising and lecturing other countries, picking its fights and such. France had the opportunity to do something when the Rwanda genocide took place, but choose to do nothing. France has the opportunity to do something (even condemning and sanctioning China would be better than nothing), yet isn't.
Are we to do something about all the bad things that happen in the world?
Same thing would go for the refugees then, no?
Crackdown in HK?
And same thing would go for Mali as well then, no? After all, are we to do something against all the bad things that happen in the world?

You know... France, the country enjoying it's "Pays des Lumières" status. Repeating ad nauseam how it is the "Pays des Droits de l'Homme", a country tirelessly fighting for what is right and such...

As for:
Do you plan to enlist?
Is it personal-cheap-shot time already? Careful now, you're starting to behave like mordoror...

Apart from being a cheap-shot it is also both irrelevant and out of touch. Are you implying "France doing something about the Uighurs" would automatically equate military action?
What kind of BS that exactly?

Lots of footage have been released these past few days, showing Uighurs being hoarded in trains, sent to camps. Rumors about "reeducation", "torture", "sterilization", etc... are also coming in.
But, what are we to do I guess? Apparently absolutely nothing, hand tied and gagged we are poor little us.
We can sanction Russia, we can place a weapon embargo against Turkey for "trivial" things (compared to what is happening in China), but on serious things? Oh oh oh... now hold on! Not so fast! "what are we to do!".
Word, Telmar. That at least is a well thought out post and having a bit of perspective instead of mindlessly berating countries in a wanna be long, smart post full of memes like reference and stereotypes.

I’d actually appreciate that Serj actually enlist and go fight the big boys with a rifle on his shoulder instead of posting about this nonsense in the afternoon of a summer day.

Oh no problem Jake, you may make assumptions about me at your pleasure.

Let me put this into plain terms, I'd readily join the military of a country whose foreign policy, values and politics I respect and admire. Germany and France are not amongst them, and since I don't have a green card I won't be going to the US any time soon.

And I'm pretty sure that I didn't "mindlessly" berate any country, I'm actually pretty sure that I listed numerous reasons and sources for my criticisms, that you chose to ignore. Well, whatever I guess...

EDIT: would my post have been more palatable if today had been a rainy autumn day?

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