Britain will buy 100 additional Boxer armoured personnel carriers to ensure more vehicles reach front-line units faster, bringing orders up to 623 vehicles. The first 117 Boxers will arrive from Germany from 2023 onwards, with local production scheduled to pick up pace in the meantime. (
By the way, am I wrong to read something of a diplomatic overture into this official press release? I mean, it's full of praise for Germany whilst studiously avoiding the fact the Boxer in its current form is a product of Germany and the Netherlands.
Though that distinction is about to become a bit more blurred, or so it would seem. Addressing an audience of politicians, journalists and defence industry managers, the chief of the German Army, Lt. Gen. Alfons Mais, has elaborated in a speech that both countries work to
integrate the entirety of the Royal Netherlands Army into the German Army, with each German division absorbing a Dutch brigade. This new bi-national land force will be under operational command by 1st Dutch-German Corps, commanded alternatingly by a Dutchman or a German. (
At the same occasion, Mais also announced that the
German Army would rebuild a short-range air defence capacity integrated as an organic asset into 9 artillery battalions. It's my understanding the responsibility for ground-based air defence will be shared between the Army and the Air Force, the latter being responsible for medium to high altitudes. The Air Force will receive a mix of IRIS-T SLS and SLM in addition to Patriot and Stinger, with Arrow 3 being sought as well; the Army, on the other hand, wants a replacement for the
Roland and
Gepard systems. (
Last but not least, Germany's military has been given the go-ahead for an
accelerated personal equipment modernisation scheme to address complaints by the rank and file about unwieldy body armour vests and outdated personal gear. Orders have been placed to equip up to 305,000 troops with new body armour, helmets and items like over-ear headsets or backpacks. This is also noteworthy insofar as parliament, citing the threat of Russian aggression, allowed the military to sidestep the Diet's budget authority, virtually writing out a blank cheque. (