Mil News Current Iran/Iraq/US Tensions and Actions Unfolding

The fact that the Islamic Republic has managed to chase away the nation's treacherous cretins to places such Germany, where they walk around with an inferiority complex contemplating about voting for the likes of AfD (who would've renounced his brown ass if it was up to them), makes Iran's clerical rule all worth it imo.

Let's hope for another 40 years!


Yes, the $100 billion smile, which is the fortune he has personally amassed by siphoning off the Iranian economy and Iranian people.
Sounds like you are simply parroting the party line.

It's obvious the people are not happy. There is discontent and anger simmering, and every time it starts to boil, the authoritarian leadership puts it's down brutally. You can only kill and imprison your own people for so long. If freedom truly burns within them, the people will eventually win.

Only if the US would have spend all those trillions of dollars at home, in stead of invading and destabilizing poor little countries on questionable and made-up charges of bad behaviour, perhaps US' infrastructure wouldn't have fallen apart, hillbilly groups wouldn't have stormed Capitol Hill, Black Lives Matter would've been a non-issue, folks would've had decent healthcare, and the overall polarization would have been prevented.

It's obvious the people in the US are not happy.
Only if the US would have spend all those trillions of dollars at home, in stead of invading and destabilizing poor little countries on questionable and made-up charges of bad behaviour, perhaps US' infrastructure wouldn't have fallen apart, hillbilly groups wouldn't have stormed Capitol Hill, Black Lives Matter would've been a non-issue, folks would've had decent healthcare, and the overall polarization would have been prevented.

It's obvious the people in the US are not happy.
Nowts perfect!
Sometimes he made good points, seriously. There’s little I disagree with in his paragraph.

Somewhere between all notions of right and wrong, there is a field where we all could meet each other, and realize that there is little that divides us in our general look at life, what we fear, our needs and the tenets of our humanity. Unfortunately, the memories and scars of the past hinders us to remove our national egos and work towards a better understanding of one another. Perhaps in the near and distant future things will change.
Only if the US would have spend all those trillions of dollars at home, in stead of invading and destabilizing poor little countries on questionable and made-up charges of bad behaviour, perhaps US' infrastructure wouldn't have fallen apart, hillbilly groups wouldn't have stormed Capitol Hill, Black Lives Matter would've been a non-issue, folks would've had decent healthcare, and the overall polarization would have been prevented.

It's obvious the people in the US are not happy.
Yes. You have inadvertently stated the America First Populist message which President Trump carries and one half (or more) of the American population support.

Many people in the US are not happy, but probably for different reasons than why so many people in Iran are unhappy - something that you won't or are not allowed to admit.

One main difference though, is that IRGC snipers aren't on roof tops killing protesters in the US.
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Somewhere between all notions of right and wrong, there is a field where we all could meet each other, and realize that there is little that divides us in our general look at life, what we fear, our needs and the tenets of our humanity. Unfortunately, the memories and scars of the past hinders us to remove our national egos and work towards a better understanding of one another. Perhaps in the near and distant future things will change.
Personally, I've know many Iranians. The Iranian people and the American people would make for natural friends.
Isn't the Iraqi Parliament heavily aligned with Iran?

I remember concerns from Iraqi politicians addressing the issue and Teheran's meddling in Iraq's business.
Yes all 329 members bought by Iran. ? ? ?
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English speakers please help me here.
How would you call a person which came for a visit and his host tactfully indicates to him that it is time to go home but he ignores the hints ?
Bad analogy. Noone invited them to Iraq to begin with. Americans fabricated intel about Saddam having ties with Al-Qaeda and possesing biological weapons to get the UN on board. Noone in the World bought this crap so Americans invaded Iraq without UNSC resolution.
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Israel Concerned as Iran Provides Its Mideast Proxies With Better Weapons

Iran has recently made significant advances in the development of its weapons industry, including precision-guided rockets and missiles, cruise missiles and drones. Israeli intelligence has observed a leap in Iranian capabilities, which are now being extensively distributed to other parts of the radical axis led by Tehran in the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Assad regime in Syria, the Shi’ite militias in Iraq and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Intelligence officials say that for the first time, the Iranian arms industry has become an industry encompassing the entire radical axis. One unit from the Revolutionary Guards, Unit 340 of the Quds Force, is responsible for the research and development that serves all the terrorist and guerilla organizations operating with Tehran’s patronage and financing. The knowhow gained by the Iranians is quickly and effectively relayed to their proxies throughout the region.

Tehran’s aim is to enable these organizations to achieve independent production capability in their respective countries, without being dependent upon Iranian smuggling operations, so they will be less vulnerable to Israeli strikes against the various smuggling channels. Last week, Iran accused Israel of responsibility for a blast on an Iranian ship in the Mediterranean. This was apparently a smuggling operation that was thwarted on the way to Lebanon.

Israel is especially concerned by Hezbollah’s acceleration of its “precision project,” in which it plans to do a massive upgrade of its arsenal of rockets and missiles so they can strike within just a few meters of their targets. In recent years, in the wake of the Israeli strikes on its smuggling operations, Hezbollah has made several attempts to build facilities in Lebanon to manufacture weaponry and convert arms to precision-guided weapons. Officially, Israel talks about Hezbollah having dozens of precision rockets, but some assessments say that number has surged in the past couple of years and is now apparently in the hundreds.

