Mil News Current Iran/Iraq/US Tensions and Actions Unfolding

Iran has built new ballistic missile launch positions, satellite images show​

The Iranian Khorgo underground ballistic missile site is almost operational after new launching positions were constructed, satellite images obtained by Fox News show.

Images taken by Maxar Technologies reveal four holes dug into the side of a mountain. Three of the shafts are hardened vertical launch positions in their final construction phase, according to a separate analysis done by the civilian intelligence group Intel Lab.

"Considering the geographic location as well as the existing topography, once this complex reaches full operational capability, it will not be an easy task to neutralize it by conventional means," said Chief Intel Lab Analyst Itay Bar-Lev.

Construction on the ballistic missile site, located in southwestern Iran, started three years ago, though only in recent months did the Iranians ramp up work on the launching positions that can rapidly deploy two ballistic missiles each.

The Iranian site sits approximately 500 miles from Kuwait, a country that houses more than 13,000 American troops, and less than 200 miles from the United Arab Emirates, a key U.S. partner.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps inaugurated a new underground missile facility Monday, though officials from the Islamic Republic did not disclose the location. Video of the site aired on Iranian state television and showed dozens of missiles ready to be used.

"This is a small section of the missile capability of Revolutionary Guards' naval forces," IRGC commander Gen. Hossein Salami said.

As Iran expands its military capabilities, members of Congress are calling on President Biden to include the ballistic missiles issue in any upcoming diplomatic efforts regarding the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Last week a bipartisan group of 140 representatives sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, urging the Biden administration to address this issue.

"Diplomacy with Iran must limit not only the production of nuclear material but also ensure that Iran cannot develop a nuclear-capable ballistic missile," the lawmakers wrote.

"Victory" has become a convoluted word. Victory against the Axis in WWII was clear
cut and undeniable.

But it seems that the US/West lack that sort of focus and purpose. Afghanistan was required. It was needed to get to OBL in Pakistan. But once he was shot in the face, there was little purpose in supporting the Astan self licking ice cream cone. Unfortunately, wars are usually not about survival in this context. They are about making money - and creating the politics and policies to drag them out as long as possible, so all the pigs can continue eating at the trough.

If you are talking about pure military power? Then yes, the US is unbeatable. But it takes more than that to create victory in the classic sense. It requires the will.
Victory is very hard to define.

Afghan and Iraq, the ongoing presence, has to me simply been about killing ISIS whatever, in their home ground, rather than our home ground. Better a trained squady deals with them, than unarmed civilians.

The public in the 'free' G20 wont stand for millions being killed, which USA or any of the superpowers are militarily capable of. ISIS etc has no government, no capital to capture.

Militarily both Afghan and Iraq were resolved in a few weeks. Politically and ideologically still not resolved.

It does raise for me the question, both Germany and Japan were ideologically indoctrinated, yet now they are free democracies, so if we were able to do this 60 years ago, how come we cant do it now?

Also agree that money comes into this, I dont think Money started either war, but it certainly works against a quick resolution. Also for the politicians, they can say look were in a war, I cant fix greenhouse gases, or healthcare, we're in a war!
Victory by whom? It is questionable if the US would have come out victorious against the Axis if it wasn't for the Soviets doing the heavy work against the Germans.

The reality is that the US heavily profited from European infighting, and was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime power vacuum on the global stage, which it has (financially) exploited to the max ever since WW2.

But the naked truth is that the US has lacked any clue ever since how to use its military to achieve tangible political objectives, that is has stumbled on many shameful defeats and military disasters and now has a significant portion of its population clearly being fatiqued and fed-up with their role as great power in the international arena.

The US is a power in decline, whether some people like it or not.
Thats one narrative, here's an alternative history, USA the only country with any factories left, keeps going, nukes the soviet forces of the face of the earth, and installs a puppet government in every country. We all eat KFC and drink pissant beer ever after.

See, the US was in just such a position, they could have done it, but they didnt. One line of US policy is simply 'dont get involved' they regard both wars as European issues.

