Warfare Israel vs Syria/Russia,Iran/Hizbulla conflict/war

I won't believe it until I see officials with "Baby Milk Factory" printed on the back of their overalls, there.
In English! and some hungry babies, maybe an empty milk factory lorry, with nothing to pick up.

Sad that we are so cynical, but tis the way of the world.
In English! and some hungry babies, maybe an empty milk factory lorry, with nothing to pick up.

Sad that we are so cynical, but tis the way of the world.
YES! In English, of course! That way CNN and BBC can run it.
Seems Russian AD sat on it's hands as usual?
Why would Russian AD interecept Israeli jets? Russians and Israelis have signed incident prevention agreement. Israelis obliged to warn Russians every time before they conduct airstrikes. Russians obliged to insure safe passage.

I would have expected much bigger damage than that - looks to me that someone has fired an RPG or even a 40mm into the side of the container - blast marks are inconsistent as well

File under must do better, if you are going to fake it at least try and make it look 'real'
Come on! Its not staged! Here is the photo taken the same night right after the attack. They wouldnt have enough time to fake it. Smoke is still visible, same damaged containers and food stock scattered all over the place. IAF hit nothing but food shipment! Simply admit it!

Без названия.jpeg
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Why would Russian AD interecept Israeli jets? Russians and Israelis have signed incident prevention agreement. Israelis obliged to warn Russians every time before they conduct airstrikes. Russians obliged to insure safe passage.

Come on! Its not staged! Here is the photo taken the same night right after the attack. They wouldnt have enough time to fake it. Smoke is still visible, same damaged containers and food stock scattered all over the place. IAF hit nothing but food shipment! Simply admit it!

View attachment 357413
Were you there? :rolleyes:

Can we see the dates on the food........... as it looks like you swallowed it hook line and stinker
I find the Twitter post, that the Israelis are purposely targeting Nescafe truly hilarious!!

Deir Ezzor Province: Explosions occurred in the oil wells area near the Syrian-Iraqi border in the countryside of Albukamal in the Deir Ezzor countryside, coinciding with the flight of unidentified drones.
According to the sources, the explosions took place in a military barracks west of the city of Al-Bukamal, at a distance of more than 8 km, which is a military site for the pro-Iranian militia leaders. No information has been received about casualties so far.
According to the Kan report, the drill will be one of the largest ever held by the Israeli Air Force and will include dozens of aircraft, including the F-15, F-35, and F-16 fighters, Gulfstream G550 spy planes, and refueling jets.
The planes will conduct the exercise far out over the Mediterranean Sea to simulate the distance — over 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) — that the aircraft would need to travel in a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Don't be sorry, you're posts make my day!!! Everybody needs a good laugh in the morning. I just have to be careful to read them inbetween sips from my coffee mug though.
I mean considering this most recent "precision strike" the reports on multiple civilian casulties in result of Israeli air raids sound much more credible now. So every time Israelis show you satellite images of "destroyed Iranian facilities" please keep in mind there is pretty good chance they just destroyed some residential areas killing many civilians inside...
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In English! and some hungry babies, maybe an empty milk factory lorry, with nothing to pick up.

Sad that we are so cynical, but tis the way of the world.
Fail to see the funny side. You do kill kids actually. Remember those children killed in Kabul in August in result of "retaliatory" airstrike. Or those two boys with slit throats from Brereton Report. These are just most recent examples...
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Fail to see the funny side. You do kill kids actually. Remember those children killed in Kabul in August in result of "retaliatory" airstrike. Or those two boys with slit throats from Brereton Report. These are just most recent examples...
Nothing I mentioned had anything to do with killing kids.

I dont know what ragtag militia you support, but I'm sensing you share an office with maradonious.....

Are you saying iran/iraq/hezzies etc dont kill kids? Hell they indoctrinate kids to kill, commit suicide bombings etc. Launch 5000 unguided rockets at Israel, this wont kill any kids? Clever rockets those......

or The Syrian Army doesnt kill kids with its barrel bombs?

And yes US/UK etc have dropped weapons that have killed kids, and women, and men, some armed some not. Sadly that is war.