Hezbollah is working on developing several types of improvements for its missiles – greater precision, greater lethal impact and ability to circumvent the active Israeli defense systems. In his speeches, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah often talks about the level of precision of his organization’s weaponry and boasts that in the event of a war, Israel will be surprised by Hezbollah’s capabilities.

Another nearby arena where similar progress has been made is the Gaza Strip. Hamas, with Iranian aid, has significantly boosted its production capacity for rockets and drones and conducts very frequent test firings that are directed westward into the Mediterranean. In the last few years, Hamas members have traveled to Iran and elsewhere for training in weapons development.

Personally, I've know many Iranians. The Iranian people and the American people would make for natural friends.
Moved to the West to get away from the Mullah's

Iran reminds me of the old Eastern Germany but run by religious nutters
Bad analogy. Noone invited them to Iraq to begin with. Americans fabricated intel about Saddam having ties with Al-Qaeda and possesing biological weapons. Noone in the World bought this crap so Americans invaded Iraq without UNSC resolution.
Yanks will come and 'visit' whenever they feel like it and there is no one in that region can stop them - Iran will suffer the same crushing as Iraq did - they only need to put one foot wrong, and they will get squashed - everyone will stand by and go we told you so
It only takes one small miscalculation or one rocket that hits the wrong place or wrong person and the rod from god will be wielded
You don't see the Americans on here bragging about their new weapons or capability - they don't need to - when push comes to shove you will see what they have been doing for the last 20 years, and it has not been upgrading F5's
Yanks will come and 'visit' whenever they feel like it and there is no one in that region can stop them - Iran will suffer the same crushing as Iraq did - they only need to put one foot wrong, and they will get squashed - everyone will stand by and go we told you so
It only takes one small miscalculation or one rocket that hits the wrong place or wrong person and the rod from god will be wielded
You don't see the Americans on here bragging about their new weapons or capability - they don't need to - when push comes to shove you will see what they have been doing for the last 20 years, and it has not been upgrading F5's

Seeing the Worlds “biggest, strongest and mightiest” Army AKA the US one still struggling to get out of Astan and Iraq is quite puzzling honestly. Do both of these conflict can be counted as American Military victory? A bit of a stretch that one.

Look, BCNTM. I hold no grudge against the US at all, have friends there (friends I actually met over there or here) - but to rehash this again: the myths of American/Western invincibility against “smaller/poorer” nations has gotten old since Vietnam and before even.

Peace out.
Seeing the Worlds “biggest, strongest and mightiest” Army AKA the US one still struggling to get out of Astan and Iraq is quite puzzling honestly. Do both of these conflict can be counted as American Military victory? A bit of a stretch that one.

Look, BCNTM. I hold no grudge against the US at all, have friends there (friends I actually met over there or here) - but to rehash this again: the myths of American/Western invincibility against “smaller/poorer” nations has gotten old since Vietnam and before even.

Peace out.
"Victory" has become a convoluted word. Victory against the Axis in WWII was clear
cut and undeniable.

But it seems that the US/West lack that sort of focus and purpose. Afghanistan was required. It was needed to get to OBL in Pakistan. But once he was shot in the face, there was little purpose in supporting the Astan self licking ice cream cone. Unfortunately, wars are usually not about survival in this context. They are about making money - and creating the politics and policies to drag them out as long as possible, so all the pigs can continue eating at the trough.

If you are talking about pure military power? Then yes, the US is unbeatable. But it takes more than that to create victory in the classic sense. It requires the will.
"Victory" has become a convoluted word. Victory against the Axis in WWII was clear

Victory by whom? It is questionable if the US would have come out victorious against the Axis if it wasn't for the Soviets doing the heavy work against the Germans.

The reality is that the US heavily profited from European infighting, and was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime power vacuum on the global stage, which it has (financially) exploited to the max ever since WW2.

But the naked truth is that the US has lacked any clue ever since how to use its military to achieve tangible political objectives, that is has stumbled on many shameful defeats and military disasters and now has a significant portion of its population clearly being fatiqued and fed-up with their role as great power in the international arena.

The US is a power in decline, whether some people like it or not.
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Victory by whom? It is questionable if the US would have come out victorious against the Axis if it wasn't for the Soviets doing the heavy work against the Germans.

The reality is that the US heavily profited from European infighting, and was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime power vacuum on the global stage, which it has (financially) exploited to the max ever since WW2.

But the naked truth is that the US has lacked any clue ever since how to use its military to achieve tangible political objectives, that is has stumbled on many shameful defeats and military disasters and now has a significant portion of its population clearly being fatiqued and fed-up with their role as great power in the international arena.

The US is a power in decline, whether some people like it or not.
Yep, just lucky, I guess.

Unlike the thieving, corrupt, oppressive Mullahs in Iran.
Yep, just lucky, I guess.

A combination of ideal global circumstances and the will of an industrial power to establish hegemony.

It took a bunch of failed military adventures for this societal will of the American empire to be broken.

And now the US is clearly struggling to deal with all the challenges of emerging and established powers such as Iran and China.

I don't think any other great power in world history has shown this degree of incompetence in such a short timespan.

The US is by far the most overrated superpower ever since the advent of imperialism.

Unlike the thieving, corrupt, oppressive Mullahs in Iran.

Those with glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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