Fail to see the funny side. You do kill kids actually. Remember those children killed in Kabul in August in result of "retaliatory" airstrike. Or those two boys with slit throats from Brereton Report. These are just most recent examples...
Nothing I mentioned had anything to do with killing kids.
I dont know what ragtag militia you support, but I'm sensing you share an office with maradonious.....
Are you saying iran/iraq/hezzies etc dont kill kids? Hell they indoctrinate kids to kill, commit suicide bombings etc. Launch 5000 unguided rockets at Israel, this wont kill any kids? Clever rockets those......
or The Syrian Army doesnt kill kids with its barrel bombs?
And yes US/UK etc have dropped weapons that have killed kids, and women, and men, some armed some not. Sadly that is war.
As to this incident, who knows, maybe a fake shipment, end result Israel burned a little fuel, but its good training, or it was a real shipment, and there's nothing left, so this damage is on the periphery? I mean years into a shooting war, and a small neighbour can still with impunity fly over Syria, and attack, at its'd have to ask some questions, dont you think?
And before you accuse 'the west' of interfering, just remember that all the western interventions came, from 2 acts - Iraq invading Kuwait, and the 9/11 attacks, based out of Afghanistan. It would be much better for these countries to sort themselves out, make peace, get some tourists in, look for oil/cobalt, lithium etc. instead you still think its a good deal to trade 10 of your soldiers for 1 of ours. To what end?