Mil News Current Iran/Iraq/US Tensions and Actions Unfolding

Look. I'm not trying to offend any of you, but you westerners are absolutely clueless when it comes the Middle East. The ideological and religious links between Hezbollah and Iran run so deep, that there is absolutely no doubt that all of its members would indeed be willing to die for Iran.

Lebanon's Shia community pretty much owns it existence to Iran.
I dont usually agree with @Mardonius but on this one he could be right. I doubt many young Shia chaps, join Hezbollah for the retirement benefits - even though I imagine there are some!

In any country that has had civil war, war with neighbours etc, even mass famine like Ethiopia, I would imagine life has somewhat different value and expectations than we manage to provide in the G20 countries. I'm not saying they dont want to retire, own a holiday villa, but mostly they accept thats pretty unlikely. nor am I saying 70 year of life in a Glasgow tenement is better or worse than 50 years in Lebanon or anywhere else, just different.

I'd also note than Lebanon is probably one of the most screwed over countries in the World, and mostly not really its fault.
There is always the possibility that Israel might resort to nuclear weapons at one point, but that would open Pandora's box with likely grave consequences. And even then it is questionable whether nuclear weapons could completely nullify Iran's nuclear program.

But if Israel has nuclear weapons, which we all know they have, its possession of such weapons in itself gives them a strong strategic deterrence.

Iran is never going to use nuclear weapons. Not against Israel or any other state. Iran's security establishment simply isn't suicidal.

Of course the US got the message. Iran displayed its latest technological achievement by accurately hitting a US base with ballistic missiles. How many countries have openly fired ballistic missiles at American air bases? None, excluding Iran.

The message was loud and clear, and if you are closely watching military developments in the region you would've known that the US is adjusting its regional posture as a consequence of that attack, including making plans to move its bases to western KSA to decrease vulnerability.

Last week, Erdogan threatened to invade Sinjar to drive the PKK away from the region. Until Iranian-backed militias fired a rocket at Turkish forces and threatened to confront the Turkish army in case they move forward with their plans.

Erdogan may be a powerful actor, but Iran has the region by the balls and they know it.

Israel attacks at night to prevent Iranian casualties, while both sides have pretty much accepted a free-for-all situation in Syria in which the rules of the game are looser than elsewhere.

My point is that Israel is reacting to Iranian moves; not the other way around. Even if it occasionally manages to halt certain weapon deliveries, it won't be able to completely stop Iranian entrenchment and logistical supplies to the likes of Hezbollah. Iran has mastered operating smuggling routes to supply its proxies with the necessary equipment.

The US has been planning to attack Iran ever since the Bush administration. As the saying went in Washington at the time, when the US invaded Iraq:

“Boys go to Baghdad, but real men go to Tehran”

So your argument that no one really wants to confront Iran is absurd. Iran isn't being left alone because it doesn't pose a threat, because it clearly does, but because Iran has acquired all kinds of means and capabilities over the decades that would bring any actor with plans of a pre-emptive attack enormous costs.

Well then you'd have to agree that Iran got the message with the killing of Soleimani. Also, there was no attempt by the US to intercept those missiles nor destroy their launch sites before or after. In fact, that base was evacuated in advance with a skeleton crew remaining. The US was willing to take that hit. I imagined you sophisticated enough to see that.

Regarding Erdogan, then you'd have another proxy war in the region. Erdo and his Sunni mercenaries and Iran with it's Shia mercenaries. Have fun!

So then you admit that Israel has destroyed lots more than unmanned warehouses in the middle of the night. Also, these Israeli raids are not bothering the Russians at all. They just look the other way.

The US has drawn up contingency plans to attack lots of places. Even contingencies to contingencies. That saying you quoted is new to me, and I follow such things. Probably something said in Tehran coffee houses which you've confused with Washington DC. Because believe me, to my own consternation, DC is run by the Globalist swamp, and they'd love a decades long war like that. They'd make trillions. And the American middle class could pay for it with their taxes and the lives of their sons and daughters. You stated that us Westerners don't understand the ME. It's you who has no understanding of what's happening in the West, with the rise of Populism as the Globalist Oligarch's try to crush it. You seem like a smart guy, you should try to educate yourself on that.