As to this incident, who knows, maybe a fake shipment, end result Israel burned a little fuel, but its good training, or it was a real shipment, and there's nothing left, so this damage is on the periphery? I mean years into a shooting war, and a small neighbour can still with impunity fly over Syria, and attack, at its choosing.....you'd have to ask some questions, dont you think?

And before you accuse 'the west' of interfering, just remember that all the western interventions came, from 2 acts - Iraq invading Kuwait, and the 9/11 attacks, based out of Afghanistan. It would be much better for these countries to sort themselves out, make peace, get some tourists in, look for oil/cobalt, lithium etc. instead you still think its a good deal to trade 10 of your soldiers for 1 of ours. To what end?
I mean considering this most recent "precision strike" the reports on multiple civilian casulties in result of Israeli air raids sound much more credible now. So every time Israelis show you satellite images of "destroyed Iranian facilities" please keep in mind there is pretty good chance they just destroyed some residential areas killing many civilians inside...
Evil juice eating kids and raping 12 year old virgins…….
Heil Hitler Dr Goebbels……
Nothing I mentioned had anything to do with killing kids.
Sure, you were just sarcastic about reports on possible civilian casulties and destroyed civil infrustructure in result of Israeli airstrikes as if it can never happen. Sorry but it does happen all the time...

I dont know what ragtag militia you support, but I'm sensing you share an office with maradonious.....
I do support Mardonius I admit that.

Are you saying iran/iraq/hezzies etc dont kill kids? Hell they indoctrinate kids to kill, commit suicide bombings etc. Launch 5000 unguided rockets at Israel, this wont kill any kids? Clever rockets those......
Alright can you provide statistics on how many rockets were actually fired from Syrian territory and how many Israeli civilians have died in result? Lets compare the figures...

or The Syrian Army doesnt kill kids with its barrel bombs?
Indeed there WERE reports on civilian casualties in result of SAF bombings during the active phase of civil war. This is HISTORY now. And btw those countries that were actively fueling civil war by supporting armed opposition groups share the responsibility for civilian loses as well.

And yes US/UK etc have dropped weapons that have killed kids, and women, and men, some armed some not. Sadly that is war.
These are called war crimes actually.

As to this incident, who knows, maybe a fake shipment, end result Israel burned a little fuel, but its good training, or it was a real shipment, and there's nothing left, so this damage is on the periphery?
Luckily no casulties among civilians are reported this time despite the port being quite busy place even at night. THIS TIME. Unlike many previous cases...

I mean years into a shooting war, and a small neighbour can still with impunity fly over Syria, and attack, at its choosing.....you'd have to ask some questions, dont you think?
First of all they dont fly with impunity all over Syria. They mainly launch stand off weapons from Lebanon airspace hitting targets in western provinces. As I said earlier this is quite costly strategy with dubioius effectiveness...

And before you accuse 'the west' of interfering, just remember that all the western interventions came, from 2 acts - Iraq invading Kuwait, and the 9/11 attacks, based out of Afghanistan.
No they did not. Iraq War 2003 came from the fact US fabricated intel and lied to the UN about WMD in Iraq. There is massive evidence of that coming from multiple whistleblowers: Scott Ritter, Karen Kwiatkowski, Katharine Gun, Joseph Wilson and many others...

As to excuse to invade Afghanistan: "someone was hiding somewhere on the border with Pakistan" you know it all sounded like that Gulf of Tonkin S**t: "North Vietnamese torpedo boats were aproaching our destroyer so we opened fire on them, and you know what now because of that we gonna wage a full scale war against North Vietnam by carpet-bombing cities, burning villages with napalm, poisoning everything with herbicides etc" Such a weak ass excuse...

It would be much better for these countries to sort themselves out, make peace, get some tourists in, look for oil/cobalt, lithium etc. instead you still think its a good deal to trade 10 of your soldiers for 1 of ours. To what end?
You tell me. When you gonna stop invading, bombing and toppling goverments all over Middle East?
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Sure, you were just sarcastic about reports on possible civilian casulties and destroyed civil infrustructure in result of Israeli airstrikes as if it can never happen. Sorry but it does happen all the time...

