Photos Conquered Europe or Wehrmacht - foreign tourists

BCNTM-Thank you so much for your help.
Friends, this photo with the fountain is no longer a mystery! The photograph gave up its secrets and told the story of what is depicted on it.

The picture shows the Hotel Kaiserbad in the center of the German city of Aachen, where the famous thermal baths were located. On April 1, 1944, the Kaiserbad was hit by an aerial bomb that destroyed the southern flank of the building. But since it was still habitable, the bathing business continued.
In 1959, the Kaiserbad was demolished.The Bakhkov Fountain is depicted in the center of the picture.The fountain depicted a boy drawing water from a pitcher in a rock.Bahkov (a mythical creature from the sagas and legends of Aachen)he was hiding on a rock, from whose mouth water was also flowing.With a scared expression on his face, the boy protectively stretched out his left hand and turned to run.The fountain was no less popular with residents and visitors of the city than the hotel itself with its luxurious bathroom known as the Fürstenbad (Princely Bath)
The metal figures of the fountain of Tanks (boy, jug, banks) and the railing were melted down in 1942 during the Second World War as part of a metal donation, only the stone base remained in place.
Thus, the objects depicted in the photo are forever lost.
To date, a complex of Kaiserbad buildings has been erected on this site, not even remotely resembling what it was before, not to mention the fountain with the mythical creature Bakhkov.
That's such a sad story.


  • Kaiserbad_englisch_1910.webp
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  • Bahkauv_(Bearbeitung)_(2).webp
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  • Buchkremerstrae_6.webp
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  • Bahkauv,_eine_Brunnrnkreatur_in_Aachen.webp
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Who knows which cathedral these soldiers are standing at, where this cathedral is located and what it is called? It seems to me that it will not be easy to determine, although who knows, there are characteristic signs.
Friends, I am glad to greet you. Peace and goodness to all.Please help with this photo.
The area is known, this is Düsseldorf. Who knows what kind of cathedral this is, does it exist now?


  • DSC08098.webp
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