I didn't say that no one wants to confront Iran. Many are confronting Iran in it's regional adventurism. I said no one wants to conquer Iran. That will be left up to the Iranian people to do and hopefully soon.
Look. I'm not trying to offend anyone over here, but you westerners are absolutely clueless when it comes the Middle East. The ideological and religious links between Hezbollah and Iran run so deep, that there is absolutely no doubt that all of its members would indeed be willing to die for Iran.

Lebanon's Shia community pretty much owns it existence to Iran.

Yes, I am certain that the Mullahs and IRGC are willing to fight anyone to the last drop of Lebanese blood, but Hezbollah was not very happy to lose so many fighters in Syria at the behest of Iran. I'm sure some people in the Bekka Valley are rethinking some things. Also, last year's Beirut port explosion didn't make any friends.
I guess if you want to find the message you want, you can through interpretation and extrapolation.

The Israeli said that Israel didn't have the capability to create Expeditionary Forces like the US and that Iran operates at a higher level of sophistication than ISIS. All that is true. That doesn't mean that Israel won't nuke Iran if it feels an existential threat, in the way that the corrupt Mullahs threaten to wipe Israel off the map the moment they get nuclear weapons.

No argument on the Saudis.

You are dreaming if you think the "US got the message" in that strike. I explained to you, it was a tit for tat and all parties agreed to leave it at that. Soleimani is dead, (at last), at the expense of several empty buildings. You need to read a bit less mind numbing propaganda.

Regarding Syria, things may spiral out of control there. Just a couple days ago, Erdogan threatened military action against those who fired missiles at the oil facilities. Was that Russia? Syria? Iran? We'll see.
Israel has destroyed quite a bit more than unmanned warehouses in Syria. There was that destroyed nuclear facility several years ago, where reportedly dozens of Iranian technicians were killed, for one. Many convoys loaded with missiles to Lebanon have also been destroyed.

No one, except maybe Israel as a last resort, is planning on attacking Iran. No one wants to conquer Iran. Most want a free Iran. Hopefully that will happen soon. The Iranian people deserve freedom from the corrupt regime which oppresses them.
But Turkey has already shot down Russian SU-24, it's pals in Syria shot down Russian helo, there's been state coordinated attacks on Russian airfields. Azerbaijan shot down helo, Israel didn't exactly shoot down a Russian AWACS.. they were in it's shadow.
I think threats are a little redundant when there's direct action many times already. It remains to be seen, who is engaged in brinkmanship, who will fold when the action escalates to monthly or weekly attacks. I think US has demonstrated it's prepared as it historically has been to up the ante. Turkey gets stuck in then quickly dials back. In some ways it may even suit Turkey the oil laundering operation was tagged.
Israel and Iran.... I can't hazard to guess their next actions. Something may happen in May though, is what the crystal ball tells me.
Yes Iran is big and has a lot of people, but there's a lot of countries in the region would happily bomb them all in their cities.
What Iran can do in terms of depth, once it shoots down all the airliners, what the people will do when they are under attack, what the mullahs do, what the disinformation campaigns can achieve, what the asymmetric response can achieve, it's not clear cut.
But Turkey has already shot down Russian SU-24, it's pals in Syria shot down Russian helo, there's been state coordinated attacks on Russian airfields. Azerbaijan shot down helo, Israel didn't exactly shoot down a Russian AWACS.. they were in it's shadow.
I think threats are a little redundant when there's direct action many times already. It remains to be seen, who is engaged in brinkmanship, who will fold when the action escalates to monthly or weekly attacks. I think US has demonstrated it's prepared as it historically has been to up the ante. Turkey gets stuck in then quickly dials back. In some ways it may even suit Turkey the oil laundering operation was tagged.
Israel and Iran.... I can't hazard to guess their next actions. Something may happen in May though, is what the crystal ball tells me.
Yes Iran is big and has a lot of people, but there's a lot of countries in the region would happily bomb them all in their cities.
What Iran can do in terms of depth, once it shoots down all the airliners, what the people will do when they are under attack, what the mullahs do, what the disinformation campaigns can achieve, what the asymmetric response can achieve, it's not clear cut.
I agree, way to many grudges, different capabilities, financial drivers.