I do support Mardonius I admit that.

Alright can you provide statistics on how many rockets were actually fired from Syrian territory and how many Israeli civilians have died in result? Lets compare the figures...

Indeed there WERE reports on civilian casualties in result of SAF bombings during the active phase of civil war. This is HISTORY now. And btw those countries that were actively fueling civil war by supporting armed opposition groups share the responsibility for civilian loses as well.

These are called war crimes actually.

Luckily no casulties among civilians are reported this time despite the port being quite busy place even at night. THIS TIME. Unlike many previous cases...

First of all they dont fly with impunity all over Syria. They mainly launch stand off weapons from Lebanon airspace hitting targets in western provinces. As I said earlier this is quite costly strategy with dubioius effectiveness...

No they did not. Iraq War 2003 came from the fact US fabricated intel and lied to the UN about WMD in Iraq. There is massive evidence of that coming from multiple whistleblowers: Scott Ritter, Karen Kwiatkowski, Katharine Gun, Joseph Wilson and many others...

As to excuse to invade Afghanistan: "someone was hiding somewhere on the border with Pakistan" you know it all sounded like that Gulf of Tonkin S**t: "North Vietnamese torpedo boats were aproaching our destroyer so we opened fire on them, and you know what now because of that we gonna wage a full scale war against North Vietnam by carpet-bombing cities, burning villages with napalm, poisoning everything with herbicides etc" Such a weak ass excuse...

You tell me. When you gonna stop invading, bombing and toppling goverments all over Middle East?
War crime attacks have to be deliberate attacks. the few that have been, have been tried.

Iraq 2003 was an extension of 90-91, we should have sorted it in 91......Iraq refused to allow inspections.

Syria was a mess.

I think the israelis are happy with their performance.

Statistics on israel v hezzie deaths, thats a bit different isnt it, Israel builds shelters for its people, hezzies send the kids up to attack israeli patrols - going to get very different results from that.

I think we are done getting involved in other people's war's.....but that doesnt seem to stop the middle east having a lot of wars without us......I repeat my advice, get peace, build hotels, look for lithium.
War crime attacks have to be deliberate attacks. the few that have been, have been tried.
Who was tried for war crimes listed in Brereton report?

Iraq 2003 was an extension of 90-91, we should have sorted it in 91......Iraq refused to allow inspections.
They did allow UN inspections actually. I already mentioned Scott Ritter as one of whistleblowers actively exposing US intel fabrications. He was UN arms inspector on the ground. They found nothing. Oops!

Syria was a mess.
Thanks to you, guys.

I think the israelis are happy with their performance.
Yeah especially the most recent one! Quite impressive! Congratulations!

Statistics on israel v hezzie deaths, thats a bit different isnt it, Israel builds shelters for its people, hezzies send the kids up to attack israeli patrols - going to get very different results from that.
In other words you dont have statistics. Thats fine.

I think we are done getting involved in other people's war's.....but that doesnt seem to stop the middle east having a lot of wars without us......I repeat my advice, get peace, build hotels, look for lithium.
War is not over until you are held accountable for the crimes you commited... I mean you cant just sweep it all under the rug... You will always be haunted by your past...
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Who was tried for war crimes listed in Brereton report?

They did allow UN inspections actually. I already mentioned Scott Ritter as one whistleblowers actively exposing US intel fabrications. He was UN arms inspector on the ground. They found nothing. Oops!

Thanks to you, guys.

Yeah especially the most recent one! Quite impressive! Congratulations!

In other words you dont have statistics. Thats fine.

War is not over until you are held accountable for the crimes you commited... I mean you cant just sweep it all under the rug... You will always be haunted by your past...
works both ways, plenty of crimes committed by all the players, just because their country doesnt call it a crime, doesnt make it so. Iran taking hostages? All ok with you?

Syria, solely a mess caused by the west? Really? Not down to a dictator?The russians, Iran? None of these? Just the west, for stirring up trouble? uh-hu, all clear.

face it, the west is what most people want, they want a nice peaceful life, with a car, a job, a home that doesnt get bombed, raise kids that dont get killed etc. The west exists, and can be seen, maybe these countries should try it?

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