Politics All Things Trump

No thoughts about whether we should all take his advice and inject ourselves with bleach?!
No thoughts about whether we should all take his advice and inject ourselves with bleach?!
But did he say that?

Image may contain: possible text that says 'asked the medical staff if heat, light or disin disinfect 'injections' can treat COVID-19 1 want every American to drink Clorox and inject Lysol into their lungs. IN WORD PROCESSOR'
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I saw the footage and whatever he said or wanted to say was out of his area of competence. It is one thing asking the doctors and scientists to come with new ideas, it is another to venture into detail. He has his comptence: let him manage, take the decisions, even hard ones, but i don´t think it is helpful in any way that he ventures into technicalities.

I don´t think he´s the best person to discuss a concrete treatment of a virus, nor to suggest improvements in airplane engine design, or efficieny of atom fission in nuclear power plants.
So, we've had the Trump Russia-Gate, the Trump Ukraine-Gate and now is the time for our next installment: the Trump China-Gate.

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large doses of Vitamin C will break down to hydrogen peroxide in the body.... a disinfectant.
In huge doses i.e. injections - can be useful against cancer as the tumour cells don't handle the excess Hydrogen peroxide as well as "healthy cells"
Here's one that can be safely taken internally. We actually ran ethanol drips as part of a general anesthetic back in the early 80's. Educational purposes only, it's a terrible anesthetic drug for many reasons.

I saw the footage and whatever he said or wanted to say was out of his area of competence. It is one thing asking the doctors and scientists to come with new ideas, it is another to venture into detail. He has his comptence: let him manage, take the decisions, even hard ones, but i don´t think it is helpful in any way that he ventures into technicalities.

I don´t think he´s the best person to discuss a concrete treatment of a virus, nor to suggest improvements in airplane engine design, or efficieny of atom fission in nuclear power plants.
Yeah. He needs to keep quiet on medical issues. Not only because that's not his area of expertise, because whatever he says is treated in a far, far different manner than if a Democrat says it. Trump was shredded for calling Corona a "Chinese virus" ffs.

Pavlich: The Trump, Cuomo double standard

So, we've had the Trump Russia-Gate, the Trump Ukraine-Gate and now is the time for our next installment: the Trump China-Gate.

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Right! According to the Democrats and their indistinguishable allies in the press, the Orange Hitler is really a Russian agent! He's actually for real not even a legitimate President (stole the election dont'cha know!). He keeps murdering austere Islamic scholars in Iraq and elsewhere, and he secretly released Covid-19 in China. And, ALARM!! will delay the November election so he can be our King with his secret White Nationalist Army....That Trump, what an idiot! The truly bizarre, however, is the actual platform of the Democrat Party and the demented retard they've chosen as their nominee....

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So, we've had the Trump Russia-Gate, the Trump Ukraine-Gate and now is the time for our next installment: the Trump China-Gate.

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I can't sit through and listen to him rabbit on like a barking dog ,

. God knows where he has been over the last few weeks .. because on FB I've seen nothing endless tin foil articles video's shared by people blaming Bill Gates because of some segment taken from a ted talk he did back in 2015 .. some are even sharing petition for his arrest . If it's not that it's Stuff being said by David Icke ..
Meanwhile, 'influencer' Cristina Cuomo (Chris Cuomo's wife) recommends bleach baths. So the answer has been right in front of us the whole time! Bleach!! The difference is that Trump asked a hypothetical and deferred to MDs, Cristina actually advocated doing it.

Trump's quote:
'And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that,' Trump said.

'So that you're going to have to use medical doctors. But it sounds interesting to me,' he said.

It came after Bryan delivered a report claiming that ultraviolet rays and heat have a potent impact on the pathogen.

The 'study' - which was not peer-reviewed and therefore is not a fully-fledged piece of research - also uncovered that bleach can destroy the virus when isolated from saliva within five minutes, while isopropyl alcohol took just a minute to kill it.

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Told you. Alcohol vapor man with smoking. People will be like thankfully I was infected. ( some sarcasm included )
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"Travel ban is bad! We must ban Trump from doing travel bans!"

"Trump didn't ban hard enough! He should have banned US citizen abroad from coming back!"

"Travel ban is bad! We must ban Trump from doing travel bans!"

"Trump didn't ban hard enough! He should have banned US citizen abroad from coming back!"
Says the woman who introduced legislation to stop Trump's travel ban.....Sweet Jesus...

House Republican leaders are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to pull a bill that would rescind President Trump’s controversial travel ban, arguing it could hinder the administration’s ability to limit the number of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that have faced widespread outbreaks of coronavirus.
Says the woman who introduced legislation to stop Trump's travel ban.....Sweet Jesus...

House Republican leaders are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to pull a bill that would rescind President Trump’s controversial travel ban, arguing it could hinder the administration’s ability to limit the number of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that have faced widespread outbreaks of coronavirus.
I am convinced that Pelosi and her gang would love to see the destruction of the United States, if it meant more money and political power for them
I am convinced that Pelosi and her gang would love to see the destruction of the United States, if it meant more money and political power for them
Unquestionably. Many of them view the United States, as founded, to be so fatally flawed it needs to be torn down and redone from the ground up - in their model, using their ideas and their rules. The Founders were racist slaveholders, the Constitution reflects that and there can be no justice for those Americans so oppressed over the years by the system of government they fashioned that it must be destroyed.

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