And finally, the only country that will equal USA is China. And its not a negative, if you own the only grand villa in a town, when finally someone else makes enough money that they too can build a grand villa. USA has not been defeated, nor vanquished, and most assuredly not by Iran. China and USA will end up as the 2 biggest dogs, and neither will be able to afford that scrap for the top seat.

So please peddle your Iran Uber-alles elsewhere.
And finally, the only country that will equal USA is China. And its not a negative, if you own the only grand villa in a town, when finally someone else makes enough money that they too can build a grand villa. USA has not been defeated, nor vanquished, and most assuredly not by Iran. China and USA will end up as the 2 biggest dogs, and neither will be able to afford that scrap for the top seat.

So please peddle your Iran Uber-alles elsewhere.

Iran has all but defeated the US in the Middle East. It has run circles around US foreign policy in this region, and has contributed to it getting bogged down in its forever (and unwinnable) wars that has costed trillions of dollars. Hence, Iran contributed to US global decline and the empire fatique which is now plaguing American society.
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Victory is very hard to define.

Afghan and Iraq, the ongoing presence, has to me simply been about killing ISIS whatever, in their home ground, rather than our home ground. Better a trained squady deals with them, than unarmed civilians.

The public in the 'free' G20 wont stand for millions being killed, which USA or any of the superpowers are militarily capable of. ISIS etc has no government, no capital to capture.

Militarily both Afghan and Iraq were resolved in a few weeks. Politically and ideologically still not resolved.

It does raise for me the question, both Germany and Japan were ideologically indoctrinated, yet now they are free democracies, so if we were able to do this 60 years ago, how come we cant do it now?

Also agree that money comes into this, I dont think Money started either war, but it certainly works against a quick resolution. Also for the politicians, they can say look were in a war, I cant fix greenhouse gases, or healthcare, we're in a war!

I guess that no existential threat has existed for the West in decades. That's what really focuses the mind.

"Victory" in Iraq and Afghanistan to some idealists was to transform those 2 nations into Jeffersonian Democracy. That was never going to happen.
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Iran has all but defeated the US in the Middle East. It has run circles around US foreign policy in this region, and has contributed to it getting bogged down in its forever (and unwinnable) wars that has costed trillions of dollars. Hence, Iran contributed to US global decline and the empire fatique which is now plaguing American society.

By the way, I don't need a red coat, whose country has been reduced to a laughing stock in the world, to explain me international politics. ;)

USA/G20 has contained Iranian expansionist dreams for 50 years, since the mullahs took the reigns. Iran has no Navy, no Airforce worthy of the name. Iranians drive cars so crap France didnt want them. Even China had the sense to buy the old VW designs. No-one ever said, I know lets go to Iran for a Holiday. You have no money, no friends, your best people have fled. You fought Iraq for how long? 8 years? Achieved nothing but the death of 100K's of your own people. US and Europe sorted Iraq out in 8 weeks. You make trouble as far as you can. Everyone has politely stepped around the loony on the road. If the loony now pulls out a gun, he's going to get it from everyone. Your missile bunkers are jokes, one penetration and Iran will be missing a mountain.

I know you wont believe it, not many people are bothered by Iran, other than the nuclear issue. Only the Iranian people can truly resolve this, I hope they will.
Iran has all but defeated the US in the Middle East. It has run circles around US foreign policy in this region, and has contributed to it getting bogged down in its forever (and unwinnable) wars that has costed trillions of dollars. Hence, Iran contributed to US global decline and the empire fatique which is now plaguing American society.

By the way, I don't need a red coat, whose country has been reduced to a laughing stock in the world, to explain me international politics. ;)
Actually, I like what's happening in the region, better than the US having to take full responsibility. Israel, SA and the Gulf Nations are uniting to defend against Iranian aggression. I'd rather that the locals take care of their own business.
Actually, I like what's happening in the region, better than the US having to take full responsibility. Israel, SA and the Gulf Nations are uniting to defend against Iranian aggression. I'd rather that the locals take care of their own business.

