Politics Anti-Semitism, Israel and the wider world

Rapper Wiley antisemitism probe stopped due to him being abroad

“It is one of the loopholes of the internet that a British person can post so many antisemitic tweets and posts, clearly intended for a British audience and doing so much damage to community relations in this country, but because he was not in the UK at the time he can’t be prosecuted here," A spokesperson for The Community Security Trust told The Jewish Chronicle.

“We are grateful to the Police for their investigation but this is another example of why this country urgently needs stronger and more relevant laws governing online hate.”
I am against "hate laws". We just have too much, and it's impossible to know where to put the limits.

Some people consider what "Charlie Hebdo" does the same as what antisemitic rappers sing. It's not my opinion but then again unless a direct threat is made, it's just rethoric...it can lead to violence...or not.

We have crossed the line with these hate laws...for example making it illegal to say the holocaust has'nt happened, or to trivialize it...and we added for good measure the Armenian genocide. But then what about victims of slavery...or projects led in colonized Africa? But then was there a context? Is there additional information? Is there simply ignorance?

Impossible to legislate without damaging the freedom of the individual.
Facebook, YouTube, Zoom got it right in handling Leila Khaled webinar

Zoom acted promptly and professionally, immediately canceling the event. In a statement, Zoom wrote, “In light of the speaker’s reported affiliation or membership in a US-designated foreign terrorist organization, and SFSU’s inability to confirm otherwise, we determined the meeting is in violation of Zoom’s Terms of Service.”

Naturally, the anti-Israel campus group claimed that not supporting a member of a designated terrorist organization was “censorship” and doubled down, rescheduling the event for Facebook live, and launching a (largely unsuccessful) social media campaign to “support” Leila Khaled. But the problems were only beginning for this student group.

Following Zoom’s decisive action, Facebook too canceled the scheduled event, removing it from their platform altogether for violating their terms of use. A Facebook representative stated they “removed this content for violating our policy prohibiting praise, support and representation for dangerous organizations and individuals.”

When the event was scheduled to take place last week, the organizers opted to host it on YouTube live as a last resort, only to have it shut down 20 minutes into the event for the same reasons. Ironically, proving all three networks right, the last thing Khaled said before the stream was cut off was, “people have the right to fight those who occupy their land by any means possible, including weapons.” Following the event, YouTube confirmed they removed the stream due to “content praising or justifying violent acts carried out by violent criminal or terrorist organizations.”

In a testament to the abysmal state on US campuses when it comes to fighting terrorism, SFSU not only failed to cancel the event, but the president of the university, Lynn Mahoney, actually condemned the social network response, stating in a letter that the university disagreed with Zoom’s decision but recognized its right as a private company to enforce its policies. “We worked hard to prevent this outcome and have been actively engaging with Zoom,” she wrote.
I don't know if this belongs here or in the humor section. Anyway...

Why did Israel choose Azerbaijan?

Today it is a historical fact that no country in Eurasia has closer or warmer ties with Israel than Azerbaijan. The relationship between the two countries is particularly surprising because Azerbaijan is a majority Muslim country. Over the 25-year history of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Israel there have been a lot of positive moments between two countries and peoples. These two countries proved the necessity and viability of the relationship between the Jewish state and the state with the Muslim majority. Our friendly states act as true and stable strategic partners. Azerbaijanis and Jews, in fact, can not only coexist, but also develop and strengthen relations.

l have to say all Turks do not share opinions of R. T. Erdoğan and most of The Turk wanna stable and peacefull relations with Israel.

Turks still do large size trade and tourism with Israel companies unlike Iran and some other Arap countries.

In the past Turk Ottoman excistence was removed Arap and British allaince during ww1 after Israel settled down there

l should say very great thanks to Israel for precious military assitance to Azerbaijan .
l have to say all Turks do not share opinions of R. T. Erdoğan and most of The Turk wanna stable and peacefull relations with Israel.

Turks still do large size trade and tourism with Israel companies unlike Iran and some other Arap countries.

In the past Turk Ottoman excistence was removed Arap and British allaince during ww1 after Israel settled down there

l should say very great thanks to Israel for precious military assitance to Azerbaijan .

Erdogan was elected the last time with nearly 53% of the votes.... to say ''all the Turks'' do not share opinions of R.T. Erdogan is rather funny.
Erdogan was elected the last time with nearly 53% of the votes.... to say ''all the Turks'' do not share opinions of R.T. Erdogan is rather funny.

I also used to hear that when Erdogan really goes overboard on the dictatorship and war front he'll be removed by the military. Yeah if the last five years weren't reason enough then it's never going to happen.
I also used to hear that when Erdogan really goes overboard on the dictatorship and war front he'll be removed by the military. Yeah if the last five years weren't reason enough then it's never going to happen.