Also militarily, its easy to keep BTR or whatever in use, to control your population, less easy when it gets blown up by a drone, you have to buy a new one - this summarizes how I see some of the countries involved, not wealthy, but big standing armies. Iran really no clue what will happen if the military take a kicking, trade cut off, electric power down, and sons being killed, by unseen enemies.

Also no know way to know what the weapon of the 2nd or 3rd day will be, will it be rocks, or .303 SMLE.
Well then you'd have to agree that Iran got the message with the killing of Soleimani. Also, there was no attempt by the US to intercept those missiles nor destroy their launch sites before or after. In fact, that base was evacuated in advance with a skeleton crew remaining. The US was willing to take that hit. I imagined you sophisticated enough to see that.

Which message would that be, because Iran hasn't given in on it's regional policy, nuclear program or any other terrain with which it disagrees with the US.

In addition, Iran has numerous times stated that the Ain al Asad attack was just the first part of it's revenge. It's likely that Iran is going to attempt to assassinate a similar ranked US officer in the future. The Pentagon has already upgraded the security detail of many of its generals.

Regarding Erdogan, then you'd have another proxy war in the region. Erdo and his Sunni mercenaries and Iran with it's Shia mercenaries. Have fun!

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. There is a huge war going on currently in the region that will set the future contours of the Middle East. And as the saying goes, one should strike while the iron is hot.

The US has drawn up contingency plans to attack lots of places. Even contingencies to contingencies. That saying you quoted is new to me, and I follow such things. Probably something said in Tehran coffee houses which you've confused with Washington DC. Because believe me, to my own consternation, DC is run by the Globalist swamp, and they'd love a decades long war like that. They'd make trillions. And the American middle class could pay for it with their taxes and the lives of their sons and daughters. You stated that us Westerners don't understand the ME. It's you who has no understanding of what's happening in the West, with the rise of Populism as the Globalist Oligarch's try to crush it. You seem like a smart guy, you should try to educate yourself on that.

What the Globalist swamp loves to do is to gang up on weak and vulnerable preys that do not have the means to inflict serious damage on the US. That explains the likes of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan on the list of US targets. Iran is a completely different beast, which explains why the US has swallowed so many humiliations by Iran.

Iran has been running circles around US foreign policy in the Middle East for decades now.

I didn't say that no one wants to confront Iran. Many are confronting Iran in it's regional adventurism. I said no one wants to conquer Iran. That will be left up to the Iranian people to do and hopefully soon.

Don't count on it.
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No, Iraqi Parliament voted for withdrawal of US troops more than a year ago. UNANIMOUSLY. Americans didnt get a single vote in their support. So one year after US is still there and it seams theyre not going to leave any time soon. Speaking about democracy...
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No, Iraqi Parliament voted for withdrawal of US troops more than a year ago. UNANIMOUSLY. Americans didnt get a single vote in their support. So one year after US is still there and it seams theyre not going to leave any time soon. Speaking about democracy...
English speakers please help me here.
How would you call a person which came for a visit and his host tactfully indicates to him that it is time to go home but he ignores the hints ?
We've offered food & medical humanitarian missions into Iran & they've turned them all down as spy missions. We see the poverty rate [40-60%] & raging childhood disease that could be fixed with simple nutrition & vaccinations. Children are dying from preventable causes, simple preventable causes & the leadership of Iran does nothing & this very reason is why more citizens will die rather than any bombing mission we could mount. While anyone that drops ordinance from an airplane for a living is always concerned with collateral killing of innocents I've heard Western diplomats mention maybe in this case we would be putting them out of their misery. That did not make me feel better as things in Iran ramp up but that's the world we've become. Maybe we should go back to the times when we confronted our enemies face to face with a sword & shield between you rather than lobbing missiles not knowing who they are killing.
Which message would that be, because Iran hasn't given in on it's regional policy, nuclear program or any other terrain with which it disagrees with the US.