I'm not disputing your said preferences.

But the US increasingly leaving the Middle East is not only because it is prioritizing its great power competition with China, but also because all the failed adventures that has cost gazillion amount of dollars (with little in return) has left it with a bitter taste in its mouth.

By the way, I'm not disagreeing with you. It's fine that local actors now want to do the heavy work themselves, but these countries (Gulf + Israel) will do everything in their power to keep the US embroiled and involved in regional quack mires.
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Yanks will come and 'visit' whenever they feel like it and there is no one in that region can stop them - Iran will suffer the same crushing as Iraq did - they only need to put one foot wrong, and they will get squashed - everyone will stand by and go we told you so
It only takes one small miscalculation or one rocket that hits the wrong place or wrong person and the rod from god will be wielded
You don't see the Americans on here bragging about their new weapons or capability - they don't need to - when push comes to shove you will see what they have been doing for the last 20 years, and it has not been upgrading F5's
Boss thats exactly what Ive been trying to explain to everyone else on the forum all this time - Americans are warmongering fascists who dont give a damn about international law. Wait no respect from me.
You sound so frustrated and mad. Which I understand to a certain degree, since Iran has out manoeuvred both your country as well as the US in the region. Result: Iran now controlling four capitals in the Middle East.

By the way, I recently read an article about how the US humiliated Britain during the Iraq occupation, basically not taking its presence and power serious. This story says everything about how the US looks at its fellow Anglo-Saxons on the other side of the pond:

How does it feel to being reduced to a laughing stock as a former Empire?
We shall see who has outmanouvered who, in the next 12 months. You do understand that UK and what is now USA have fought a war, against each other? And yet here we are, working together for 100 years? You cannot fathom the depth of that relationship, the view of the world etc. You have no such relationships, yours are built upon religious hatred and division.

Iran covets what the UK once had. An empire, trade routes etc. You do understand that the UK, which had what 40% of the world, and probably a lot more than 40% by value, couldnt make it work! It bankrupted us, finished off by the stupid Germans who couldnt understand the difference between Conquest(ok if its in Africa) and War(not ok in Europe).

You really need to work the figures, UK is what 4th or 5th largest economy? Militarily 2nd in Nato, 4th or 5th in the World? We are so rich we just all had a year off work. Life expectancy in the top 10, chance of being killed by a religious nutter pretty low. Laugh away!

You dont even understand the article you posted - the US was in charge of the invasion. Period. UK had some stuff to do, things go wrong in War's.

Lets face it, someone did a good job of indoctrinating you, hopefully when the cheques stop, you can get some help, and see the world, and Iran as it really is. Good Luck.
Boss thats exactly what Ive been trying to explain to everyone else on the forum all this time - Americans are warmongering fascists who dont give a damn about international law. Wait no respect from me.
Ah-Hem. Ukraine.......Pot-kettle.
Rant of a mad man who doesn't know what he's talking about so he hides behind the security umbrella of the US because his own country has been reduced to a laughing stock and an insignificant actor on the international stage.
Lol - ok........I hope you'll come back, when its all over.
Again personally my conscience is clear, Ive never supported that. Some other Russians did. Im not responsible for them.
I'm not disputing your said preferences.

But the US increasingly leaving the Middle East is not only because it is prioritizing its great power competition with China, but also because all the failed adventures that has cost gazillion amount of dollars (with little in return) has left it with a bitter taste in its mouth.

By the way, I'm not disagreeing with you. It's fine that local actors now want to do the heavy work themselves, but these countries (Gulf + Israel) will do everything in their power to keep the US embroiled and involved in regional quack mires.
No doubt that Israel and the Gulf States would prefer that the US does the fighting, bleeding and spending. The policy under Trump was to extricate the US from such things, especially after reaching energy independence. That cart has been turned over now. I have no idea what the near term future holds regarding the US in the Persian Gulf.

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