To be honest, Erdogan is the best gift to Greek foreign policy, there are people here praying for his wellness...If he's removed we will have to deal with some well mannered moderate West loving individual, so the job will be tougher.
l live in Turkey not outsider.

RTE is not ultimate eternal ruler of the Turkiye. He is temporary elected poltician.

Solid truth that Israel people thrust Turkiye and visit for tourism and make large size business without hesitation and fear .

Fanatics and populists are everywhere but l write Turkish people quite moderate reasonable and believe democracy like Israel.

We are greatfull to them for M-60T ( AKA sabra ) MBT modernisation which protected lifes of countless tankers.

I rarely say this, but thank you Governor Newson for pushing back against Anti-Semitism from the left.

On the other hand can't you guys believe that the phrase "Jews control the media" was about to be introduced into at the very least curriculum maybe even a textbook in California!!!

It was the latest twist in a fight that has lasted more than a year over whether California’s high school students should be required to take an ethnic studies class and, if so, what should be included. The bill’s author pulled it in 2019 after a similar dispute over the course material. This year a revised version of the bill easily passed the Legislature, but Wednesday night, Newsom vetoed it.

In his veto message, the governor said only that the curriculum still needed more work because it was “insufficiently balanced and inclusive.”
Newsom wrote in his veto message that he supports the concept of teaching students about the history of marginalized groups. But he said the latest draft of California’s “Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum” must be rewritten to ensure it “achieves balance, fairness and is inclusive of all communities.”
Newsom didn’t cite specific examples of bias in the course manual, but advocates and legislators said the Jewish community was the crucial source of concern about the curriculum.

Tyler Gregory, executive director of the San Francisco Jewish Community Relations Council, said concerns about the bill were reignited in recent weeks after Jewish leaders learned the draft curriculum had been updated to add lessons about Arab Americans and Pacific Islanders, but not Jews.
Gregory said Jewish groups and synagogues across the state sent dozens of letters to Newsom’s office urging him to intervene. Gregory said he wanted Newsom to direct an overhaul of the curriculum or veto the bill — Newsom did both.
“We think it’s imperative that education around anti-Semitism and Jewish identity be included in the context of ethnic studies,” Gregory said. “The Jewish community is more than a conversation about the Holocaust.”

“The Jewish community is a large and diverse community, with lots of different perspectives,” he said. “If anything, what I heard from the mainstream Jewish community leadership was not opposition to the bill, but was concern that the curriculum be developed in a way that was fair to the Jewish community.”

The revised curriculum encouraged teachers to add lessons that emphasize the history of ethnic groups in their community. But it kept the focus on four groups that ethnic studies courses traditionally emphasize: African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

The draft also removed content that Jewish groups said evoked anti-Semitic stereotypes, in particular a reference to Israel controlling the media.

Newsom vetoed high school ethnic studies bill after complaints from Jewish groups about curriculum
I am against "hate laws". We just have too much, and it's impossible to know where to put the limits.

Some people consider what "Charlie Hebdo" does the same as what antisemitic rappers sing. It's not my opinion but then again unless a direct threat is made, it's just rethoric...it can lead to violence...or not.

We have crossed the line with these hate laws...for example making it illegal to say the holocaust has'nt happened, or to trivialize it...and we added for good measure the Armenian genocide. But then what about victims of slavery...or projects led in colonized Africa? But then was there a context? Is there additional information? Is there simply ignorance?

Impossible to legislate without damaging the freedom of the individual.
Right. In fact, our First Amendment exists precisely to protect speech that is unpopular or controversial or hateful. It's abundantly clear that if we default to arbitrary definitions of 'hate speech' then we are all at the mercy of whomever is in power.
Would mean that half the islamic world is going to be banned really soon. Of course that won't happen as only Conservatives can be anti-Semitic and muslims are known to be REALLY progressive :rolleyes:
Facebook deleted my profile two years ago because I linked to a Times of Israel article. It has been written that more and more security doors are being sold in Israel as a result of Hamas attacks.
Facebook deleted my profile two years ago because I linked to a Times of Israel article. It has been written that more and more security doors are being sold in Israel as a result of Hamas attacks.

Same with the wall Israel built. Thousands killed before it was built, almost no terrorist attacks afterwards. "But the Palestinians are restricted in their movement".

People who can't handle responsibility are in a prison of their own making.

Of course as we know walls do not work ?

Personally I'm not on any kind of social media because I knew about the privacy concerns before it became a public issue and that Cali leftists would use their platforms as a weapon to aid leftists was plainly obvious a decade ago to me.

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