In addition, Iran has numerous times stated that the Ain al Asad attack was just the first part of it's revenge. It's likely that Iran is going to attempt to assassinate a similar ranked US officer in the future. The Pentagon has already upgraded the security detail of many of its generals.

Well, that would be a HUGE escalation. Did I say HUGE? The Mullahs are evil, corrupt and greedy. But they are not stupid. I think they'd rather screw the Iranian people over for a while longer.
Well, that would be a HUGE escalation. Did I say HUGE? The Mullahs are evil, corrupt and greedy. But they are not stupid. I think they'd rather screw the Iranian people over for a while longer.
part of the problem of ruling by divine right, is that you think you have all the time in the world.

Those having such divine right, say the democracies dont make long term plans.

Of course they do, we just trust the following governments not to mess it all up. Its just different.

And one way has certainly triumphed in the last 100 years. And before anyone mentions the previous 3000 years, lets remember how many people now live on planet earth today, a lot more than lived through those 3000 years......
Well, that would be a HUGE escalation. Did I say HUGE? The Mullahs are evil, corrupt and greedy. But they are not stupid. I think they'd rather screw the Iranian people over for a while longer.

Huge escalation or not, such revenge will be attempted in the future.

Top U.S. officials were briefed on an active threat against Pentagon leaders, say five officials

WASHINGTON — U.S. military, intelligence and law enforcement officials were briefed late last month on a threat against the Pentagon's most senior leaders while they are on American soil, not just traveling overseas, according to five senior U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the matter.

Some officials said the briefings suggested the threat, which remains active, may be potential retaliation for the U.S. military's assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in January, although the information provided did not draw a definitive link.

The briefings have included information that suggests the targets of the threat are U.S. military leaders who were involved in the decision and operation to assassinate Soleimani, officials said. The briefings have also included information about a list, compiled by adversaries, of the names of military leaders who are to be targeted, according to two senior U.S. officials.

Notably, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been traveling in the Middle East and South Asia this week, but the trip was shrouded in even more secrecy than usual, suggesting a possible security concern. Reporters traveling with Esper were not allowed to report his visits to Bahrain or Israel until after he left each country, even though he spent two nights in Bahrain.

The briefings of FBI, CIA and military officials on the threat took place after an incident on the evening of Sept. 22 involving a senior leader at the Defense Department, officials said.

The Defense Department leader left the Pentagon that evening in a government-owned black SUV driven by a member of his security detail, when an unknown vehicle immediately began to follow them, officials said. The driver, identified as an Iranian national, was in a vehicle with Virginia license plates and trailed closely behind the official SUV for five to seven miles, at times driving aggressively, according to officials who described a report on the incident that was created by the Pentagon.

And one way has certainly triumphed in the last 100 years. And before anyone mentions the previous 3000 years, lets remember how many people now live on planet earth today, a lot more than lived through those 3000 years......

I don't think so. The world's population is bigger than ever before, but a lot more people lived in those 2900 years.

Article from 4 Feb. 2012
"There are currently seven billion people alive today and the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived. This means that we are nowhere near close to having more alive than dead. In fact, there are 15 dead people for every person living."

I don't think so. The world's population is bigger than ever before, but a lot more people lived in those 2900 years.

Article from 4 Feb. 2012
"There are currently seven billion people alive today and the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived. This means that we are nowhere near close to having more alive than dead. In fact, there are 15 dead people for every person living."

I hate it, when people bring facts to an argument........
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# Saudi Arabia announces the killing of Major General Ali Zafer al-Shehri, commander
King Abdullah Air Base, and there are many stories about
The circumstances of his death incident

The first novel confirms his death after he fell while practicing the hobby of mountain climbing, while sources in the family of Major General Al-Shehri denied this story, confirming that he died in a hospital # Jeddah

I wonder if this assassination has something to do with Iran?
Yes Iran is big and has a lot of people, but there's a lot of countries in the region would happily bomb them all in their cities.
What Iran can do in terms of depth, once it shoots down all the airliners, what the people will do when they are under attack, what the mullahs do, what the disinformation campaigns can achieve, what the asymmetric response can achieve, it's not clear cut.

Iran is not only big, but also a natural fortress.

Cracking pic, where’s that from?

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